ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Database To Send Multiple Movieclips To Different Frame Labels

Jul 22, 2011

I have code to send a movieclip to a frame label which works just fine, but I want to pull the frame labels from a database for multiple movieclips and send them to different frames.. the following works :-
but once in a loop, I'm having problems... is it down to the syntax ?
for (i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
var currentTab:String = "tab" + i;        var currentTag:String =["tag" + i];

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking Buttons Inside Movieclips To Frame Labels?

Feb 17, 2009

I've been working on a new issue while giving a break on cracking the other one.I have a movie clip acting as a button with rollover/rollout animation- we'll call it menu_mc for simple reference.I'm basically creating a rollover submenu. I've set it up a few different ways but the most user friendly has been hiding the submenu_mc (which has 4 linked buttons to root frame inside) by doing:

_root.sub5_mc._visible = false;
then inside the menu_mc with the rollover I have the submenu trigger set to show:
_root.sub5_mc._visible = true;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Frame Labels - Shared Object Not Working

Sep 13, 2009

I'm working on AS3 on main timeline. I have 20 frame labels parte1 to parte20. On parte1 I have a preloader and SharedOject code. The preloader works fine. On parte8 I have a movie clip (whole_master), which contains three frame levels (g_level_1, g_level_22, and g_level_33). Each frame contains a level of a game. My sharedObject doesn't work.

//Saving data
var so=SharedObject.getLocal("learningGames", "/");;; =whole_master.g_level_22; =whole_master.g_level_33;
//testing if shared object exists
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Multiple SWF Using Loader Class And Frame Labels

Mar 22, 2009

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TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at ZimIndex7_fla::mcMenu_5/buttonClick()[ZimIndex7_fla.mcMenu_5::frame1: 6]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Populating Database From Contents Of Multiple MovieClips Within Main

Sep 16, 2011

In my main .fla file I have a movie clip onstage called "square". The movieclip is empty. Below that are five buttons (black, red, blue, green, remove) which, depending on the color button clicked, would load into the empty "square" clip either a movie called "black_square.swf", "red_square.swf", "blue_square.swf" or "green_square.swf". Only one such movie at a time is loaded into the clip. Clicking the "remove" button empties the clip. I've also got a "submit" button, which, when I click it, I'd want to submit the name of whatever .swf file happens to be loaded to a database. If nothing is loaded I want the record created to show the "square" movieclip was empty.

I've been able to make an application that has a central movie clip containing 20-something other clips. The application lets people create their own design of a particular item, choosing the colors of every component to this item (each of which is loaded into its own component-specific movie clip). One of the movie clips can be populated by a .jpg or .png file a user himself uploads. Once finished, people can print or save this design by choosing the appropriate button on this app. What I'm trying to do is find a way to also pass this design, created from multiple movie clips into a central clip, into a database as well.

The movie clips are "driven" by 21 color chip buttons each which has an instance name of a color, i.e. "black", "brown", "dark_green", etc. By a series of switch/case statements, when one clicks a "component" button (there are approximately 13-15 components) they load into the clips a movie named "(model)_(view)_(component)_(color (". There are many "models" to choose from but within the stage only one "model" is selected at a time, so that wouldn't change here.

The design can be viewed from front, back, left or right, so that's what the "view" is - the colored components that are the same save for the view (i.e., an object which can be seen from either the front or left view) are loaded into movie clips that are either visible or invisible depending on which view one selects. Is there a way I can attach a variable name to a movie clip which is selected (bearing in mind that the application viewer can change the color of each component (and therefore the clip loaded) at will) to be read by the database? Or would the name of whatever movie clip itself that happens to be loaded be sufficient? "populating a database from contents of a movie clip".

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Database :: DataGrid - Display Selected Item Across Couple Of Labels

May 11, 2011

I have a datagrid that loads content from a database. Once the data has been loaded I have a function that has
Right after that I call another function that tries to display the selected item across a couple of labels. The problem is nothing loads in the labels unless I run the functions twice. I'm guessing its some sort of data race problem where the item hasn't been selected by the time the function that displays the items in labels runs. How can I get the item to be selected before the next function runs.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Navigate From Btn Of Mc_B To FRAME Of Mc_A Using Frame Labels?

Jul 28, 2009

Im using Flash MX (the pre-02004 version) to design a photo portfolio that will be distributed on CDs to potential clients.Its broken up into subject galleries, each of which is its own movie clip.The pages of those gallery movie clips are all separate movie clips, too, regardless of whether they contain single images or layouts of images. Frame labels with stop codes separate each gallery_mc.

Within each gallery, previous and next buttons allow page-to-page navigation.From the last page of gallery_A_mc (e.g.), I can to go to the first page of gallery_B_mc by using the following ActionScript:

on (release) {

Id think that this should make it go to frame 5 of gallery_B_mc,which is on the gallery_B_ FrameLabel, but it doesn't make it go anywhere.

on (release) {
this._parent.gotoAndStop("gallery_B_mc", 5);

Also doesnt make it go anywhere.

View 7 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Library Mc's As Buttons - Send The Playhead To Different Labels On The Main Timeline

Jul 6, 2009

I created a menu of invisible movieclips (from a library item with the class name Invis) with buttonmode set to true so that I can have them send the playhead to different labels on the main timeline. I could use some help with determining which button is clicked and then placing code that executes depending on which button is clicked.

Here is what I have so far on frame 1 of my timeline:

This works - I get [object Invis]0,or [object Invis]1...etc in my output //window depending on which one I clicked. Just not sure what to do next

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Flex :: Send The Names/labels Of Selected Items From A List To A Php File?

Oct 28, 2009

I know i can access multiply selected options of a list by

var selectedAlgos:Array = algosList.selectedItems;

where algosList is the name of my List.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Frame Labels And Frame Numbers?

Feb 19, 2002

For example if I wanted an action to occur untilt the movie hit the frame label I would ideally be able to do somethign along the lines of:

do {
play ();
} while (_currentFrame != "label name");

This does not seem to work, but I am hoping that this is close to something that willObviously, I can put an action to stop the clip in the labeled frame, but I only want it to stop there under certain conditions . . .

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Frame Labels Instead Of Frame Numbers?

Mar 2, 2012

I am building a large project that could be subject to change during it's construction, I am stressing out a bit because I am relying on the timeline to go foward and backward through the structure, (as well as user having the ability to use a menu to go where ever they want). So apart form the menu that specifies where to go, there is a forward and back button using next and previous frame to go forward and backwards.

So, what if after building a large section of this, the client wants to put in an extra page? this will upset all of my navigation (OR if I put the extra page at the end of the timeline the menu will work fine but the forward adn backwards buttons wont work properly) So should I be using frame labels instead of frame numbers? (How do I do this gotoAndStop(?) Or is there some other way I should be approaching this? like having a variable to keep track of page number instead of frame numbers?

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Access A Database And Send It To Php?

Oct 6, 2009

I am trying to figure out how to access a database and send it to php

I thought first i should hard code it this is the php file i am using[code]...

If I can understand where I am going wrong here then i think i can build off of it and get my database working.This is the second time i have tried php database and actionscript.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Send Data To Database Using Php?

Aug 7, 2010

how to send some data from as3 to a database. I did a little (in fact a lot) of research, and found something useful. But it doesn' t work ... Here's my code:

Actionscript Code:
private function confirmPayment():void {   [code]............

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Send Data From As3 To Database Using Php

Aug 7, 2010

I was wondering how to send some data from as3 to a database. I did a little (in fact a lot) of research, and found something useful. But it doesn' t work.[code]

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Send Values From Flash To A Database?

Jul 14, 2009

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Ive been told this is the best way to send values from flash to a database.

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PHP :: How To Send String From AS3 For Database Query

Oct 6, 2011

Im building this AIR app on Flash CS5, and I have this TileList that loads its data (images and names) from a database. I want to do a query with the name any item of the Tilelist when its clicked, so i need to send the name of that item to a PHP file that will execute the query. I am thinking of a function that loads the item name to a variable when the item is clicked. How can I send it to the PHP file and how would I load it to the query? The query I want on the php file goes something like this: Select lat, lon from mapdata where name=theVariable;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Send Info To Database Via .asp?

Jun 9, 2004

I am trying to get a .asp example file from an actionscripting book to work, but it keeps telling me that there is an error trying to open the .asp page on my server.I uploaded the .asp file, and the access file onto my server, but it is not communicating.Are there any browswer settings or web-hosting settings I should be aware of before I try to send and receive information from a database? Also, I eliminated one variable. In another document, I was able to pull information from a text file from my web server without any problems.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mysql Database Design = Multiple Students + Multiple Results

Feb 9, 2011

This is more of a database design issue but almost everybody here uses database integration with their apps so I feel it is important. I am integrating AS3 + mysql + php and need to clear up the database design for multiple students results in various activities. Developing an online e-learning course with a "dashboard" or teacher control panel with all kids results in each activity. I have read the database design rules by Codd etc... understand the need for parent and child tables so information is relational and not duplicated etc... BUT I am not sure how to design the results part. Various students do various lessons with 10 activities which each give a mark out of ten. The table would be updating every few seconds as 10,000 users would be online at the same time

1. Would I create a results table with all the students results going in the same table ie: Tom would be the first row


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Send / Post Data To Database?

Jul 4, 2009

I just went over the ZEND amf Tutorial and was wonder is there a way to send/post data to the database?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Send Data With Amfphp To A Database?

Jul 22, 2009

I have been looking everywhere for this solution:

How do you send data to a database using amfphp?

Do you need to use a php file or something? or is there a way of doing it another way? I'm not great with php..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Send Data To Database Through Flash?

Nov 5, 2009

I'm trying to send data to my database through Flash. I've got some fields and I've got a submit button. On press, it will send data off using:


Why do I find something like this in the address bar?

.../highscores/new_score.php?player_name=test48&time_complete=489 &resources=379&accuracy=34&combo=598&general=69

Aren't they supposed to be hidden when using the POST method?

View 9 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Send The Form Data To A MySQL Database?

Feb 28, 2011

What I am wanting to do is create a "registration form" and send the form data to a MySQL Database. Once the user submits the form, a password is created and emailed to the user.

Then once all has been created and stored, the user can log in and gain access to secure pages.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: First Time Attempting To Send Info To Database Via .asp

Jun 9, 2004

I am trying to get a .asp example file from an actionscripting book to work, but it keeps telling me that there is an error trying to open the .asp page on my server.I uploaded the .asp file, and the access file onto my server, but it is not communicating.Are there any browswer settings or web-hosting settings I should be aware of before I try to send and receive information from a database?Also, I eliminated one variable. In another document, I was able to pull information from a text file from my web server without any problems.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Different Frame Labels Are At Frame 1?

Apr 13, 2010

I added some actionscript 3 to an app with 5 repeated sets of animations each beginning with a different frame label. The different frame labels are at frame 1, 31, 61, 91, and 121. Here is the actionscript.


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Use Frame Labels Instead Of Frame Numbers?

Mar 1, 2012

I am building a large project that could be subject to change during it's construction, I am stressing out a bit because I am relying on the timeline to go foward and backward through the structure, (as well as user having the ability to use a menu to go where ever they want). So apart form the menu that specifies where to go, there is a forward and back button using next and previous frame to go forward and backwards.

..  So, what if after building a large section of this, the client wants to put in an extra page? this will upset all of my navigation (OR if I put the extra page at the end of the timeline the menu will work fine but the forward adn backwards buttons wont work properly)
So should I be using frame labels instead of frame numbers?  (How do I do this gotoAndStop(? );)Or is there some other way I should be approaching this? like haveing a variable to keep track of page number instead of frame numbers? Use frame labels instead of frame numbers?

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Data Integration :: Send Variables To Database Without Opening Broswer?

Mar 12, 2007

I have a standalone flash app that needs to get user inputand send it to a remote server / database. When I use the methodbelow, a browser window opens which I don't want to happen - I wantthe data to be sent but not display the page.

my_lv.fname = fname;
my_lv.lname = lname;
my_lv.emailaddr = emailaddr;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Send Multi-Line TextField Text To Database?

Jul 18, 2010

I am sending a dynamic multi-line textField text to a database. Upon receiving it back, it doesn't display it in multi-line format properly. I am also using htmlText, so it stores it all the font / size /etc in the database perfectly.This code shows you the textField attibutes, both the text I create and send to MYSQL, and the text I get back also calls upon these exact attributes

TF.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
TF.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
TF.useRichTextClipboard = true;[code]......

when I called upon the text from the database. It at least made it multi-line, but it messed it up a bunch also. My text is only 3 lines, but with wordWrap, it made it 8 and made it look off.Anyway, the text / font / color and everything comes in perfectly, except for the multi-line part.

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Navigate Among Frame Labels?

Sep 15, 2009

I use scrollbar at the bottom of the timeline to go to different frames. This is slow if I have thousands of frames. I wonder if there is a similar interface like the Actions window for labels on timeline. I mean you can see all the scripts at left pane and be able to go there directly by clicking on anyone on the list. I would be nice if you can see all your labels in a menu and click to go there directly (I believe Director has that). Maybe I can put some dummy script in different label and then I can use Action window to travel to there.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Go To Frame Labels Of A MC?

Nov 19, 2003

I have a button on the main stage, and a movieclip "qccontent". When the user presses the button, I am trying to check if the MC is on a specific frame label. The MC starts on a stopped frame labeled "closed".

Right now, each time the button is pressed, it currently goes and plays the label "closemenohit". It is not reading the first part.

on (release) {
if (_root.qccontent._currentframe("closed")) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Frame Labels As Variables?

Apr 1, 2010

I have a Flash project with several labeled frames. The user will be doing a lot of moving about those frames, so I wanted to simplify my navigational interface code-wise. There are six buttons, I have attached functions to them like so:

Actionscript Code:
topnavbt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,lookUp);function lookUp(event:MouseEvent):void { 


...instead, I get "TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "skylights" to flash.display.FrameLabel."

I can't seem to wrap my head around what these errors are saying, but I'm sure there's a simple solution I'm missing. I think I just don't know how to define the frame label correctly.

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