ActionScript 3.0 :: Make SWF Invisible With Button?

Sep 10, 2009

I have a home page, with 5 swf's that are called into a container on the main. Now when I click on the home button on i need for the embedded swf thats up to become invisible not unload because i need the information to .

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CS3 - Make Button Invisible In Flash CS4?

Mar 5, 2010

I am using Flash Professional CS4. I made 2 buttons (2 rectangles,each turned into a symbol of type button). I now want when I click 1 button that the second becomes invisible. Is there a way to do so?

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Professional :: Make A Button Invisible?

May 6, 2010

I'm sure this is something easy that I'm missing, but I can't figure it out.  How do I make a button invisible?  I need it to be invisible through frame 43 of my movie.  I have tried changing the alpha to 0, but it's not letting me change that, except in the edit button mode which changes it for the entire duration and not just through frame 43.

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I Want to load an external .swf in a movieclip which is my container "contenedor_somos" when i click on a button. What i want to do next is to make that .swf to dissappear or unload or whatever when i click another button.

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Does any one know how to make a movieclip invisible so I can use it as an invisible button?

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For my newspaper i am creating each page has a next button and a previous button. I have assigned the previous button on one page to attach the movie of the page previous to it and then tested my movie. However when i click the previous button the movieclip does load but loads behind the starting moveiclip. So what i want to do is when the previous button is cliked, that page (movieclip) with the previous button on its dissappears and the previous page loads.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Hide Or Make A MC Invisible When Rolling Out From A Button Or Another MC?

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Can i hide or make a MC invisible when rolling out from a button or another MC?

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IDE :: Make The Timeline Go To The Next Frame (ie GotoAndStop) Only If Two Button Instances Are Invisible?

Oct 6, 2009

I want to make the timeline go to the next frame (ie gotoAndStop) only if two button instances are invisible. For the buttons I have scripted an on(release) to make them invisible, but I don't know how to use the if function to make my animation progress when they are both invisible.

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Flash :: Make Movieclips Respond To Mouse Events With Invisible Button On Top

Dec 2, 2011

I have a banner with big invisible button covering the stage and underneath it I have movieclips which must respond to mouse events. But I can't get through invisible button. I only get button events and cant interact with movieclips underneath it. Here's simple code:

invisibleBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onTopClick);
bottomMc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onBottomOver);
function onTopClick(e:MouseEvent):void{


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Actionscript 2.0 :: Click A Button Under An Invisible Button?

Jul 29, 2009

I am making a video player based on the Video Basics tutorials Lee put up a while back.

I am working on a custom controlBar with autohide. Basically, when i mouse over the video area I want them to pop up, and when I mouse out of the video area I want them to disappear. I have setup the controlBar movieclip itself with "show" and "hide" frame labels. Each one plays a fade in/out sequence a few frames long, no big deal. That is the easy part and works fine.

In order to detect the onRollOver and onRollOut events for the video area I made an invisible button on top of it called "butt". It works fine too.

Code: Select allbutt.onRollOut = function() {
trace("out of video");


Invisible button layer above controlBar layer: When i roll onto the video area the controlBar pops up, but I cannot access the buttons on it (play, rewind, etc) because they are now underneath the invisible button that monitors the rollOver and rollOut of the video area, which apparently wont let anything under it be clicked. How can I gain access to these buttons?

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How can I monitor the video area and still have access to the buttons on the controlBar once it pops up?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Mc Invisible When The Swf Starts

Mar 22, 2011

After a few years of using Flash I am creating my first project in AS3 and am running into some problems which are quite common involving targeting movieclips and controlling them. Basically I have a fla which has an MC on the timeline with an instance name of INFO_MC. Now i want this MC to be invisible when the swf starts and I have managed this by using the following code: Actionscript Code: INFO_MC.visible = false;

This is fine. However I get stuck when I try to make INFO_MC visible when I click a button in a loaded swf. How would I target INFO_MC from a button inside a loaded swf. Do I need to add an event to the button and then have a listener on the root timeline which would turn INFO_MC visible when it hears that the button has been clicked?

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Professional :: Make The Stage Invisible?

Feb 27, 2010

Ive got my dancing fruit sorted, however when I save the file as an animated gif and put it in my application the gif has the stage background. If it wasnt animated I could edit the back ground in photo shop, but I dont seem to be able to with the animated file. Is there anyway I can just have my dancing fruit with out the stage?

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Make An Invisible Rectangle On Stage?

Oct 9, 2007

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Make A Layer Invisible?

Jun 30, 2009

i have three layers on frame 1 of a all the three layers i have a different movie clips. my question is that is it possible to show only one movie clip when the swf loads initially ..? i mean when the swf loads initially , i need to hide tow movie clips and show only one..?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make 5 Out Of 10 Movieclips Invisible?

Nov 23, 2006

I want to make 5 out of 10 movieclips invisible.

I know this works for each movie :
item1._visible = false;
item2._visible = false;

But whats the correct syntax to do it in the loop. This seems to clear all 10 movieclips.


for (var y = 0; y<5; y++) {
["item"+(y)]_visible = false;

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IDE :: Make Dynamic Text Invisible

Feb 11, 2010

I'm running my head against a wall here and I'm not sure how to tackle this problem. Background I'm making some sort of movie player with subtitles overlayed on it. I'm using the root timeline for my movie timeline because this greatly increases development speed. The subtitles are created with the texttool, and I make them dynamic textboxes because I need to reference them in AS3. I cannot wrap them into a movieclip because they need to be in sync with the root timeline

The user should be able to enable or disable (effectively showing or hiding) the subtitles. The way I did this is by adding an event listener that listens to Event.Enter_Frame on the root timeline and a global boolean to indicate whether subs should be shown. In the enter frame event listener I search for the textfield by root.getChildByName (the name is the same each time) and show or hide the textfield accordingly.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Mc Visible And Invisible?

Mar 21, 2010

I want a movie clip to be visible for 3 seconds then invisible then visible again after 3 seconds.

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IDE :: Make The Text Invisible On The Other Frames?

May 5, 2010

I have a component called "liveTEXT" that I purchased that allows for the client to edit certain text sections to be edited by them on the front end of the site. Right there in the site. The problem I am having is that if I have this liveTEXT on say frame 100, and I go to frame 101, the text is still their overlayed over the content of that page. The text is called with this actionscript in frame 1:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Movie Clip Invisible In CS3?

Feb 10, 2009

I know this sounds stupid, but I've worked like all the time with Flash 2004 and Flash MX. Now I got CS3, and I want to do the following. I made a MP3 player, but I want to make a 'play' icon visible when the music plays and the 'pause' icon visible when it's paused. Therefor the 'play' icon needs to be invisible,


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Scrollbar On My Datagrid Invisible?

Apr 27, 2009

How can I make the Scrollbar on my datagrid invisible?

dg.verticalScrollBar.visible = false; Does not work

Also how do I scroll to a specific Index on my datagrid?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make String Of MCs Invisible/visible?

Jul 28, 2010

I have a map of states state when a particular state is clicked on, the fla centers on and zooms to that state. When you click on a state a unique ID is pulled from an xml. Using this ID, I can then call all the counties that are part of this state through the county's xml which is also loaded on my stage.or example if I click on Arizona, it zooms and I get a trace of all the instance names of the counties within Arizona.

//call all instance names of Arizona counties


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Invisible And Removed Some Images?

Aug 31, 2011

Have a number of images that need to be made visible and removed. Is there a way to do so rather then a list like this?


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Flex :: Make Scrollbars In List Invisible?

Sep 1, 2011

I'm using Adobe FLEX 4.5.1 for Mobile.I have a List that displays some images:

<s:List id="imageList" initialize="init()" verticalScrollPolicy="off" itemRenderer="skins.CustomIconItemRenderer" width="100" height="32" verticalCenter="0" horizontalCenter="0">


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Buttons Visible/invisible?

Oct 23, 2009

I have a file where everything is on frame one, and I have a nav bar. I want there to be a couple of buttons showing up below the main nav bar when one nav button is clicked, then disappearing when any of the other buttons are clicked.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Invisible For X Seconds Upon Click?

Sep 30, 2010

I am trying to write a program in which 2 random pictures appear on the screen, and when you click on a specific one of the 2, the other disappears for 250 ms, and then the whole thing starts over with 2 new random pics. I have everything working the way I want EXCEPT for the vanishish-for-250-ms part.Specifically, the program is supposed to display 1 picture from 1 group and 1 from a 2nd group, and when you click on the pic from group 1, the group 2 pic is supposed to vanish for 250 ms. Each group has 16 pictures, so the code as it stands now basically randomly picks whether the group 1 pic will appear in movie clip #1 or #2 (faces1_mov and faces2_mov), randomly pics a group 1 pic, displays it in the movieclip it randomly chose, and then puts a random group 2 pic in the remaining movieclip, so the program has to know which clip has the group 2 pic in it and make it disappear when the other clip is clicked.Here is my code:

ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.utils.Timer;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Flash Visible And Invisible?

May 5, 2011

I have a flash and want to make it only visible when loading 100%. In frame 1 I write stage.visible = fault; or this.visible=fault;

it doesn't work ! the flash still display !

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Movieclip('MC') Invisible When There Is No Jpg To Load

Jun 19, 2005

I am loading jpg's, and I want to make a Movieclip('MC') invisible when there is no jpg to load (because it just is not there). How can I detect if there is no jpg, and then make the MC invisible? I think I should use onData, but I can't make it work.

function laadNail3(foto) {
var my_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
my_lv.onData = function(src:String) {


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Make The Buffer Invisible Until MouseOver In A Flv Player?

Jun 23, 2010

I am adding a swf to my website with a streaming flv player and I would like to make the buffer mc invisible until the invisible button covering the video player is moused over. I would like the net stream to begin when the page loads, but for the video to begin when the player is moused-over, and then pause when moused-off, right now the buffer is showing on page load and the animation is really distracting.

This is the code I am working with:

var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);


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