ActionScript 3.0 :: RIA For Handling Objects Across Components?

Feb 10, 2010

I'm used to building web apps using proper architectures, but relatively new to the RIA space.One of the issues in rich client app is approaches to handling communication across components. (I've played around using the EventBroker concept.)In a recent Flex3/AS app I was looking at they took an approach that seemed to work pretty well, but I wonder about the drawbacks (or any other pros)...They took the concept of having a singleton object that would hold objects that could be used obviously from any components within the app by a simple call to...

var myAppModel:AppModel = AppModel.getInstance();

You thus could put any objects in there that you wanted access to from different components. It seemed to serve as the equivalent of a "Session" in the JEE space. I'm not so sure from an OO perspective it's the best thing to do, but it did seem to work pretty well.

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private function _menuSelectHandler (event : MenuEvent):void {
if (! event.abstract) {


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var myXML:XML = new XML();var XML_URL:String = "questions.xml";
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Jul 31, 2009

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<application handles_keys="F5, F6">
<tab1 handles_keys="pgup, pgdn">
<control handles_keys="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9" />


I have a class written that will respond to the key events the way I want it to, so how do I register one or more instances of this class to have the results I want? Also, note that there are some situations where this class should receive events that would ordinarily be handled by a UI component. The TAB key is the main example; I have a few cases where I want my key down event handler to fire even when the focus is on a text field.

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Apr 1, 2010

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Php :: Handling Server Load Efficiently?

Feb 11, 2011

I am building a Flex application using Pure MVC pattern and Zend framework for calling php code on the server. I need to sync some data with my server which is using MySQL as the database. And there are 5 such tables I need to sync. So I call these php functions at regular intervals from Flex and use long polling on php side. The client side code for my subjects lies in 5 different proxies.

Should I send 5 separate requests from each proxy to call the php code which is lying in separate classes. Or should I build a separate proxy to send 1 request from 1 php file and then distribute this data among different proxies on the client side. Which one will be more effecient? Mathematics shows using separate proxies and php classes allow more number of users to be accomodated on the server.Can I write 1 SQL command to fetch data from all 5 tables given they cant be joined on any column?

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TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

I also tried adding a layer to the timeline that spans all keyframes and putting in the eventlisteners (and respective addEventListeners) there. Same thing - null reference exceptions for everything not in frame #1.

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Aug 31, 2010

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Oct 18, 2010

Have been dabbling with flash for few years, but would like to send data to external PHP file and would like flash to process response.The way I have it working is to register function for the submit button on the main stage where I have the form instance. However, when I do this, it stops rollover effects from working on submit button. (The button is actually a movie clip instead of straight forward button btw.)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
Form code below:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Handling The CLICK Event?

May 19, 2011

on clicking the Search Icon , a search bar will be visible (ON) if user click anywhere on the stage the search bar will be NO visible(OFF) OR user click on ICON again the search bar will be OFF but it Stage CLICK is triggered without clicking

searchIcon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showSearch);
var srchBox:Boolean = true;
function showSearch(event:MouseEvent):void


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Jun 10, 2011

I am trying to create an app that will read files form a local folder on a memory stick (flash drive) which the app will be on too, then I need to be able to move one of the files in this local directory to a specified folder on the system BUT there has to be a variable taken from a text input to complete something along the lines of


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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML.onLoad Event Handling?

Feb 4, 2004

I have a class with a XML object in it. In one of the class' methods, I tell the XML object to load a document. Before I do that, I set up the onLoad event to call one of the class' other methods. The problem is that in that handler function, I can't seem to access any of my class' data. If I try to use the "this" pointer, I'm getting the XML object not my class.

A simple example:

class MyClass
var theXML:XML;


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