Im using flash cs3, Im trying to use two scrollbars in one screen , its made by an actionscript2 I grabbed from the net. I had duplicated the instances and gave them unique names, I've change the names in the script as appropriate but still the dragger one pane scroll the other..
scroll pane loads scroll bars for the movie clip as soon as it loads the movie clip, so there is no scroll bars the movies height and width are one, but after its loaded it changes its size to bigger than the scroll pane, but the scroll bars dont show up because of the size of the movie clip when it was first loaded, can anyone help?
I am building a photo gallery and I am loading the thumbnails from an XML file into a scroll pane dynamically. As the scroll pane fills up, it gets wider to accomodate the thumbnailsThere is one row, and eventually, I want to have the user be able to mouse left or right and have the scroll pane scroll, versus clicking on the bar or the left/right arrows. However, in order to accomplish this, I need the scroll bars to disappear!
I have a scroll pane component that I dynamically add movie clip objects too (Which are actually pictures).However when I dynamically add the movie clip objects to the scroll pane the scroll bars don't appear.I have both scroll bars set to auto and I even tried adding in an event listener to update the scroll pane...
Here is my code
public function Main() { scrollPane.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,updateScrollPane); }
Like I said the scroll bars don't get updated and in fact the event for the scroll pane, IE updateScrollPane() never actually gets called!!!
I've manually customized the look and feel of the scroll bars for scroll pane component and it works fine. I've two different files that have different visual styles for scroll bars. Now I want to merge these two files. I can resolve the naming conflicts but both of the them are using same asset names and action scripts (I think in the class definition).
So basically my question if how can I have two different scroll bars implemented in one file?
Is there any reason why a scrollbar would not show up in a popup window? THe popup window is a dreamweaver document.URL...If you click on the "Interior" button, and then click on any of the balusters a popup window will appear with 4 images. This popup window has no scrollbar?? It should, and I didn't do anything to tell it to "not show a scrollbar".The scrollbar shows up on my Mac, but does not show up on my friends Mac, nor does it show up on my PC?Also, I have been doing a few tests on this page on the first few balusters (trying to get around the scrollbar issue), so maybe pick the 5th baluster, rather than the first one? Or pick one of the last balusters.
I have a file uploader that uses a file reference list (FRL) to upload files. However what I want to do is use the FRL to display all the images/files that were selected and then display them in either a list, or photo gallery. I would lean more towards the photo gallery approach but I don't know how to dynamically lay out the thumbnails properly. What's the best way to display the thumbnails in rows 3 pictures wide and then skip down a line etc.
Now ofcourse I don't know how many files will be selected so my next question would be can I draw the thumbnail gallery in a seperate container (or frame sort of like in VB) and then have that container have it's own scroll bars? In most other programming languages I would have no problem doing this but I am a bit new to flash and I am a bit stumped.
I am using full screen flash to make my flash movie fill the browser window. I also, need for it to have a scroll bar, as it's 1400 pixels vertical. For normal full screen flash, you set the height and width to 100 percent. But because I needed a scroll bar, I changed the height to "1400" pixels instead. This created the scroll bar I needed, but it only works in Internet Explorer, and not firefox or safari. How I could ensure that I have a scrollbar on all browsers?
why a scroll bar would not function on any mac platform... tested in FireFox and Safari, and the scroll bars either do not work, function improperly, or work but you have to move the mouse all the way to the bottom of the page to scroll a few lines. Also, the mouse wheel never works when trying to scroll the text box.
I've been using the normal scroll bar component from flash and now I need to change the colour from white to liked purple using a style sheet or setting? I've looked around on the Internet but can't seem to find much.
1. Remove the menu buttons I don't need... How can I do this?
2. If you view it in your browser, you'll notice after trying to scroll through some of the content that the scrollbars in the flash are a little messed up.. it's not easy to notice but bothers me..
3. How can I take the Website By Joey Khan (at the bottom) and make it either highlight or glow or popout or something so that it's obvious that you can interact with it when you rollover it?
4. On the contact page, the red confirmation/error text that appears under the form when you make an error or send the message, it does not com through correctly, I'm not sure what's wrong their.
I'm assuming if you use the flash MX pre-made scroll bars you can't switch the colors of them. So does anyone know how I would make a nice colored scroll bar?
I'm currently learning Flex, and am having the hardest time getting scroll bars to work. In short, I'm making a giant form for users to fill out, contained within a viewstack component. The user will type up information in one view, and it will be displayed in the other. But right now in the first canvas I have components that run off the screen and flex doesn't automatically add a scroll bar, so I added 'verticalScrollPolicy="on"' to my canvas. Now, while it gives me a scroll bar, it gives me an empty scroll bar. I still cannot move it up or down, meaning components are still trapped off the bottom of my screen. Am I missing something simpleEdit - I'm using Adobe Flex Builder 3, and the components it lets you drag in. This is a picture of the problem, and i guess relavent code would be.
I'm not too sure what category this comes into, it may end up being an html/css issue not flash!I'm looking to create a flash website embedded into html. I want my flash stage height to adjust to the browser height but if the loaded flash content (images and text) height is greater then the current browser height i want the html scroll bars to appear. Each page in the website will have different heights
In the attached file you can see 2 .Fla files a CS5 and CS4, they are the same! I have a main global scrollbar which compares to the other scrollbars that are loaded from the countries drop down menu on the top left..(you can see it clearly) Scrollbars work fine...however... i do need the user to be able to scroll simultaneously the scroll bars either with a button somewhere on stage or with another main bar..
I'm having an issue with scroll bars. I used the scroll bar component in flash and have scroll bars set up for my text fields. I have all the target names correctly. It plays perfectly when I test it in flash, the scroll bars show up with the text. No errors. I uploaded it to my server to test it and the text shows up but I can't scroll it, the bar shows up but the slider inside doesn't. I don't get any error messages from my browser either.
If I've got a Container with a child component that is off either the top or the left hand side:
Is there any way to get scroll bars to show up? ie, so I can scroll up and get the button back in view, the same way I could if the button was off the bottom right side?
open a new window (URL Request) without address or scroll bars? I want to have a text link in a flash scene like "Click Here" that opens a new blank window (600 x 400) with a new URL without displaying any address or scroll bars.
I'm pulling data from a database and loading it into a dynamic text field with a scroll bar component. I wanted to know if there is a way to hide the scroll bar UNTIL the text gets long enough to scroll.
do I have to necessarily have a application container as the root node in my mxml file?econd, I was reading this document on adobe's website and it says that the spark application container has no scroll bars by default and they can be added by using a custom skin. (Look at the table comparing the mx and spark application containers). But my problem is that my application container already has scroll bars by default and I want to get rid of them. I have a main application container with a custom child component that already has scroll bars. I just want the child to have the scroll bars and not the main application
I have to necessarily have a application container as the root node in my mxml file? Second, I was reading this document on adobe's website and it says that the spark application container has no scroll bars by default and they can be added by using a custom skin. (Look at the table comparing the mx and spark application containers). But my problem is that my application container already has scroll bars by default and I want to get rid of them. I have a main application container with a custom child component that already has scroll bars. I just want the child to have the scroll bars and not the main application. Right now I get 2 scroll bars nested within each other.
Can anyone point me in the right direction of any tutorials that th creating a body of text that is from XML, that is scrollable (scroll bars and arrows), and will alllow for HTML links in the text?
I have a ScrollPane and I want to get and set the scroll bars position (pixel position). For example, if the user changes the scroll bars position and then refreshes the page, we need to take the user at the same point where he was before refresh. For this I need to get the respective scroll bars positions before refresh and then set it to the saved position after load. I have got the positions by hPostion and vPosition but now when I try to save the values back to the same properties after refresh it doent work.
I have a graphic that I want to scroll from right to left across the screen. I want the graphic to loop, not when finished, but when the right edge of the graphic hits the right edge of the screen.
I've been trying to figure this out myself for 2 weeks and just can't get it. I have done this the non-actionscript way by making each movieclip move across stage with motion tweening, but I know it would be much more efficient and easier to modify if it was all actionscript.(To see example, look at bottom of my company's Web pagehave cobbled some code and think I know how to create the MCs and animate them across the screen: (note eventually this will include 50 logos, but to figure this out I'm starting with just three--logo1, logo2, logo3)
I have a client that wants a list a products to scroll across the top of the screen on his website.I am sure there is a way to do that in Flash but the extent of my experience is fade-out slideshows.Can anyone direct me to a great tutorial for scrolling text.
I am trying to make the screen scroll like the helicopter game, using action script or any other way can anyone guide me to a tutorial or any other have to find out how to do this?