ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't AddChild To Null Object Type?

Feb 10, 2009

I'm trying to use addChild on a movie clip but can't as Flash gives me this error:Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-nullGreat. Okay.The movie clip into which I'm trying to add a child is set to null by default. How do I unnull it? Just what am I not understanding?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AddChild Results In Null Object Reference

Feb 12, 2012

We are supposed to build a game, and each of us is to make a level. So we did, but integrating them is giving me issues. Specifically, each of our levels are contained within a symbol. I personally have a ton of symbols that point to eachother already (, menu with various elements, level one, boss level) but for whatever reason whenever I try and addChild my partner's level it gives me "TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference."

the way I've been doing it looks like:
var levelTwo:SkiHill = new SkiHill();
parent.addChild (levelTwo);

like I said, it's worked every time Ive used it between my own things. My partner's is a no-go. If I just slap his level on the stage and go it runs fine, and it will properly add/remove child to transition to one of my levels.

All I can think of is that I've checked all the names. I also noticed my partner didn't use an ADDED_TO_STAGE event listener, but adding that didn't help at all.

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Flash - Type Error 1009 Null Object Reference GameLoop()

Feb 16, 2012

I'm having an issue with my flash code. I'm making a simple ball drop game and I keep getting this error

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at balldrop_fla::MainTimeline/gameLoop()[balldrop_fla.MainTimeline::frame1:46]

It seems to be talking about line 46 which is " ball.y += 5;"

Here is my code:

import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Type Error 1009 At Loop - Null Object Reference

Jul 10, 2010

I have been getting this Type Error 1009 at the following Loop:
ActionScript Code:
private function Loop(e:Event):void {
for(var i:int=0; i<walls.length; i++) {
if(hitTestObject(walls[i]) && hits > 0) {
explodeX = this.x;
explodeY = this.y;
[Code] .....

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But that doesn't work. Still get the error

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Box2d Addchild - 41061: Call To A Possibly Undefined Method AddChild Through A Reference With Static Type Class

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I have downloaded Box2d ([URL]) and created a project that looks like this: [URL]. catalyst is the green cube and it has the base class "", it is inside "world" which has the base class "wck.World". What i want to do is to add another "catalyst" from the library inside "world" when i click on add_btn. I tried to accomplish this by this code:


Symbol 'buttons', Layer 'Actions', Frame 1, Line 41061: Call to a possibly undefined method addChild through a reference with static type Class.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Type Error #1009 "Cannot Access A Property Or Method Of A Null Object Reference"

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Javascript :: Flash Embed Error - 'null' Is Null Or Not An Object

Jul 18, 2010

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'null' is null or not an object

try { document.getElementById("").SetReturnValue(__flash__toXML(function() { return document.location.hostname; }()) ); } catch (e) { document.getElementById("").SetReturnValue("<undefined/>"); }

but this is from flash script and i dont have control over it. it just say JScript - script block.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Null Reference Error When Attempting To AddChild

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ActionScript 3.0 :: 1118: Implicit Coercion Of A Value With Static Type Object To A Possibly Unrelated Type?

Jun 13, 2011

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1118: Implicit Coercion Of A Value With Static Type Object To A Possibly Unrelated Type Function

Jan 20, 2010

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my_cb.addItem({data:1, label:"First Item"});
my_cb.addItem({data:2, label:"Second Item"});
my_cb.addItem({data:3, label:"Third Item"});


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Null Object Error That Is Clearly NOT Null

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Actionscript 3 :: MovieClip In Array Displays Null, And Aren't Showing Up On Stage.addChild

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TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.
at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/addChild()
at flash.display::Stage/addChild()


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ActionScript 3.0 :: 1118: Implicit Coercion Of A Value With Static Type Object To A Possibly Unrelated Type

Oct 11, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AddChild() - Drag And Drop An Object The Object Jumps Off Some Distance

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I am developing a drag and drop functionality and take a JPEG screen shot of droped objects. my problem is. when i drag and drop an object the object jumps off some distance.. i am unable to clear tat.. Below is my file


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert XML Type To Object Type?

Mar 10, 2011

say i have an xml node like this:


how would i go about parsing that out into an Object so that it looks like this:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Null Object Not Null

Sep 5, 2009

I am trying to add an EventListener to a MC, but I am getting the 1009 error. My script is referencing a MC that does exist. I have verified that my code is typed correctly, and that my instance names are correct.I am creating a portfolio site. On the first frame I have my main navigation (well, it's actually not the first frame. I alpha-fade everything in so it's really the 6th or 7th, but I'm not sure how pertinent that is). The main navigation works fine (5 movie clips, fyi). Clicking them will move to a different frame, and the information and sub navigation for the frame will fade up. It is the sub navigation that I am having trouble with.[code]

As you can see, it doesn't even get to the function before it gets thrown off. I have verified that the instance names are correct. The script and the MC I am trying to add it too [I/]are[I/] in the same frame, which is what's stumping me. Normally you get 1009 when the object you're trying to reference is not there, but mine is!!Obviously there is something wrong with my EventListener. I am not sure what else do; there is a gap in my understanding of AS.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error #2007 Parameter Type Must Be Null?

Oct 26, 2009

TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter type must be non-null.

at INDEXnew_fla::Symbol31_120/go()


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ActionScript 3.0 :: TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter Type Must Be Non-null

Apr 14, 2008

It's monday morning and somehow my brain won't comprehend why this error is happening...... could anyone take a look and shed some light on this please?

TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter type must be non-null.
at pages::MyProfile/initListeners()
at pages::MyProfile()


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error : 1061: Call To A Possibly Undefined Method AddChild Through A Reference With Static Type Class

Jul 13, 2010

I got this Error : 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method addChild through a reference with static type Class.
what I'm trying to do :I have create a new class called Graph and make it extends Sprite and  add a scroolpane to my stage and make an empty movie clip called content_mc and make the source of the scrollpane equals to content_mc
in the first frame i wrote this code
import Graph;
var graph:Graph = new Graph();content_mc.addChild(graph);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: TypeError: Error #2007:Parameter Type Must Be Non-null - Pinpointing

Oct 20, 2011

TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter type must be non-null. at
at com.Objects.Maps::Map()[C:UsersJoshuaDesktopRTS Game ClassesMischief Map]
at com.Data.Managers::MapManager/GenerateMap()[C:UsersJoshuaDesktopRTS Game ClassesMischief Map] at MischiefMapEditor_fla::N


I've looked up the error code, and it could mean alot of things.

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Arrays :: Declaring A Null Property Within An Object, Or Running A Function Within An Object Declaration

Feb 22, 2011

I have an object which is assigned a number of properties:

var project_array:Array = [];
var slideObject:Object = {
project_title : myXML.projects.project[i].title.toUpperCase(),


but I'm not quite sure where to place this. If I place it outside of the object constructor, I get "term is undefined", I guess because it doesn't know what project_clips_array is - but if I declare project_clips_array in the constructor, it appears to need to be defined, i.e. I can't create a blank property. But I can't place it in the constructor either, because it doesn't seem to allow me to run a function within an object constructor. What is the proper syntax or arrangement of code for executing this function to get the array within the object?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Child - Error "1118: Implicit Coercion Of A Value With Static Type Object To A Possibly Unrelated Type Flash.display:DisplayObject"

Jun 5, 2009

I have this code, and in the end, where I am trying to removeChild(ball) I get an error:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access An Object Within A Class And The Object Is Coming Up As Null?

Jul 23, 2011

i am trying to access an object within a class and the object is comming up as null but i dont understand why.
this is the object:
btnLMain = new MovieClip();  //variable declared earlier in code = "btnLMain";


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Flex :: Null Object Reference After Creating The Object?

Aug 22, 2011

I have one MXML File as

<objecthandles:ObjectHandles xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://" backgroundAlpha="1" xmlns:mx="library://"


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access An Object Within A Class - Why Is Object Null

Jul 23, 2011

i am trying to access an object within a class and the object is comming up as null but i dont understand why.this is the object:

btnLMain = new MovieClip(); //variable declared earlier in code = "btnLMain";
btnLMain.clickNum = 0;

this was created in the class: LanguageButton. here is how i declared the above class within the class i am trying to instantiate it:

var btnL:LanguageButton;

then i try to access the btnLMain from the LanguageButton Class and it, (btnLMain) is comming out null:

btnL = new LanguageButton(cssLoader);
btnL.btnLMain.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btnLClick);

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Actionscript 3 :: Object Creation In Flex By Declaring Type Object

Aug 6, 2011

We create Objects in flex by declaring type Object. for example

var objSampleObject:Object = new Object();

and we create properties directly with dot operator without creating any class


My question is in above process is there any class is created internally by flex?

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Actionscript 3 :: Graphic Object BitMapData Type The Same As BitmapData Type?

Dec 29, 2009

The title might be a little misleading. Look at my code and I will explain

public static function loadTile(tileDir:String = "empty"):void
if(tileDir != "empty")
tPoint = new Point(0,0);
tRect = new Rectangle(0,0,30,30);


I am trying to do tiling with sprites. I want my tiles to be interactive, so that is why I am using the sprite object instead of using regular bitMaps to represent my tiles. You might be wondering why I wouldnt just use graphics.beginBitmapFill(tImage); and graphics.drawRect(0, 0,tWidth ,tHeight ); to pick out the tiles I want to use. Well reason being is because it turns out that drawRect() first and second parameters actually alter the location of where the actual sprite sits at.

So if I set the x and y properties of the sprite to x = 20, and y = 20. then I set my drawRect(20,20). it actually adds an extra 20 pixels to my x and y coords of my sprite. And I know the reason why, I just need to know a better way.

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