ActionScript 2.0 :: Search From Access Database File In Flash?

May 30, 2004

I am working on one CD presentation for chamber of commerce I have to make a search engine in this CD presentation. they have 8,000 company name address email website address and product details in Access data base can i make a search in flash MX or is there any possibility to search from XLS file

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Search From Access Data Base File In Flash

May 30, 2004

I am working on one CD presentation for chamber of commerce I have to make a search engine in this CD presentation. they have 8,000 company name address email website address and product details in Access data base can i make a search in flash MX or is there any possibility to search from XLS file


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Flash :: App With A Search Function Through A MySql Database (using Php)?

May 15, 2011

I need some help with a flash app im currenctly programming. I have a management flash app that does some operations in a MySql databases. I have had some problems, but for the most part, I have been able to press on. I'm a flash AS3 newb, so bear that in mind.

My actual problem is that I need to do a "Search" module, and I need it to print several results at once. I am although unsure how to get the results on flash. what I have been doing now is calling a php script that, after doing its operation, does something like (for example):


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Flash :: Access Local Access Database From It (or AIR)?

Nov 13, 2009

Is it possible for Flash or possibly Adobe AIR to have access to a local Access database?

I will have either a Flash EXE or AIR application running on a local PC (WinXP). The PC will also have a local Access database. I need my Flash application to get the data from this Access database. How would I do this?

I doubt it can be done with Flash or AIR alone (someone prove me wrong or right), but is there an option for some middle-man application to access the data base and send it on to Flash? How would this work?

Or could I read the MDB file into Flash and parse it myself? is there a library for this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Search In A Mysql Database?

Aug 25, 2004

I have made the following script to search in a Mysql database. The script works fine the first time you search. Second time if you try to search for some thing else the old search result keep appearing. Is there some way that i can clear the search result when ever i initiate in a new search?

This is my script:

this.createEmptyMovieClip("myForm_europe", 0);
myForm_europe.newSearch = 1;
myForm_europe.searchType = 0;
myForm_europe.searchArea = 0;


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Sep 6, 2010

I am trying to create a search field in AS3 to search keywords in a dynamic text field of the same flash movie, where the text is loaded from an XML file.

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Flash CS4 And Database Use (MySQL, ACCESS, Etc.)?

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Flash :: Store And Access Symbols In A Database?

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just like facebook game, I see that even I am playing facebook social game, it still have some downloading when I click on an item for the first time, or just by doing something new. Is that people can divide flash into many parts and connect them when they need?

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Sep 20, 2011

[URL] I got partial success with the tutorial above, but couldn't figure out a few things.

1) How to save the date and time to the database? Based on web search result on how to find date or time in APS, I thought I could do


but the ASP generated errors on the 2 lines.

2) When executing the file (getURL("",0,"post");
}), it always opens the processForm.asp file in a new window. Can it be executed in the same window or just being hidden?

The tutorial is old, and I wonder if there are new ways to do the things with CS4 or CS5?

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Feb 22, 2011

I have a dropdown box that is used to select a Category. I need the Flash Application to send the value of Category plus the search string in my textbox to my Access query and return results for each product meeting selection criteria. The Flash Application is calling an ASP.NET web service which in turn queries an MS Access database.

To start, how do I define the category ID and search value in my Actionscript 3 code?I've placed a series of 12 or so objects that will be populated with the product description, title and price. How do I setup each field to be dynamic text associated with the title description and price from my query results? If there are more than 12 products returned by the query, how do I add an additional page of objects to house more than 12 query results?

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Sql :: Use A Flash.swf File With Database?

Jul 25, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Search Box In Access?

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*not access, actionscript**

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Jun 17, 2010

I'm trying to figure out the best way to create a search box that searches an XML document and returns the results. So far I know how to do a search that returns exact matches but I want to make it so if someone typed in say "Manager" it would return results that Also had "Sales Manager" or "Account Manager".

Currently I have

PHP Code:

var  authorList:XMLList  =  xmlData.job.(title  == citySearch.text); 

Which only works with exact results. What is the best way to get around this? Do I just need to bring in everything from the XML file and then compare it using .search()?

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// It was negated because


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Access A Database And Send It To Php?

Oct 6, 2009

I am trying to figure out how to access a database and send it to php

I thought first i should hard code it this is the php file i am using[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Database Without Installation

Feb 3, 2010

I'm doing an application adobe air with Flash CS4, in as3 , I'm really don't need a database, but a small file database it gives me some adventages, just I need a little file, with 2 o 3 tables for a few data, no much that 50 I think. I look for some kind of database that don't need instalation(important), if with a dll, or something similar (it's only for windows). I google for the last 4 hours but only I find mysql, and I don't want any kind of motor working. MS Access, it would be ok, but I haven't found information.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Database Without Instalation?

Feb 3, 2010

I'm doing an application adobe air with Flash CS4, in as3 , I'm really don't need a database, but a small file database it gives me some adventages, just I need a little file, with 2 o 3 tables for a few data, no much that 50 I think.
I look for some kind of database that don't need instalation(important), if with a dll, or something similar (it's only for windows). I google for the last 4 hours but only I find mysql, and I don't want any kind of motor working. MS Access, it would be ok, but I haven't found information.

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