ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Text Changes Colour Randomly?

Apr 11, 2011

ive taken an old menu with videos etc written in as2.0 and converted it to 3.0 and recoded the entire thing. And it was a mess..After 3 weeks of work its finally ready, but then a new bug appears:All the text is white, then i hover over my buttons and they get white and bold.Once i remove my mouse it goes back to its original state, but changes colour to yellow. This applies to all the buttons and static text in the scenes or frames i change to with the buttons.

There is no code that changes any properties of the buttons or text anywhere in my file so my question is simply this:Could there be any major difference between flash player 7 and 9 that could be causing this?

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Load Streaming mp3 behavior
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public function boxclick(event:MouseEvent):void {
var _box:Box=event.currentTarget as Box;
logtxt.appendText(" You collected the box");


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loadText.onLoad = function() {
tester.text = this.quotes;

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var textField = new TextField();
textField.x = 150;


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Sep 7, 2011

should be simple anyway . I'm using flash CS5 but have continued using AS2 because that is what I know how to use. Im trying to change the colour of a Dynamic text field in which the string is constantly changing. I am trying to use the code:

_root.textField1.textColor = 0xFF0000;to get change it from white to red, but it does not work. I am thinking it is maybe because in CS5 you have to embed fonts (I dont know how to do this!). If this is the case is there an easy way to embed a whole font with all colours etc?

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Feb 22, 2011

I've got a background behind the text that changes colour once the mouse is rolled over. However I'm trying to get the text to change colour at the same time. The text box is slightly smaller than the background box for the time being. When I put my most over the box it changes colou rto red as expected. However, when I roll my mouse over the text box, it turns completely white. This again is expected, but not what I want. This is happening because the text is turning white as its supposed to, and the background is as well when the mouse is taken off. The about text is a button, and its default rollover state is making the background turn white as it rolls over the text layer. Is there some way prioritize the background? What needs to be changed in the code? Also the drop shadow turns off when I put my mouse over them the first time and I m not quite sure why...Here's my AS code:

import fl.transitions.Tween;import fl.transitions.easing.*;about_bg.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, manageMouseOver); about_bg.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, manageMouseOut);[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Text Colour Change?

Jan 12, 2009

Using this code I am filling a dynamic text box with numbers 1-number defined by xml:

var pageNum:String;
txt.text = "";
for (var i:int=1; i < myXML.*.length()+1; i++) {
pageNum = String(i);
txt.appendText(pageNum+" ");

What I would like to do is be able to change the colour of one number. If the dynamic text box has the numbers 1-5 in it I would, for example, like to change the colour of the number 2. Have it set to blue but the rest to white. How would I do this without changing the colour of the entire text field?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing The Colour Of Text Inside A MC?

Sep 16, 2009

I am having trouble changing the text I've created inside a movieClip.Wha I do below is place a movieCLip from the library onto the stageI add an eventListenerThen I create a text field inside the movieClip and add some text from an arrayThen, when the user clicks the button I want to change the text colour but it keeps giving me an TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties. (Where I commented the code with // ########)I can adjust the movieClip's position but I don't seem to be able to access anything inside it.

var createButtonArray:Array=new Array("BUT1","BUT2");
var len:Number=createButtonArray.length;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fade In And Out A Text Colour Change?

Aug 21, 2010

I have a Text MovieClip and am changing the text colour when the mouse rolls over the movieclip.This is good but I would like to be able to fade in and out the text colour change.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change The Text Colour In The If Statement?

Jul 6, 2011

I was wondering if there was a way to change the text colour in the if statement.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Change Text Colour In Flash 4

Feb 11, 2003

I'm trying to work out how to change text colour in Flash 4, but nothing I've tried will do it.What I have is some text that the user edits, then a button for the colour. When they hit the button, the text changes colour.I've tried changing the alpha levels and visibility levels of the text boxes, putting masks over the boxes that move into place when the right button is pressed, and a bunch of different approaches.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Text Colour OnRollover?

May 24, 2005

I have created a option with a sub menu. What i want to do is that when you rollover one of the sub options, it fades to another colour and then when you rollout it fades back?

+ if ya can't then have a look a the .fla it maybe useful to some of ya.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Random Text Colour Change?

May 15, 2003

i've a movie clip (e.g. scroll_text) which is consist of 5 words (each word is an individual movie clip). an instance of 'scroll_text' movie clip placed in the main timeline with the following script:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x -= 30;
if (_x<=-2247) {


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Sep 25, 2007

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