ActionScript 3.0 :: HTML5 Alternative To External XML?

Aug 9, 2011

I am heavy into video interfaces based on dynamically loaded external XML files. Example: I may click a category, then topic and then dynamically create a list of available videos based on an array loaded from XML.Is this concept dead in a Flashless world? If so, then shoot me now.Has anyone started down the HTML5 path? Is there more than just stand alone single video players in HTML5? If I have 100 videos organized by category and sub-topic, do I have to create 100 different instances of a video player?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: If Then Else Alternative?

Nov 7, 2006

I made a script which will tile dynamic mc in a way that after a number of clips (say 5) in a row, i would like the 6th mc to position on the next row below the first row, like this:

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10

i was able to do it thru series of if-else if statements but the thing is that i was wondering if there's a better logic in doing this, i was thinking of using switch statement but is there a way to type "i>=9 && i<=20" into a case parameter? here is the code and i have also attached the fla if anyone would like to see:

if (i>=20 && i<=25) {
item._x = item._width+275;
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ActionScript 2.0 :: If Statement Alternative?

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I was reading through various source codes, trying to teach myself more and more AS as usual... and some things brought me to ask this question.let's say I place a movie clip on the stage, called gun. would:if (_root.gun) {} return a true statement, simply because a MC called gun exists on the stage?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Alternative To AttachMovie??

Apr 16, 2007

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Alternative To TileList?

Mar 9, 2009

I'm looking for a lightweight alternative to the TileList component. I'm currently designing and developing an MPU Ad Creative that references an XML doc and pulls in four FLVs and their appropriate meta data. These videos will then be playable in the merch window, and there will be some opt-in data capture going on as well.

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Choose Between Flash And Html5

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Displaying Flash On HTML5

Nov 15, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Alternative To Drawing At Runtime?

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Alternative To Sitepal (text To Speech)

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Are there any alternatives to sitepal with the same or close the same quality of text to speech engine?

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Nov 27, 2009

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Neither Adobe AIR nor Zinc don't seem to support some code I made and I'm looking for a very simple alternative? Does anyone know about any?

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I've been using PTViewer but it is causing some issues with looking for the ptdefault.html everytime and I'm wondering what other options are out there?

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Documentation - Flash CS4 Have An Alternative To ASDoc?

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Flex :: Free Alternative For BlazeDS?

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Do you know any free alternative for BlazeDS? It's working fine here, but we're looking for alternatives to check wich one is better.

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Actionscript 3 :: Alternative Way For Positioning Objects?

Jan 6, 2011

I'm looking for an alternative way to position a bunch of objects.

Here is my code:

private var orderContainer:Sprite;
private var currentOrder:uint = 1;
private var orderArray:Array;


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Flash Alternative For FileReader HTML 5 API

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I want the content of a local text file to become available inside JavaScript. I've achieved that using HTML 5 FileReader API, but this works only in Mozilla Firefox and Chrome now. I know that it is possible to create a cross-broswer solution using Flash. Is there any open-source project that do that?

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was asking both, condition1 and condition2 to be true (the case when they both are giving false and the end-result is true, could be achieved in other way). In Flex, same code would perform "some actions" if the both conditions are false. I just was wondering if is there any chance to make it break after finding first false in a queue, or I have no choice and should write nested if's?

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