ActionScript 3.0 :: Control RowHeight Of List Without Using It?

Jul 1, 2009

I have a List and a TextArea next to each other in an HBox. Both will have multiple lines of text and use the same font. I'd like the rowHeight of the List to be the same as the TextArea but I don't want to set the rowHeight property because the user can change the size of the font.

In the following example, the 'line1', 'line2' in the List takes up more room than the 'line1', 'line2' of the TextArea. I set padding to 0 for the List but there must be some other styles that affect the padding too. [code]...

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Flex :: MX List ItemRollOver Event Equivalent On A Spark List Control?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change The RowHeight Of Listbox

Dec 9, 2006

Kudos to the person who can successfully change the rowHeight of this listbox. It's a V1 Component and that seems to be the problem since using this code: songList_lb.rowHeight = 30; works for me in V2 but not in V1. Since I need to customize the look of the listbox scrollers I have to stay with V1.

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Flex :: Scrolling Of List Control Is Misbehaving?

Dec 22, 2009

I am having this very weird behavior with a mx:List control not scrolling properly.Here is a snippet:

<mx:List itemRenderer="customerRender" x="19" y="257" height="68" width="290" id="orderStatusHistoryList" color="#CCCCCC" rowHeight="35" ></mx:List>

The custom render creates a vBox that is 35 pixels high with some labels in it.Now, my dataProvider, set in the script block,is returning 3 items for the list (say item1, item2 and item3). Because of the height of the list control, only 2 are shown initially.Now for the weird part, when I scroll down the list to see the next item it is all messed up.

Initial display:
Item 1
Item 2

Display after clicking the scroll down button:

Item 2 (expected)
Item 1 (What the ?, this should be item 3)

Display after click the scroll down button one more time:

Item 1 (all wrong)

Now, if I increase the height of the list control,so it has enough room to display all three items, it displays fine.Also,I put a trace statement is the item render and flex is rendering all three items with the correct data.

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Flash :: EnsureIndexIsVisible(), Scroll To The Top Of A List Control?

Feb 27, 2011

I'm using FB4 and apparently I need to use ensureIndexIsVisible() to scroll to specific item in my s:List. Anyway, the code below successfully scrolls to the item but does not scroll it to the top of the list (it's at the bottom, and cut off somewhat).


<s:List id="Schedule" dataProvider="{schedule}" creationComplete="creationCompleteHandler(event)"/>


protected function creationCompleteHandler(event:Event):void {
var d:Date = new Date();
var today:String = String((d.month + 1) + "/" + + "/" + d.fullYear);


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Flex :: Set Color Of A Particular Row In List Control For Mobile?

Jul 13, 2011

I have a list in flex mobile project which contains multiple rows. I want to set color of specific rows based on some logic.

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Flex :: Navigate In Spark List Control?

Aug 22, 2011

I'm building a mobile app, using spark list control. When user tap on a list item, i want it to navigate to that correspondence page

<s:List id="list" width="100%" height="100%" labelField=" label">

how do i code it so that when user tap on item label="Page One" it will navigate to PageOneView.mxml and if it tap on "Page Two" it will go to PageTwoView.mxml and so on.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Control Of Xml List Created On Different Class?

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ActionScript Code:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: 1 List Item Control Several Movieclips?

Jan 30, 2008


I have an exhibitor list that loads from xml...and I have a booth layout that loads from a separate xml...I have two arrays set up so that the rented booths are stored first, and the exhibitors are stored in a separate array side by side...
if you click on an exhibitor in the list you will see the associated booth highlight in the mainwindow (and minimap too)...however if you notice, there are multiple entries in the list for some exhibitors, this is because they may rent several booths...I want to condense the exhibitor list to have one entry per exhibitor, but have the entry control all their booths, so if you click an exhibitor with 2 booths both of them would light up even though there was only one entry in the this even possible with the list component provided by flash?

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Flex :: Drag And Drop Between List Control And Chart?

Feb 18, 2010

I am trying to implement a drag and drop function between a list control and a columnchart in Flex3. List items should, when dragged and dropped on the chart, be displayed raphically in the columnchart.Alas, dropping the listitems on the chart does not seem to result in a proper graph.Here my code till so far with regard to the drop part:

private function doDragDrop(event:DragEvent):void{
var ds:DragSource = event.dragSource;
var dropTarget:ChartBase=ChartBase(event.currentTarget);


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Flex :: Add Separator Between Items In A Spark List Control?

May 21, 2010

I have a s:List where I've defined my own itemRenderer, and would like to insert a horizontal line separating items, similar to the way the mx:LinkBar works. I don't want to have a line at the top or bottom of the list, so I can't just include an upper or lower border in the itemRenderer. I was hoping the itemRenderer could be made aware of its index in the list, but I don't see how.

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Flex :: How To Set Variable Size For List Control Item

Jun 17, 2010

The following code display a list of comments using List control. The item height set to a fixed value (150), so it seems working: if the content is too long, the scrollbar shows. However, what I really want is not to set the height but let it to change according to the content size. Is there any way to accomplish this?

<mx:List id="commentList" width="100%" dataProvider="{commentSet.commentArrayColl}" rowCount="{commentSet.commentArrayColl.length}" >
<mx:itemRenderer> <mx:Component>
<mx:VBox width="100%" height="150" >
<mx:Text text="{data.commentContent}" />
<mx:Text text="{data.username} ({data.modified})"/>
</mx:VBox> </mx:Component>
</mx:itemRenderer> </mx:List>

To be more clear, I don't want to set the itemRenderer's VBox height to "150" or any other fixed value - but it'll only show one line of the text if I don't do it. So I'm looking for a way out of this. (If the VBox is not inside the itemRenderer, it'll auto adjust height as Text field string length grows - that's what I want.)

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Flex :: Set The Scroll Position For A Spark List Control?

Aug 9, 2010

How can I set the scroll position for a Spark List control?

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Flex :: Put XML Query Inside A Drop Down List Control?

Feb 7, 2011

I have this project for school where i have to populate a drop down list control from an xml file.I mange to do that for a label/text input control, but i can't seem to do that on a drop down.I get this error any time i tell him to "additem" with an xml query (not getting it with simple text):"#1009 Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference"[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Item Data/label From List Control?

Oct 27, 2009

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how would i get a handle to an item at a specific index? I've tried getItemAt() but it throws error 1061.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Control List Component - How To Unpopulate

Sep 24, 2010

I have a List (fl.controls.List) component... I can successfully populate this component with String data. The problem occurs when I try to unpopulate the list. The only function available is "removeAll()" I couldnt see a different function.

I am using it this way
function removeFromList(e:MouseEvent):void {
if(list.selectedItem) {
When I've been using list.removeSelected() I don't think there is a function as this?

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Flex :: 3 - Adobe 3 List Control Selection And Change Event

Nov 22, 2009

I created a list control at runtime as following:


//Where myDataArray is an ArrayCollection consisting of my Custom ValueObjects. When i execute the code it displays my list with custom item renderer, which is fine. But when bring my mouse over it, it doesn't give any colour highlight which means it is not selecting. Secondly, when i click on any of the list item, it doesn't dispatch any change event. I tried a lot but couldn't understand it.

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Actionscript 3 :: Make An Item In A Flex List Control Not Selectable?

Jan 12, 2010

Is it possible to make an item in a List control not selectable? If so, how would this be accomplished?

I've tried one thing so far. What I did was use a custom item renderer that checks for a value in the data property upon a FlexEvent.DATA_CHANGE event. If that value is not set, I tried setting the item renderer's selectable property to false. This, unfortunately, does not seem to work.

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Flex :: Auto-select The First Index In A Sparks List Control?

Apr 11, 2010

i have a spark List control. it has a dataProvider that shows reply from twitter search.i have created a function for change handler like this:

protected function list_changeHandler(event:IndexChangeEvent):void
ta.text = coverflow.selectedItem.title;

so, whenever i select each of the items in the List i will see the message(ta.text)but now, instead of me manually clicking the first time, i want it to automatically click/select the first item and see the first message(ta.text)how do i do it?

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Flex :: List Component That Acts As If Control Was Permanently Pressed

Jun 1, 2010

I have a list control and i want the user to be able to select many items at a time. Thus I want it to act that if the control key is pressed while he is clicking. Eg if he clicks on a selected row it should become unselected and if he clicks on a unselected row it should become selected.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex : Make A Generic List Control That Has X Buttons In It

Dec 3, 2010

I am trying to make a generic list control that has x buttons in it so that users can remove items from the list by clicking the x button. However, this list control needs to support item renderers while still standardizing the layout of items placed next to x buttons.

So I figure the best approach would be to extend the list control and use a renderer that draws the x button and combines that with what ever renderer the user supplies. Unfortunately I cannot figure out how to do that.

I tried overriding newInstance method from the IFactory interface and used that to create an HBox that contains my button and inserts the newInstance result from a user supplied renderer, however it wasn't complete. It displayed as I expected, but the mouse over effect only worked on the user supplied renderer portion and not the entire HBox that my custom renderer made.

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Actionscript :: Target And Display An Object Of List Control In Flex

Oct 1, 2011

i have made a list control. i want to display the name of the objects in it in a text control box

the code i am using here is

public function add(event:MouseEvent):void
var str:String;
str = mylistcontrol.dataProvider.getItemAt(0).toString();


The problem with this code is i am using index value of 0. however i want to display the name of object on which i have clicked or which is highlighted.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex: Can List Be Used To Display Control In Equally Sized Tiles

Sep 2, 2010

In one of the application I am working, List has been used. I am required to display items in the form of tiles. I do not want to change the component as of now. Is there any way to achieve this layout in list only.

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Flex :: Set The "format" Used For Drag'n'drop On A List Control?

Dec 21, 2009

I'm dragging from a TileList to a custom component. I want to know what is being dragged before I accept it. How do I set the "format" that is used for "event.dragSource.formats" in the DragEvent?

Edit for clarification: When you set "dragEnabled=true" on the TileList, it takes care of the drag source stuff, but it uses "items" as the format for the DragEvent. I'm looking for a way to have the TileList use the correct format.

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Flex :: 4.1: <mx:List> Had RowCount Properly For The Limit The Displayed Items. <s:List> Doesn't

Aug 11, 2010

I'm using flex 4.1 to write an application. i read in the documents that has the rowCount property to set how many items to display. the does not have that property. how can I limit the list to display 3 items ?

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Flash :: List Component - Change Pointer Icon To Hand For List Items?

Nov 9, 2010

I am working on an older Flash project created in CS3 ActionScript 2.0 How can I make the pointer cursor change to the hand when hover over a list item?_root.slidePanel.myList'myList' is the list. I have traced out the contents of the List MC and it has a child MC called 'content_mc'. I assumed this was the object containing all of my list items but the only members of this MC I can see (when tracing them out) are 'setRGB' and 'searchKey'.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Dynamic List And Associating A Picture With Each List Item?

Jun 8, 2010

Creating a dynamic list and associating a picture with each list item. i need the list to be scrollable, and i want the list and it's associated picture to be displayed randomly when the application is re-launched. i.e it doesnt show the same list everytime.

I also what to be able to sort the displayed list items. e.g if the list items is about restaurants, i want users to be able to sort the displayed items by either; district, cusine type and gastro type.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Combobox & List - Each Selection Triggers The Specific Xml File To Load Into The List Component?

May 10, 2007

I have a combobox and list component on the stage. The combobox has 3 selections. How do I get it so that each selection triggers the specific xml file to load into the list component? I can't get them to communicate to each other.

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Flex :: 3: Scrolling Of List Items With In A List Via Scroll Wheel

Dec 31, 2009

Here is a snip from within my code:


The 'recommendations' dataProvider is an ArrayCollection of String, which are generally sentences about as long as this one. By setting the variableRowHeight and wordWrap properties as shown, if a sentence is too long to fit on a single line, everything works fine- the row expands and the messages show on two lines, or occasionally three.

The space allocated for this panel within the entire canvas means if the total text size of 'recommendations' exceeds six lines, I need for the entire list scroll. This is also working just fine. The trouble is when using the mouse wheel to do the scrolling- Flex scrolls both the entire list and the single item where the mouse is hovering. Often this results in only the second half of a sentence being visible. Non-programmer friends I have asked to look at this noticed this, and tell me it as a problem. If a user does not notice the dual scrolling, and sees only a fragment of a sentence, it will be perceived as an error in the application.


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AS3 :: Flash - Fl.controls.List Adding Button To List Item?

Apr 23, 2011

I want to add a SimpleButton to a list item in a list component. I am getting the CellRenderer for the list item I want and using the addChild method to add the simple button. The button appears in the right spot on the list item but it doesn't function like a button. It's like the contents of the buttons first frame is added to the CellRenderer and nothing else.

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