ActionScript 3.0 :: MXML Code - Charting Flex Document Listing Repository Statistics?

Feb 19, 2010

I have been working on a charting flex document listing repository statistics for work and it can be seen here -http [url]...orialJorum.swf Unfortunately,my hard drive died last week and the MXML source files were wiped(I know I should have backed it up). As I cant really afford paying $80 to decompile to get the MXML script, I wondered if anyone could do it for me as I put many hours into that piece of work. I have tried using the demo version of SWF Decompiler and Trillix but unfortunately they only give you the component code and not the <script/>

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private var _dp:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([


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Each chart is placed in its own VBox (with a few other things) that make up a larger canvas of the Type A or Type B. This VBox is given an absolute X position. It is very high priority that the different charts line up, so that comparisons (in time) can be made.

What ends up happening is that the vertical axis for some charts takes up more width then others, so the charts are no longer aligned in time.

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Feb 3, 2010

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Flex :: Charting Only Display Datatip For Specific Series?

May 19, 2009

I have a LineChart that contains multiple series, both LineSeries and PlotSeries, and I have a custom dataTipFunction set for the chart. However, I only want data tips displayed for line series, not the plot series. I have tried returning null from my format function, but that just displays an empty box. I have also tried disable mouse events on the plot series (by setting both mouseEnabled and mouseFocusEnabled to false), to no avail. Is this even possible?

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Flash :: Flex4 - Compiler Error Using All Flex Charting Components Using 4.1 SDK W/Builder 4?

Mar 12, 2012

Why do I need to do add extra namespace declarations (below) in a Flex 4.1 "MX only component set" project to get it to compile within Flash Builder? (It says mx:LineChart cannot be resolved when a chart is added via Design View, and datavisualization.swc is referenced.)

Is there a way I can get this to compile without adding these special xmlns:charts, xmlns:series and chartClasses to the declaration? (If I just leave the default namespaces and use mx:SomeChartComponent, it doesn't compile.)


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