ActionScript 3.0 :: Class Not Becoming Null

Mar 20, 2011

In my game, people can go back to the menu when they want. So when I go back to the menu, I make null all of the classes I instantiated. I then make them new again:

private var myClass:MYCLASS; // this happens once
someFunction () { // called when game begins and every time i go back to the menu and restart


Do I have to remove all of the listeners in the class I am making null?

Now when I go back to the menu, and do this, it is like the class is still instantiated and now there are two! When I shoot my gun, I hear it twice, and it traces out twice when I begin the game again. If I go back to menu for the second time, and restart game, when I shoot my gun it traces out three times from that same class that I made null.

I don't understand what is happening. It is like it is not truly getting rid of the class. Is it because I possibly still have something connected to that class? When I make it null though, I trace it and it reads "null".

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package game
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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// This code appears in a different class with
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quizHolder.ansA.ansHud.text = currentLvl.choices[1];


LevelData Class in PasteBin: [URL]

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package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;


As you can see from the commented out lines, I've tried doing the same thing with eventDispatcher, but have been unable to listen to the event from the main timeline.It seems as if the function is being called before menu_mc is placed on the stage, despite the ADDED_TO_STAGE eventListener.

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Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

Code below is in fileA

public var ChangeControlMc:MovieClip = new control();//This one is defined in FileA

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public var ChangeControlM:AntarcticaGame // this is Defined in fileB
trace("test level 1");
trace("called after super save()" + ChangeControlM);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Blank SWF With Document Class - Stage Is Null

Apr 22, 2009

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at QuizApp/createStatusBox()
at QuizApp()

That's the error message I get when it tries to play. What I have is an swf that loads another when its done, the new swf is blank but has a document class to an AS file. It seems the problem lies when a function is not properly being added to the stage.

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public class QuizApp extends Sprite{
public function QuizApp(){
private function createButtons() {
if (this.stage == null) {
trace("STAGE IS NULL!!!");
} var yPosition:Number;
addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedToStage);

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Mar 23, 2010

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I tried that, but then I ran a trace and it still tells me that it is a class object. I reckon its because I have a "public var class1:Class1" etc, which means they will always have those objects associated with them, but still. I want to totally get rid of it for garbage collection, and because I don't want to use some of them at all, ever again. So basically, what is the best way to get rid of classes so that they aren't hogging up resources any more?

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facade.registerMediator(new NavPageMediator(viewComponent));

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var navPageMediator:NavPageMediator = facade.retrieveMediator(NavPageMediator.NAME) as NavPageMediator;

However, that statement returns null. If I try to cast it using the NavPageMediator(facade.retrieveMediator(NavPageMediator.NAME)) syntax instead, I get a TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert to`

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Edit:Left a bit of important info: The SWF in which I instantiate and register the mediator is separate from the SWF in which I try to retrieve it.

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Feb 9, 2011

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Essentially I need a way to refer to a graphic on the screen using a method besides ''.

I am receiving this error: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.


It can access photo1Sprite as '' when the button click happens on the photo1Sprite. The problem happens when to click one button (not photo1Sprite) and have it effect photo1Sprite. So I can make photo1Sprite react if my method is attached to it directly using '' but not if I am trying to call it from a method that was called from another element on the screen.

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Aug 16, 2011

I followed the example from a previous question and I am loading an external swf using a loader and inside the loader event handler I am trying to cast the loader.content as my custom class PanelReferenceClip which extends MovieClip

When I publish I receive a this error:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

Just to make sure and test that the swf location was correct and the swf was actually being loaded, I changed the type of the content to as MovieClip and it worked fine.

EDIT: I also wanted to add that these swfs are being stored locally and not being pulled across the internet, multiple networks or servers.

I am not sure if I did something quirky in my class so I am providing the source to my custom class PanelReferenceClip

package com.components
import com.UI.DevicePanel;
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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Flex :: Setting Skin Class On A Host Component But It Is Giving Null Point Exception?

Apr 19, 2011

ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED Copyright 2008 Adobe Systems Incorporated All Rights Reserved. NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Forum FAQ (work Topic) - My Reference Is Null - Stage Is Null

Dec 19, 2009

I have begun on a list: My reference is null!Stage is null! Convert this code from as 2 to as 3 for me! Crossdomain policies are in the way of my cool idea Dynamic property names I need to use stuff on the parent! I don't want my children to scale when I scale the parent! Classes vs instances. Mod note: I do not want this topic pinned, we will use a fresh topic once we have agreed to the content.

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Flex :: MessageBroker.getMessageBroker(null) Getting Null Pointer Exception?

Jun 12, 2010

I am creating Dynamic Destinations

MessageBroker broker = MessageBroker.getMessageBroker(null);
MessageService service = (MessageService) broker.getService("message-service");
MessageDestination destination = (MessageDestination) service.createDestination("Group1");


But I am getting Null Pointer Exception

MessageBroker broker = MessageBroker.getMessageBroker(null);

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Javascript :: Flash Embed Error - 'null' Is Null Or Not An Object

Jul 18, 2010

the script i wrote is working fine. but the script attached to the flash player which i have no control over is throwing a script error (im using IE8).how can i fix this? if i run it locally there is no error.

'null' is null or not an object

try { document.getElementById("").SetReturnValue(__flash__toXML(function() { return document.location.hostname; }()) ); } catch (e) { document.getElementById("").SetReturnValue("<undefined/>"); }

but this is from flash script and i dont have control over it. it just say JScript - script block.

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Flex :: Clicking On Menu So That It Shows (null,null)"?

Aug 15, 2011

I have create a menu but when clicking on menu so that it shows, I get an error on the line because of the line ",null)". See function below:

private function createAndShowmyMenu():void {
myMenu = Menu.createMenu(null, myMenuDataProvider, false);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Child = Null Before Setting It To Null?

Jul 28, 2009

sometimes I remove child and trace it afterwards and it outputs null although I havent yet set it to null, why is that? and do I need to set it to null also in that case?

//[object MovieClip]


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access An Object Within A Class And The Object Is Coming Up As Null?

Jul 23, 2011

i am trying to access an object within a class and the object is comming up as null but i dont understand why.
this is the object:
btnLMain = new MovieClip();  //variable declared earlier in code = "btnLMain";


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Mar 6, 2012

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The objects that result from these casts can have properties set on and read from them. It's as if the cast created information, or removed whatever special information the null and undefined values have. But there's no indication in the AS3 documentation that the null and undefined special types are actually objects.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Parent Is Null, Root Is Null?

Aug 7, 2010

I created a Sponsorbar which dynamically adds sponsors according a XML script.

ActionScript Code:
for each( var imgPath2:XML in xdata.img )

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access An Object Within A Class - Why Is Object Null

Jul 23, 2011

i am trying to access an object within a class and the object is comming up as null but i dont understand why.this is the object:

btnLMain = new MovieClip(); //variable declared earlier in code = "btnLMain";
btnLMain.clickNum = 0;

this was created in the class: LanguageButton. here is how i declared the above class within the class i am trying to instantiate it:

var btnL:LanguageButton;

then i try to access the btnLMain from the LanguageButton Class and it, (btnLMain) is comming out null:

btnL = new LanguageButton(cssLoader);
btnL.btnLMain.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btnLClick);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Null Object Not Null

Sep 5, 2009

I am trying to add an EventListener to a MC, but I am getting the 1009 error. My script is referencing a MC that does exist. I have verified that my code is typed correctly, and that my instance names are correct.I am creating a portfolio site. On the first frame I have my main navigation (well, it's actually not the first frame. I alpha-fade everything in so it's really the 6th or 7th, but I'm not sure how pertinent that is). The main navigation works fine (5 movie clips, fyi). Clicking them will move to a different frame, and the information and sub navigation for the frame will fade up. It is the sub navigation that I am having trouble with.[code]

As you can see, it doesn't even get to the function before it gets thrown off. I have verified that the instance names are correct. The script and the MC I am trying to add it too [I/]are[I/] in the same frame, which is what's stumping me. Normally you get 1009 when the object you're trying to reference is not there, but mine is!!Obviously there is something wrong with my EventListener. I am not sure what else do; there is a gap in my understanding of AS.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Are Object Variables Null If Object Is Null

Jun 29, 2011

If I set an Object = null, does that remove all references to the Object's variables assuming there are no external references to said variables? Or do I have to manually set all said variables = null?

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