It is not a daylight discussion, but It is not the first time I got myself researching about that with no success at all. After all, what could be done when Full Screen Flash Video consumes up all the computer resources?
1) Is it a hardware/driver issue?
2) Is it about developing best-practices?
3) Is it some especific configuration on FLV exporters?
4) Is it a Flash Player limitation?
I have noticed some sites provide a really smooth full-screen video experience, but some others shows themselves up with a hell of video performance. My inclination, in a first approach, is towards thread 2. I have done some tests and all of them ended up in a clunky horrible show-time.
I am creating a full screen projector with flash CS4. In the projector I have more videos, starting from an swf player-
The problem I encounter is this:
The projector starts correctly FULLSCREEN (using AS). The video plays 900x506 correctly. If I click on the player, to get the video full screen, it works. But when I press ESC, not only the video, but also the PROJECTOR looses full screen.
This is a bit annoying. Is there a way to apply the "back to normal size" only to the video? I do not want to prevent the app to be exited from full screen, it's not a problem if the user wants to exit the projector full screen. But not when the user exits the video from fullscreen mode.
I have a Flash movie that runs full screen, but with StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE so that the actual movie size is the same as it would be if I ran it not full screen.
There is a huge difference in performance between full screen and no full screen. This is despite the movie taking up the same screen space.
I've been trying to attempt to make it so a .flv video will fit to the entire screen of the browser window. ( I already have my .swf file fit to re-size to any browser on any computer. I just can't figure out how to make the video as well) And obviously an external video so the flash file wont take forever to load.The point is this is to be able to have the Video be the background. So I may put content (Links, information or whatever else) on top of the video.
I have a FLV playing in Flash with a full screen button. The problem is I want only the video to be shown full screen, not the entire stage. This is the code I'm using to make the video fullscreen.
function fullScreenUP(event:MouseEvent):void { if (screenCheck == false) { stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;
I created simple swf. It contain more than one video (for example 4). FLVPlayback component used to play the video.It works fine. When i enter full screen of the first video it shows the fourth video. If i did continuously means the component size changed automatically.
I tested my skin for YouTube Chromeless player, and seems it worked properly.All graphic elements, including TLFTextFields, are stored in external SWF, all the AS3 code - in loading SWF.I use ProLoader class to load SWF.However, when I tried to attach Player skin code to my Home Page code, I immediately bumped into two issues:
1. TLFTextFields ceased to display proper font;
2. YouTube Chromeless player ceased to enlarge up to Full Screen width in Full Screen mode, whereas all publishing settings were kept the same...
Although I managed to cope with TLFTextField bug by replacing instances with vars in loaded SWF, I have no the slightest idea what to do with those paddings in Full Screen mode... Neither removing all children on stage before loading YouTube Player skin, nor compulsory resetting player's size can't make it work...
I have uploaded a flv file to my website, and when I click the full screen button the video only scales to a about a fourth of the computer screen instead of the whole screen. Heres the link: [URL].
// for Full Screen stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;// for the normal screen stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.NORMAL;But this code does not fulfill my requirement. I need Vertical Scroll Bar, even I go to the FullScreen, but I don't find any Scroll with this code.Even I tried "" of JavaScript with ExternalInterface, but I couldnot succeed.
I am working on a presentation that will be shown in full screen mode. And have 2 things I need help with... well I'm sure I have more but right now I'm dealing with these two ; ) At one section I have a video that plays in the background. Right now it takes a bit to load, so there is just the color of the stage, then the video plays. Is there a way I can preload the video so it will be ready to play instantly? Or do I need to just put an image behind the video?
Secondly, when I test the presentation now, when ever it get to the section with the video, it breaks my file. Buttons don't work. I'll get error messages. How can I get this to stop happening?
Im working on a project in flash 8. It's a Cd rom presentation. I'm calling Multiple videos using XML for each video respectively. I want to know if there is any possibility to make my videos go full screen with a full screen button below it?
I am putting together a presentation for some in flash and will be exporting as an .exe file so they can play it fullscreen on there laptop. Its all working fine apart from one slide where I have included a video (FLV) which is loaded externally. Where I have the .exe in full screen mode the video automatically jumps to full screen mode and I cant see any of the the other images/text surrounding it. How do I go about not letting the video scaling to fullscreen and the rest staying as is?
I am building an website and i want this website to have an video in the background. I have done the part where the flash is behind everything but i can not play this video in fullscreen. How can i play flv video on fullscreen with actionscript2.0. I dont need a button for this video to go fullscreen it simply needs to start on fullscreen.
How does one do fullscreen with VideoDisplay? I am using: stage.fullScreenSourceRect = new Rectangle(video.x, video.y, video.width, video.height); stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;
But this does not allow me to go back to normal screen, not even i use: stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.NORMAL
Is there a generic way, preferably in Javascript but flash would be okay, I guess, to put an overlay on top of full-screen flash video without editing the video player?The particular use case is that I'd like to add growl-like notifications to some live streaming stuff without writing a lot of AS that ties me to a specific player. It seems that most of the players would not allow this anyway.
I am doing a mock up of the difference between HD online video and normal video. I have the video mocked up within a fake webpage that I need to show within Flash Player full screen. The problem is as soon as the video loads, it goes fullscreen taking over the fake webpage etc. How can I stop the video taking over? I've tried both of the fullscreen methods below and whilst both work, neither stop the video from taking over.
Is there a proper way to make a video full screen? I tried manually doing it by resizing my video component upon click, but this results in a super stretched out, unnatural looking version of the video (vs resizing while playing the movie with VLC, or some other player). Is there a way to go about this that will full screen the video object with the same quality as doing it outside of the flash environment?
In a video player how this can be done, any tute / thread will be helpful Add right click option to go fullscreen Add double click option to go fullscreen
i am having this little problem of making my video fit to my browser width and height.and it needs to get itself be the last layer as well. is getNextHighestDepth() a wrong command here?how do i add swap depth or something?it needs to be a layer beneath my navigation and everything.
I am using an flvplayback component and an flvplaybackcaption component to create a video with captions read from an external xml file. The captions from the xml are read into a dynamic text box just below the video player. I am using a default Flash skin with full screen and caption icons.Upon entering full screen mode, the captions default to play at the bottom of the video, just above the video controls - which is just what I want.
However, if I turn off captions in full screen mode, and then exit full screen mode, I no longer have control of captions when not in full screen mode. IE, I cannot get captions back on after exiting full screen mode, and the caption button in the skin becomes useless. If I re-enter full screen mode and enable captions, then when I exit full-screen mode, I have my normal usage of captions.
How do i keep a embedded video from trying to display fullscreen? I have a flash movie [I'm using it as a presentation] and in it i have a video [embedded as FLVPlayback] when i run this in flash player in full screen mode [the flash player not the flash file]. when it gets to the frame with the video the video tries to run in fullscreen. I just want it to run with in the flash file that is running fullscreen.
Problem is that I want to have small video players in this full screen Projector, but I DO NOT want the videos to display full screen. I want the videos to display at their preferred size. However, since the stage mode is full screen, the video automatically goes to full screen as well.How do I prevent this?
I've always been frustrated when I use the FLV video player component because it does not create the full-screen button For example, I have a 1280x720 F4V video. I want to use the FLV component to play it. But I want it to be on the stage half that size (640x360) and then give viewer option to click full screen to play it at 1280x720 (like YouTube does).So I'm basically stuck with the same old player controller that flash CS4 generates with no full screen capability.
So I have a video playing in an FLVPlayback component. When I hit the full screen button and the video goes full screen, I would like to add a movie clip at the center of the screen. How do I do that?
for a project I need to develop a custom video player that needs to be able to go fullscreen, with custom control (play btn etc) overlay. The player will be used in a flash application (say as a window in the application.
Now I can figure out how to build a player from NetConnection, NetStream, Video etc, but I have no idea how you would implement the ability to go fullscreen and have the control overlay when in fullscreen as well.
Note that I cant tell the SWF to go full screen, it needs to be just the player.
I am working on a custom AS3 video player and I can't find any information on modifying the skin when the player enters full screen mode. Take YouTube for example... When you enter full screen mode, the menu controls maintain their size with the exception of the scrubber bar, which widens to fit the width of the screen.Currently my player controls scale (width and height) in full screen mode and become very large.
So I have a video playing in an FLVPlayback component. When I hit the full screen button and the video goes full screen, I would like to add a movie clip at the center of the screen. How do I do that?
I'm workin on a multimedia CD that I'm creating entirely with Flash. I have just ncorporated 2 video files. They play in the flash players fine but when I click on the Full Screen mode it blows the video up way to big to the point were I can only see a small section of it.