ActionScript 3.0 :: Radio Button Group Component Bug?
Mar 22, 2012
I have a pretty large quiz/survey with 60 questions (4 questions per page and 15 pages) and I get a deselection bug come up at pages 5, 10, 15 for no apparent reason! I have checked the code vigourously for any errors and I can't see anyWhat happens is that a particular question within those pages stated above - when the alternate radio button is selected, it does not deselect the other radio button in the group.
There was no real clear solution to this other than build the questions dynamically from an XML file. I would really love to do this but my AS3 skills are not advanced enough to be able to program everything dynamically and I currently don't have time to learn these skills as the flash file is due like yesterday
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EDIT - im using action script 3.0 !! and when i try doing
rbg.enabled = false;
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for(var i:Number=0;i
function radiobuttonclickhandler(event:MouseEvent):void
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Aug 1, 2009
hopw to get the name of selected option button
var myRadioGroup:RadioButtonGroup=new RadioButtonGroup("options");
for (i=0; i<5; i++) {; radio.label=""; radio.value=i; radio.move(10, int(int(55)+(105*y_counter)));
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Dec 1, 2010
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rb1.value=0; // does not work
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Jan 15, 2009
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