ActionScript 3.0 :: Inter-SWF Communication Secure?

Mar 21, 2011

I'm working on a project (a game) that will run inside a container which is a separate swf. The purpose of this container is to be a sort of landing/end page for future games that's standardized.

For example: container.swf is embedded directly in the HTML page, and is given a flash var with the location of the game (game.swf).

-container.swf loads in game.swf as a child MovieClip

-At the end of gameplay, game.swf dispatched an Event containing the score and other pertinent game information

-container.swf has eventListeners that activate when game.swf dispatches those events, and stores the score given from the game.swf onto separate servers (in a db of some sort)

Now, we have a security option set up to keep the data from being tampered with as it travels from container.swf over to the database (as it is travelling over HTTP, which is easily intercepted, so a hash is included to verify the delivered contents)

My partner also believes that a similar hash-verification systems needs to be in place for the communications between game.swf and container.swf. However, I was under the impression that, since those communications don't travel over HTTP (and rather travel through the Flash player virtual machine type thing),adding such security is unnecessary (and retrofitting container.swf would be a non-trivial task).

So, which of us is correct? Is inter-swf communication (via eventListeners) inherently secure (since that would require lightning fast hacking in order to intercept the data...nanoseconds at best)? Or is adding another layer of security actually useful?

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That is my own idea but can only make cracking harder, not more:

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Jun 30, 2011

i recently had a look to the tutorial for custom authentication within a flex application. The login is managed by getting the ChannelSet from a RemoteObject:

private function creationCompleteHandler():void {
if (cs == null)
cs = ServerConfig.getChannelSet(remoteObject.destination);


After that the channlset can be used with the login command of ChannelSet. How can i insure that this is using a secure connection? I know that there is a amf channel and a secure amf channel. But how to tell to provide the credentials in a secure connection?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Shared Objects And Secure DB Queries

Aug 4, 2009

I'm working with a friend with some changes to their complex flash site after their previous developer jumped ship on them. In the process of making some edits I noticed that the previous developer had exposed all of their data to the world. Any slightly tech-savy user could pretty much read all the table data in their database by visiting a php page.

So here's the scenario I'm trying to solve.
- The flash site uses Shared Objects to save users access privileges when they log in successfully.
- There are frequent calls to the database to display information (whether logged in or not). The site calls a php page.. lets say... query.php?table="tablename" and returns all tables data... (what a mess). Only specific columns are needed to be returned to the user (whether they are logged in or NOT logged in). there is no check to see if the user is logged in or not when this page is called. so anyone can call a page and get this data.
- Only the ADMIN should get returned the full table set as they are the ones that need to see all the data in flash. however the same php query is called for the admin and for the regular user and any non-logged in user.

So. I guess I can limit the data set returned for the average logged in or not logged in user so the more sensitive data isn't shared. But how can I authenticate the logged in admin to share the full table data?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing A Secure Variable From Flash To PHP?

Jun 11, 2007

Does anyone know a 100% secure way to transfer a variable from Flash to PHP. I have a SSL on my site, but I've been told that using the loadvars cmd is about as unsecure as you can get, even if your page is secure.One of the suggestions was Flash Remoting, can anyone confirm that this is a safe way to send a secure variable?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Secure Flash PHP Data Transfer

Dec 8, 2009

I know there are a lot of topics already on this. I have read (hundreds of) them and I'd still like your input.

If I have a flash UI that takes user input and passes it to PHP; is this secure?
I have read that, yes, this is okay. I have also read that no, you need to encrypt the data, by say hashing it before sending to PHP. OK, easy, I do this already but.....

In my case I have the data/password stored (when the user inputs it, not in the swf of course) and sent every time I want to access any PHP (using AMFPHP). The PHP check this password each time and only runs if it gets the correct password. So in this case if I hash the password, it makes no difference, it just changes what the password is rather than providing any actual security (well maybe minimal because it's less recognizable).

So can someone extract a password that is sent from flash to PHP?

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