ActionScript 2.0 :: Write Data To A Database (txt Or MS Excel) From Flash?
Feb 6, 2004I want to write datas to a database (txt or MS Excel) from a flash file that can be stored in my hard disk.
View 14 RepliesI want to write datas to a database (txt or MS Excel) from a flash file that can be stored in my hard disk.
View 14 RepliesIs it possible to use flash to read and write data on an excel/google documents file?
View 1 RepliesI have a Flex application with a couple of DataGrids with data. I'd like to save the data to a file so that the user can keep working with them in Excel, OpenOffice or Numbers.
I'm currently writing a csv file straight off, which opens well in OpenOffice or Numbers, but not in Excel. The problem is with the Swedish characters, which turn up as other characters when opening in Excel. Converting (in Notepad++) the csv-file to ANSI encoding makes the show up correctly in Excel.
Is there any way to write ANSI-encoded files straight from Flex?
Any other options for writing a file that can be opened in Excel and OpenOffice?
I would like to create a database and read/write data via actionscript3. I'm an absolute beginner in this field, where do I have to start?
View 9 RepliesI would like to create a database and read/write data via actionscript3. I'm an absolute beginner in this field, where do I have to start?
View 4 RepliesThe problems im encountering seem like they have a simple answer, but i cant find it. The program has people generate 6 numbers that i need to record in a file so i can analyze them later in a stats program. Here is the code for the write to file portion. Some of the code may be redundant, not needed, or just plain wrong, as I kept changing things based on the error messages i got.
problem 1 is that when i click the check syntax button it says no errors, but 2 pop up in the compiler error box. The first is a 1084 saying it is expecting a right parenthese before the colon,the second is a 1078 (label must be a simple identifier).To see if it would work I removed the identifiers and the colons, and I get problem number 2. 3 errors pop up now. First,it says the resolve is a call to a possibly undefined method through static type. Second, it says iso is undefined (im assuming this is becuase it doesnt have the String identifier).Third, it says in the writeMultiByte method there is a coersion of Number types with String types(im assuming this is also becuase it is missing the identifier)i was also wondering what capabilities AIR has to write to Excel.I can go all the stats on the numbers in Excel,and if i can put the data directly in it would cut out a step,I just havent been able to find anything saying what AIR can and cant do regarding excel.
I am trying to develop an application which can be used locally by my team mates. its a sort of issue tracking application with report generation. am planning to do it on flex. in my company environment, i do have a lots of restrictions like, can't install AIR, no database, etc.
so am planning to develop on flex app, and put it in a shared drive. now the main problem is how can i store data. i have an idea like using excel files as database. I want opinion about this option, as well as, if anyone has tried reading and writing excel files from Flex application I want the suggestions also.
how to get Excel data into flash?
View 1 RepliesI have pretty good basic "action script" skills for developing flash files and movies, but I don't know how to do dynamic things with asp, aspx, etc. I have a local application that runs form my computer and is not connected to the internet. The application keeps track of button clicks on each buttton as separate variables. Here is my question ... each time the flash movie runs and buttons are clicked, I want to record the clicks on each button (which exist in the application at runtime) and save them to something like an excel spreadsheeet or access database. Any easy way to do this without getting into server-side stuff?
View 3 RepliesMy friend and I were looking into trying to have flash (cs3 or 4 probably) communicate somehow with Excel*, I know this is a general question, but is that in any way possible?
View 3 RepliesHalf way through;user saves the answers to a CSV file to a location.then continue the test and save the 2nd part to the same location (different file name). The next person completes the same test, and theoretically saves in the same location OVERWRITING the file. HOW IT SHOULD WORK when they overwrite the file, it SHOULD add it to the next ROW in the excel (csv)document, not overwriting the WHOLE file. In the end, you would (in theory) have a number of rows in one excel document, each row, a different user who completed the test The issue is: on the MAC computer, this works (im not sure if it's because the previous developer developed it on a MAC) however when I play it or move it to windows computer; It overwrites the whole CSV file, and doesn't add it in the rows.Here is the main code (half way through) for the first save:
qNum.text="Q 11-13";
In an application we have an excel file of large amount of data whose every row we want as an array of data for impoting into flash application.Here i give a small description what we want to do:
*****Excel Sheet
HallNo ComName Stall
1 ABC 12
I'm working on this flash game right now and I need to implement a simple players database...
It needs to be both read and writable . Meaning, when the player register to save his character information , he needs to key in his email and a password and create an account. The account shall store that player's life amount, ammunition etc . All the infos are stored on an external file and retrieved again when the player logins to the game with the email as his login ID. Security issues are not the biggest concern here because its not exactly meant to be an online game and I don't think hacking would be something I need to worry about ^^'''
I've tried Xml with AS, but I realised that, that alone canot allow me to write the player's info into the xml file.
I'm not exactly an mySQL idiot...but I really have very(x2) rusty and limited knowledge of it. All the server topics confuses me and I've had no experience with Microsoft Access.
Is it possible to read/write data to and from Access with Flash in a offline format? I need to create a stand alone system that users can log into and pull information from - but it will not be networked or have any sort of internet connection.
View 2 RepliesCan anyone help me with getting a message that is said in flash (like a game) go to a mysql database?
View 2 RepliesI want a user to press an excel button and get prompted to download an excel file. I normally do it like this:
var dest:String = excelEndpoint;
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
request.url = dest; request,'Locates.xls' );
fr.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, handleStatus);
fr.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, handleErr);
store data to excel
View 7 RepliesWe are working on a 3rd party application build on Adobe Flash technology to render business dashboards.This application does'nt offer us to generate the whole code rather it's just a drag n drop of charts, text boxes etc components, and then mapping of data. After all of customizing, the application itself generates an SWF file finally.
What our requirement is we need to make our dashboard(a falsh file) to write a chunk of data, eneterd by user, back into our database by a user action, like a button click. (Access, MySQL, Oracle or any). Now our application offers the FSCOMMAND function call wherein we can enter the command name and args.
Now we need to use this FSCOMMAND function to write back to databases because we believe this is the only option with us within our app. What is the command to write back to a database, and then the arguments. Also, do we need to write any JAVA/VB script for that. Please be informed that our application itself generates the whole SWF file code..all HTML coding. {e.g as we include queryparam, "mapped data", using FSCOMMAND, i can see the whole code generated by the app, the HTML code, wherein I could see embedded Java Script with DO_FScommand statament carrying this queryparam command and args..etc.}
Kindly show us the way to acheive this crucial requirement of ours. We are looking for very elaborative answers as we have less expertise with scripts.
I want to create a form (flash or java/ajax) that allows selection data to be pulled from an xml file.
A ring builder application - the user selects the ring setting in one dropdown and then they select a diamond in another drop down. But the prices of the diamonds changes every day based upon the market, so we would need to easily update that data - hence an xml or excel file.
It would be even better if the data could be linked - such as selecting a princess cut diamond, then the settings that are only compatible with princess cut show up, and then after selecting a setting, only diamonds that are the right size for the setting show.
I have a flex-application deployed on tomcat with blazeds. User constantly selects ranges excel-document. Now, a user enters a cell addresses in text fields (for example, C1: C20). But it is very inconvenient! How to display excel-data as a table in my application? I think, I can parse excel-document using Apach POI and transmit these data to the Flex-application. But there are other ways?
View 2 Repliesi'm trying to perform simple automated test on my Adobe Air Application. I decide to store some test data in external MS Excel file to decrease hardcode quantity. But I discovered, that this is not a trivial task, when you're working with Adobe Air.
Actually, i need to correct initialize an excelApp object, the rest part of logger is already implemented. I tried the following approach, but I can't find a package with ActiveXObject class defined.
excelApp = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");
Is there anyway to export JSON data to CSV/Excel without any interaction with the server side? Using Javascript only? or Flash? I'm currently using ZeroClipboard to copy the value into the clipboard but I'd like to open directly the generated value into Excel from the browser (FF, Chrome, IE, etc...).
View 1 Replieshow to send data from a flash to a database and how the receive it aswell. Im presuming you pass the data from the flash to a php file to the database when sending and call the data using a php file to the database aswell. What im trying to do is just have a button that will increment a number in a database by 1 and then display that information on a different Frame within the flash later.
Basically what i want to do if have a button pressed to increment a number in a database.
I am reading one tutorial :- But I can't understand what is "Gateway.php" and all such things. I am a beginner in Flash.
View 2 RepliesI have to fetch data from database into the flash..
View 1 RepliesI need to create a database using Flash which gets the data such as "name , last name..." from the user and stores it in a database.
View 1 RepliesI am creating e-learning material that will be accessedonline by students. Is there anyway that Flash can write to adatabase to tell us how long the student was logged in for and how
long there were on a page?
I have made a .swf file that scrolls boxes- these boxes willin the end contain products contained in a ASP database. Here isthe problem, I don't know how to get the Flash movie I have made toSince I don't know flash that well, I have made transparentbuttons to go over the scrolling boxes to open a URL with theaction scripting -----on (release) {getURL("http://www.myurl"); } This works finebut I would like the content in the scrolling boxes to changedepending upon items in an ASP database. In the database, there isan area to specify "featured" items, which are dynamically put onthe site in specified areas where tags(anchors) for the "featured"items are placed. What I think I should do is code the tag(anchor) for the"featured" item into my flash movie but I don't know how to dothis.
View 1 RepliesI am trying to create a 'Password' database with flash to push both to and from an external database, the only problem is that I do not want to have to run IIS or Apache or any other web server. Is there any way to read a non localhost/web based type database within flash? If so can someone point me to a tutorial or
at least in the right direction?
First of all I am using Flash MX 2004 and have Office 2003.
I am trying to use my flash form to insert data into a ms access database but it is not going too well.
I have 4 input fields on the flash form and a submit button, ActionScript on the Submit button is as follows.[code]...