ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending Vars From Php To Flash For Different Events?

Jan 1, 2012

I have an AIR app that is uploading a txt file to a server, and I have a progress bar set up in AIR for the user.
The php file that handles the upload then opens the txt file, parses and sanitizes the contents, and inserts them into mysql.
I was wondering if there is any way to have php tell Flash what's going on at each stage of the operation?
At the moment, my progress bar gets up to 100% once the txt file stops uploading, but then hangs around until php has finished the backend stuff.  This is fine - I like that the progress bar movieclip stays there until the mysql insert is complete, but I was wondering if it would be possible to reset the progress back and have it move as the php continues through the parsing and mysql insert, or send back a series of text vars saying 'Parsing text file' then 'updating database'?
I understand that you can only echo back to Flash once, and I've also come across that Flash bug that doesn't accept variables back when you are uploading a file as opposed to just uploading variables.

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function sender()
varsToSend = new LoadVars();
varsToSend.var1 = beatTimer;


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var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onDataSaved);


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var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
try {


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PHP Code:

include("dbconnect.php");   /// connects to database
//// get data
$SQLstr = "SELECT * FROM programtexter WHERE subject='$select'";


flash reads in the 1st variable _root.pg1text1 and writes it out on the page ok
but how do i make it know when theres a new variable. because it also puts the second part in the 1st variable. it does not break up the variables it just puts all the text into _root.pg1text1

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getURL ("file.php?name1=" + name1+ "&name2=" +name2, "_self", "POST");
.but when i test it local. I see the following:
"file.php?name1=david&name2=posh?M%5FloveMatch=%5B type+Function%5D&calculateScore=%5Btype+Function%5 D&your%5Fname%5Fstatic=dfjkawef&your%5Floveone%5Fs tatic=oiaSDV&score=78&scoretext=78%25&name1=david& name2=posh"

and all i wanna get is:


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is somehow more correct to do it?

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So, how do I load the images in the other frame without reloading the flash??

Could I do it using external interface? ..

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but i am having trouble doing this.

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_root.displaytext.text =;

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myVars=new LoadVars();
submit_btn.onRelease=function() {

Invariably the else statement is deployed and a new record is inserted into the database even when the username and passwords (md5 encrypted) are identical. I've been on PHP forums and nobody has a solution, so I'm wondering if this is a Flash issue. Perhaps even though the username and password in MySQL 'appear' identical to what's submitted by Flash and md5 encrypted they're really not for some reason. I tried trim() and stripslashes() to no avail.

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Jun 9, 2010

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Feb 9, 2009

this should be simple as nothing but i just need to get a clearer picture here my PHP has this as final line


where $newPics is a number what do I insert in AS code to to retrieve that variable and store it as an AS variable?

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Jun 24, 2009

I've surfed for days to find a solution to this. There are a jillion out there, but I haven't found one that works. Suppose I have the following

// the above URL will house my Flash movie

I need to get the values of firstName and lastName into my Flash movie to save as variables (ultimately LoadVars()) and pass as an ID for some MySQL tasks performed in my Flash movie. NOTE the value of the names are not constant (ie sleepy dad). They will change with login - each user having a unique name. I've tried modifying the javascript in my HTML - some.swf?firstName=firstName (in both Object & Embed Tags)


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IDE :: Passing Vars To Flash?

Apr 2, 2009

I have to pass some variables to the flash movie (movie.swf?var1=aaa&var2=bbb). never had a problem with using them before.I've read around a lot an tried different coding, but when I export the swf I got the error, that root is unknown...doesn't matter, if I use one of this

var flashvars:Object = root.loaderInfo.parameters;
var flashvars:Object = stage.loaderInfo.parameters; // stage is unknown here..
var flashvars:Object = MovieClip(root).loaderInfo.parameters;
var flashvars:Object = MovieClip(root.loaderInfo).parameters;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Flash Vars Through Php?

Apr 26, 2009

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$avar = $_GET['a'];


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Flash :: Php - Vars To Pass Variables To A SWF

Dec 4, 2009

I would like to pass over 50 items of variables from php to flash. Actually I want to pass array with foreach statement, looping through the array and assigning loop index to the variables and flash again accept the php values through looping. Is this possible? If passing values through foreach or loop statement is impossible, I would like to break a new line in tag. how can I break a new line in FlashVars tag?

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Receive An Array From Flash Vars?

Mar 15, 2010

How to receive an array from flash vars?

So I have HTML page. with flash app on it. I vant to send an array to flash. How to do such thing using flashVars (I have something like uid=12&sid=12&sid=32&sid=12&sid=32) so i need to get dinamic andomeegunnown number of Sid's not losind UID how to du such thing?

btw I want to pass in an array of values and have it recognized by Flash as an Array object; For example, with POST and GET requests an array is formed as "field[]=value&field[]=value" etc.

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Flash :: Php - How To Find Defined Vars

Apr 18, 2011

I am php developer, my html integrator has given me a swf file. When integrated, I saw there are some parameters defined. I would like to edit them. They are in an object tag like:

<object ...>
param name="flashvars" value="var1=val1&var2=val2..."

Where can I find thoses vars?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pass Flash Vars And PHP?

Nov 13, 2009

I want to read in the objID into flash. [code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Flash Vars To Php

May 20, 2010

ok so i have set up a register user page in my flash document and i'm trying to send the variables to a php document on my server which then puts the vars in a database. trouble is the variables dont ever get to the php. every time i add a user a row of blank variables are stored in my database and seen as i have had the php working with html forms passing the vars i am pretty sure this isnt the problem. here is my as3 code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Vars In Php Into Flash?

Nov 11, 2011

i used this script:

import flash.display.Loader;


it gave me error like this:
ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property jumCust not found on String and there is no default value.
at loadPHP2_fla::MainTimeline/loadedData()

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