I have a character added as Child in the Main Time line and i am trying to make a class for that same char to control it, but as soon as i start it gives me this huge annoying error that says It has a compile time-constant error in the
private function checkKeysDown(event:KeyboardEvent):void{
Full class code below
I'm using Flash Develop to build an as3 application using the Flex compiler. In the constructor of a particular class I have written the following code
Code: //constructor public function Test(par1:int, arr:/*int*/Array = [1, 2]){ <----- compiler shows error here
This is my first time using flex. I tried compiling thecripts below usingmxmlc example.mxmlAnd I get:Error: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant:UIMovieClipThis is on a windows machine. If I type just "mxmlc" I getthat I'm using version 3.1
I have a symbol with name and class name "cat". I also have buttons with names and classnames of values "upButton" "downButton". I dragged the symbols onto the stage and gave them instance names of "cat", "upButton", and "downButton", and tried to control the position of the cat using the buttons, however I got the error message:
"type was not found or was not a compile-time constant"
So I tried changing the name of the instances to cat2, upButton2, and downButton2, and it works perfectly fine. So am I not allowed to have instance names identical to the class name? This is strange because in the book I am working out of, the instance names are identical to the class names.
I am a release engineer in a development who is writing flex/air application I have no previous experience with flash in the past, and I am asked to generate flex doc using asdoc this is the error I am dealing with
[exec] C:uildRim2GclientRimProjectCommonuild.tempasdoccomamdocsframeworkcomponentsSimpleFluidListContainerBase.as(150): col: 38 Error: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Event. [exec] protected function onResize(event:Event):void [exec] ^
I'm trying to use the Flex 4 SDK's mx.rpc package in a Flash application.I imported Flex's rpc.swc (AdobeAdobe Flash Builder 4sdks4.0.0frameworkslibs pc.swc) into my project by adding it to the list in Flash's "Publish Settings/Flash/ActionScrip 3.0 Settings/Library Path". It seems like I have access to the classes, however when I compile I get this error:
1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: [mx.rpc]::IResponder.
Im a new user to AS3 and I have no former programming expirience. Im learning to develop games using a book specially made for those with no expirience. However, i keep getting this error:
If some of you have worked with the wiiflash server? I wouldn't mind some insight, such as what is Synchronize object? Although it is in all the example file I have found so far, I get an error: Error #1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant I am basically trying to target on the stage with the wii (get some "abolute position with sensorX & sensorY")..As well I have found only a little documentation so if you can please send me some more links, that wouls certainly help.
I am trying to figure out why when I run my fla it comes up with fl.video.FLVPlayback not found and fl.video not found.I rewrote the file, and the script assist even helped with the words and they still could not be found.However, I have one that I previously wrote that does just great with the FLVPlayback.Do you actually have to have loaded something in before trying it out or what? I even reinstalled CS5 to see if I had lost something but it still happens.
Here are the errors I get.C:Documents and SettingsRobertDesktopHere Be DragonsFlash DepthMyDragonFlight.as, Line 9 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: FLVPlayback.C:Documents and SettingsRobertDesktopHere Be DragonsFlash DepthMyDragonFlight.as, Line 9 1180: Call to a possibly undefined method FLVPlayback.C:Documents and SettingsRobertDesktopHere Be
I have been getting this error004: Namespace was not found or is not a compile-time constant error and it just does not seem to go away.I am using Coordinate geometry principles to find out the intersections points. I am storing the slopes of the lines and intersection points as arrays. This is the code I am using.
package { import flash.display.Sprite; public class AngryBubble extends Sprite {
working on an actionscript project to try and make an interactive drag and drop document. Currently everything has been working fine until I recieved this error after adding in another object to drag and drop. I've only added in one additional one so far, making the total of object in my script as two. I'm not sure why this error is coming up or what it means. Please let me know if the error means that my script only applies to one specific object or if I wrote it correctly to address all objects I place in my script
I created a new document with two layers labeled, content and actions.I then create a movieclip named tractor_mc. I create two layers in tractor_mc, one called images, the other called actions.In frame one of tractor_mc, actions layer, I enter:
stop(); trace("tractor_mc has stopped");
I test the movie and it stops on the first frame and returns, "tractor_mc has stopped". All works well!I then choose scene 1.The layer named tractor_mc, has only 1 frame which contains the movieclip tractor_mc, which has the instance name of tractor_mc.I go to frame one of actions and enter:
trace("this is scene1, frame1");
Test movie and get the expected output of:this is scene1, frame1tractor_mc has stopped Now this is where my problem arrises: In Scene 1, action layer frame one, I add the code:
trace("this is scene1, frame1"); tractor_mc.gotoAndStop(3);
This returns the error:1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: tractor_mc.If I remove the tractor_mc.gotoAndStop(3); I still get the error message and the movie clip runs continously.
I seem to have a problem here with my AS3 code.Im just trying out AS3 for pratically the first time and I keep runing into errors. Usually I tinker about and seem to resolve them, but this one stumps me, since it "should" work.
In my flex code there is an error message : type was not found or was not a compile time constant:PodLayoutManager what will be the reason for these error message?I am using flashbuilder 4 for scripting
Now the above problem is solved.But while running this code the problem window shows type was not found or was not a compile time constant:managers
I'm working on a small piece of code I came across recently, a runtime drawing effect with a motion guide.This is an example:[URL]..The script works perfectly on AS2 but I'm having problems making this work on AS3, I get the error 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant.
I'm trying to create a function that takes a Function as it's second parameter. I want to be able to give that function a default value as follows:
How should I declare the defaultUpdate function to avoid getting the following error?Code: 1047: Parameter initializer unknown or is not a compile-time constant.
CS4-AS3 Full screen browser error This is my preloader on the first frame.
Code: stop(); this.loaderInfo.addEventListener (ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, PL_LOADING); function PL_LOADING(event:ProgressEvent):void { var pcent:Number=event.bytesLoaded/event.bytesTotal*100;
Code: 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Void. - function stageResize():Void { - frame 2 line 10
Code: Warning: 1058: Migration issue: The property _height is no longer supported. Use the DisplayObject.height property instead.- bg_ratio = bg_mc._width / bg_mc._height; - frame 2 line 6
This is a link for AIR remote updater.http:[ur.....]I have tried to insert the following codes in my script but I've gotten some errors.Here is the code that I pasted in my script:
public function update1():void { var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://domain.com/yourapplication.air");[code].......
Error: 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: AIRRemoteUpdaterEvent.I have already copied and paste the downloaded folder (com) into my folder.
So, I'm making a game and when I test my class into a file I get four errors of the same type '1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Stage and TextField'.
'm getting compile errors when I try to import it.
All files are in a folder 'com'. The document class is 'com.Main'
C:....comMain.as, Line 121046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Stem_Curve. C:...comMain.as, Line 241180: Call to a possibly undefined method Stem_Curve. C:...comMain.as, Line 81172: Definition com:Stem_Curve could not be found.
Main Code: package com { [code].........
I've used it for other swfs and have no problems importing it. I've checked those projects, but can't see anything different.
I am getting an Error 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Component Event.The ComponentEvent class has been imported,and also the event handling code is there. The code is below, the point where the error occurs as indicated by the compiler has been highlighted.
I'm dynamically loading a movieclip onto the stage.
In this movieclip I have a dynamic text field named 'game_score_txt' In the class for this movieclip; The_end.as I want to display some text. I figured the following code would work:
But I get the following error: 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: TextField.