ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Event Lagging On Click / Roll Out
Jun 27, 2011
I'm sure this isn't the greatest code in the world but here it is. I'm trying to get these movieclips (6 of them) to respond better. Right now, if a user clicks on one, they all blank out, and only display the x in the checkbox after the mouse rolls out.
This is a very basic question but I can't seem to find an answer. I have a mouse over event and have created the buttons with the mouse overs which is working great. I created the actionscript to go to a specific web page when a user clicks the button. Now, I need to add a label to the mouse over so when someone mouse's over any area of the button, it will show them a particular name for the button.
I am sure that this can be done using actionscript in a mouse event roll over command but I can't figure out what I need to show the text. Here is where I am:
I want to create a button that toggles but has a roll over, roll out and click animation. Anyone willing to point me in the direction I need to be so that I can achieve this. I can create the roll over and roll out animation for the buttons but then how could I toggle between the two buttons. Ultimately this is for a start and stop situation. I want when I roll over the button for it to have a transition then click and it toggles to the alternate button with animation. I have been tackling this now for a week and with no success. So far I have found ways to toggle but loose the animation or vice verse.
I just started playing around with as3 and I have a function for mouse clicks that draws a shape on each click. However the mouse click event does not appear to work unless I click a movieClip object I placed in the middle of the screen. Is there a way to make the mouse click event recognize when I click anywhere on the screen?
So I have a menu that fades in on a movie clip rollover. It fades out when the mouse rolls out over a 'hit area' mc. All is working fine except when you move fast off the hit area. Sometimes the fade in menu remains up when the mouse should have traveled over the hit area and told it to fade out... any reccomendations to remedy this?
I am trying to learn JavaScript and I am wondering whether JavaScript has a event listener just like ActionScript's ENTER_FRAME. Basically, I want this event listener to listen "all the time" not just wait for any particular instance (mouse click, keyboard event) of event.
I have MovieClip A on stage, that when the user rolls over it another MovieClip (B) is added above it to the stage (it's not added as a child of Movieclip A). Now, when the user rolls over this newly added clip, it triggers the roll out event of the clip 'below' it. So, how can I prevent this from happening ?Basically, it's a movieclip that displays a button when rolled over and hides it when rolled out. I need the roll out NOT to be triggered when the user rolls over movieclip B.
what should i do to get chart's data on the click of respective data Legend. suppose i have array [{id:123, label:sales, year:2010},{id:124, label:refunds, year:2010}]for a column chart which has year in x-axis and sales iny-axis.two legend showing labels sales and refund.What i want is to get the whole data (id:123, label:sales, year:2010) on clicking of the legend 'sales'.What should i do? I tried listening mouse click event and itemClick event.
I have a parent sprite that contains several child sprites. I have attached mouse click and mouse down event amongst others to the parent sprite. And in the listeners I check which child has been targeted using the "" property. However It seems that the mouse click event does not trigger for some reason. Is it possible that the mouse down event is eating up the click event. Is this a know issue in as3 and is there a possible workaround?
I'n new to AS3 and it's been a HASSLE to figure out some simples things i used to solve easily on AS1 and AS2...
I have a BUTTON called BOTAO82 which when having a MOUSE OVER event, should show a simple TEXT on a specific location of the screen (something explaining where that button will take you to).That button will have two events: MOUSE_OVER and MOUSE_CLICK.The CLICK i got it right...OK.The problem is the OVER. How can i SHOW the related TEXT when the mouse is over that button?
If you press left click and dont release it, and then press right click (contextual menu appears) and then left click again, the first "drag" action is never released.
Its like, I need to make that my right click says: "hey left click, your job is done, you can go home now".
I have screen in which I have a button which sets the clip to lower quality, and I also have to have the mouse event in which when the mouse is clicked (anywhere on the screen), this sends you to a different frame (gotoAndStop). The problem is, when I click on the button, not only it does its function, but the mouse event also does. What I want to do basically is to disable the mouse event while pressing the button.
I am trying to create what I believe to be a very simplerollover button that produces three buttons that pop up then clickon a button and gotoAndPlay a label. The rollover and pop up I havebeen able to do successfully - however the mouse CLICK event forthe buttons that pop up won't work. I know this should be simple -but I have been struggling with this for days. I am determined todo this using AS3 as I do not see the point in going backwards toAS2.
I would like someone to guide me that if there is any events which can be used for right click of the mouse or the scroll of the mouse (specially the scroll). Until now all the mouse event I have been using is based on the left mouse click, release. How to use the right click and scroll of the mouse using actionscript.
this seems to be a simple task at beginning. I have a mygameboard object which inherited from spirit class. I added eventlistener and handler in the constructor. For some reason, the click event handler only receives some of the clicks when the mouse points to certain area of the mygameboard object. I have noticed that areas receiving mouse events are child textfield objects of mygameboard.instance. Putting this.mouseEnabled = true; in the constructor has no effect. How can I enable the whole display area of mygameboard receiving mouse events?
I am trying to show the first image of my image gallery when it is loaded. How would I go about simulating a mouse click event that will pass an event value to a function?
I am new to Flash and trying to create something that may be simple, but am getting tripped up on.My issue is I have a navigation bar with text. When I mouseover one of the links, I would like a "pop-up" menu to appear. And from there, a CLICK event on them would bring me to a main-timeline frame.
How I went about to test this was I created a rectangle on the first frame of the main timeline, I converted that to a button. On the fifth frame of the main timeline I named the frame. Going into the button now, on the 'OVER' keyframe in its' timeline, I inserted more rectangles to form the pop-up menu. Now, I then converted the first rectangle to a movieclip that I want to on a CLICK goTo the 5th frame of the main timeline.
When I use the usual AS3 code in the actions panel of the movieclip with a basic CICK event, this error appears;
1120: Access of undefined property 'name of movie clip that links to fifth frame'.
I'm attempting to have a browser window come up when someone clicks on a flash animation I made(an ad). I call addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick); in my init routine as you can see below(the code did not import nicely into this post...) . I also tried addEventListener on my background bitmap but that didn't work any better. The mouse click event never fires. I cut out some of the non-relevent code such as the loading of bitmaps.
I have a button and I'd like to have the user right click on the button and then display the menu that will allow them to copy the highlighted text, but I'm getting the infamous 1119: Access of possibly undefined property RIGHT_CLICK through a reference with static type class. What am I doing wrong?
I have been trying to find this on google for ages but can't seem to get a decent result, usually I find about the flash context menu.
In Flash Air, I want to be able to capture the Right Click Mouse Event, i'm sure this is very simple but i've checked the documentation and looked on google but can't seem to come up with a result.
I want to program something that does this but I have no idea how to get started or whether it is possible.
1. Using the loader class I will load several images to the stage and set their x / y coordinates accordingly so that they don't overlap.
2. A random x, y coordinate is generated within the document class.
3. If there are any loaders that exist at that location it will be deleted.
If the x, y coordinate was to be generated by a click to the stage, I could do it like this.
Code: // detect for clicks at the stage level stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, dosomething); public function dosomething(e:Event) : void
But I want to be able to send a simulated click instead at a certain x y coordinate, and then use the .target to operate on the object that it refers to. Is this possible?
I have two buttons each in its own sprite now I want to listen for mouse overmout and click event on both. In a way that if you roll over button1 its color changes but at the same time button2 color changes as well.To be more specific lets suppose I have a graphic button like map picutre for a country like UK and then I have text button for UK as well.What I want now is that when user either scrolls over UK map the map button color changes but at the same time the color for UL text button changes as well. same goes for click and out events for the two.
I have a MovieClip of an bicycle, and I've attached and event listener for mouse clicks on that movieclip. The mouse clicks events are raised when I click on the bike, but I really want to be able to click somewhere in the entire region of the movieclip's rect (to make it easier for the audience this is for to be able to click).
I am currently working with a drawing tool for a mapping API, and every time I double-click the mouse a map service will perform a measurement and display the length of the line that I am drawing.
I want to mimic this double-click manually by dispatching a MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, but the map service is not listening to this default Flex event. I suspect that the API has created a custom MapMouseEvent or something like it that is being dispatched when a user double-clicks the mouse.
Is there a way to determine which event is being dispatched when I double-click the mouse?
Taking my first steps coding in AS3. So I have my main class which extends sprite and I put new mc's on top of that. Using addEventListener on any child MC's with MouseEvent.CLICK works fine, but I can't add it to the main sprite. How can I register all clicks on the screen?