ActionScript 3.0 :: Mysql Database Design = Multiple Students + Multiple Results
Feb 9, 2011
This is more of a database design issue but almost everybody here uses database integration with their apps so I feel it is important. I am integrating AS3 + mysql + php and need to clear up the database design for multiple students results in various activities. Developing an online e-learning course with a "dashboard" or teacher control panel with all kids results in each activity. I have read the database design rules by Codd etc... understand the need for parent and child tables so information is relational and not duplicated etc... BUT I am not sure how to design the results part. Various students do various lessons with 10 activities which each give a mark out of ten. The table would be updating every few seconds as 10,000 users would be online at the same time
1. Would I create a results table with all the students results going in the same table ie: Tom would be the first row
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package com.levelGenerator {
import flash.display.Sprite;
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Aug 23, 2011
There are many times that I've needed to execute some code after a number of events have fired, and I've come up with counters and such but I feel there must be a better way.For example, say five files need to be loaded, after which a UI component will become active.If I set up a counter that increments each time a file is requested, then decrements each time one has loaded, I run the risk that the first two or three files may somehow get completely loaded before my code gets around to requesting the fourth and fifth, which would mean that my counter would be at zero when I still have two files to load, thus allowing the UI component to be prematurely activated.
There are some cases where you could know the number that need to be loaded before the requests go out, but it's possible that the first file contains the paths (and therefore the number of) files.And this file-loading scenario is only an example of the pattern I'm trying to explain.)
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Nov 12, 2009
When I pass a single variable (telephone) from Flash using the below it works fine
var xmlSaveLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
xmlSaveLoader.load(new URLRequest("customer_insert.php?telephone="+teleph one));
I can read the variable in PHP using $key_telephone = $HTTP_GET_VARS[telephone];
and then run sql command to insert into table customers mysql_query("INSERT into customers (telephone) values ($key_telephone) ");
However, I have a problem and don't know how to pass multiple variables to PHP. I tried the following to pass a second variable (first_name)but it doesn't seem to work... xmlSaveLoader.load(new URLRequest("customer_insert.php?telephone="+teleph one+"&first_name="+first_name));
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Feb 22, 2011
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I tried initializing the statement below. it give me the error on creating the second table. Do I have to use other API so that
private function db_opened(e:SQLEvent):void {
sqls.sqlConnection = sqlc;
sqls.text = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_table ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, first_name TEXT, last_name TEXT);";
[Code] .....
Error: Error #3106: Property cannot be changed while SQLStatement.executing is true.
at Error$/throwError()
at text()
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for (i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
var currentTab:String = "tab" + i; var currentTag:String =["tag" + i];
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Feb 11, 2012
Case1: When a client makes a remoteObject request ie to save some Info... A call is made to Java SAVE_INFO method. If request failed ie came back to FaultHandler ( we save the info in an arrayCollection).Later we call SAVE_INFO again for each item in arrayCollection ie( if arrayCollection has 10 items.. We call 10 times the same method.. I know that's kind of stupid but we have no control over java to write a overloading method). Some times we see there are multiple records of same info in DB. I am not sure if this happens when looping over arraycollection and making calls or during normal one time call. We could not find a pattern to reproduce. Java LOG level is at Error level in production. can't set to INFO in production to monitor all calls. We dont know if this multiple times saved record is, the one in arrayCollection or normal one.
Flex3 RemoteObject --> WAS 6.1 , lCDS 3.0, Java1.5 --> Webservice -- > Java (hibernate) --> Oracle 10gCase2: When application is left open and user leaves for the day and submits info the following morning, we see duplicate records in DB of that info.(No arrayCollection here. Simple straight one call)Flex3 RemoteObject --> OC4J Blazeds Java1.5 (JDBC) --> Oracle 10g.Recently one of our Testers testing case 2 application found this pattern and I am starting to think that may be in the case 1 also.. users might be leaving for lunch/break and resubmitted the arrayCollection after coming back. During lunch java might have killed the sessions for the client and after resubmitting 10 at same time.
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Sep 16, 2011
In my main .fla file I have a movie clip onstage called "square". The movieclip is empty. Below that are five buttons (black, red, blue, green, remove) which, depending on the color button clicked, would load into the empty "square" clip either a movie called "black_square.swf", "red_square.swf", "blue_square.swf" or "green_square.swf". Only one such movie at a time is loaded into the clip. Clicking the "remove" button empties the clip. I've also got a "submit" button, which, when I click it, I'd want to submit the name of whatever .swf file happens to be loaded to a database. If nothing is loaded I want the record created to show the "square" movieclip was empty.
I've been able to make an application that has a central movie clip containing 20-something other clips. The application lets people create their own design of a particular item, choosing the colors of every component to this item (each of which is loaded into its own component-specific movie clip). One of the movie clips can be populated by a .jpg or .png file a user himself uploads. Once finished, people can print or save this design by choosing the appropriate button on this app. What I'm trying to do is find a way to also pass this design, created from multiple movie clips into a central clip, into a database as well.
The movie clips are "driven" by 21 color chip buttons each which has an instance name of a color, i.e. "black", "brown", "dark_green", etc. By a series of switch/case statements, when one clicks a "component" button (there are approximately 13-15 components) they load into the clips a movie named "(model)_(view)_(component)_(color (". There are many "models" to choose from but within the stage only one "model" is selected at a time, so that wouldn't change here.
The design can be viewed from front, back, left or right, so that's what the "view" is - the colored components that are the same save for the view (i.e., an object which can be seen from either the front or left view) are loaded into movie clips that are either visible or invisible depending on which view one selects. Is there a way I can attach a variable name to a movie clip which is selected (bearing in mind that the application viewer can change the color of each component (and therefore the clip loaded) at will) to be read by the database? Or would the name of whatever movie clip itself that happens to be loaded be sufficient? "populating a database from contents of a movie clip".
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Jan 21, 2011
I have a very simple panel for adding some data to MySQL db using php scripts. The main view of that panel is a list of the collected data and a button to add a row at the end of the current db records. Here's the work flow:
- I click the button to add a record
- Fill out the form
- Hit the submit button
- The record has been added to the db
- The form disapears and the list of the records is displayed again
The problem is: - The list with the records doesn't include just added record To solve that problem I came up with an idea to put all the elements within the MovieClip "list", and try to remove this MovieClip from memmory and redo whole script again. Submit button of the form has the code to trigger the php script adding the records and tells the timeline to gotoAndPlay(2) which the code you'll find below. Unfortunately, that seems to not working.
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Feb 18, 2011
i am using Flash CS4 (AS3) + AMFPHP + MySQL to do own flash frontend for Wordpress CMS. Everything is going fine but i`ve got one problem. Problem with properly display of result of query in AS3 by using ArrayCollection.
When i check my service in "amfphp/browser/" in web browser i`ve got this (with all needed data):
filterFunction = (null)
length = 2
I know that "result" is an ArrayCollection type but i don`t know how to get rows and columns from this. I know that my data is there but i have no idea how to get it.
how to get to Arrays and simple data variables which are in ArrayCollection.
P.S. I tried also change query type in service.PHP for mysql_fetch_query but in that case i`ve got only one row (not all data).
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Mar 22, 2010
i am wanting to creat a small quiz that runs from xml which pulls questions from a database, then submits the results to the mysql database upon completion.
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Mar 4, 2011
just for fun I have been messing around with AMFPHP and I have hit a design problem and I was just wondering if anyone had any input?
I have been using AMFPHP to make calls to a PHP script like so:
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Jul 4, 2010
Is it possible for recent versions of flash to directly (or thru Php) access (& update) data from a mysql database and display results based on the data?
So if my database were like this (math scores):User 13Jerry | 20Kane | 7 the flash output would be a bar graph like this (those hyphens would be bars in flash)
Is this possible these days? Google analytics does something like similar to this.
I last used flash somewhere in 2003/4. Never after that :-) I've completely lost touch.
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Mar 4, 2012
I have been making huge strides in learning Flex and I am very much enjoying it, however,one thing I cannot find is how to bind results from a query in Flex. I have managed to create lists etc no problem but when I try to bind one specific value to a variable, it does not work.First off, here is my PHP function:
public function getRepnameByUsername($itemID) {
$stmt = mysqli_prepare($this->connection, "SELECT * FROM $this->tablename where Username=?");
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Aug 26, 2011
Don't know if the flash layer on the view stack contain only the compiled flash swf file
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Nov 28, 2010
I'm trying to develop a simple as3 flash program that passes a collection a variables and returns a result based on the filtered results of a mysql table. Here is my as3 file:
No value is returned. If I replace with '$test4' and '$test5' with numbers such as 1 and 17, a value is returned. Where am I making a mistake?
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May 20, 2009
how tp use databases with Flash CS4 ?I have created a form, an email page and a username/password protected pages, but I cannot find any tutorials that would help me how to connect to a database.
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Feb 18, 2010
how different is actionscript 3 compared to actionscript 2 i mean to integrate a datebase using mySQL if so how?
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Oct 24, 2010
I am reading one tutorial :- But I can't understand what is "Gateway.php" and all such things. I am a beginner in Flash.
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Jan 7, 2011
I have a problem with saving the £ symbol to a mysql database.I am running a flex front end, with a php + mysql backend When I save a record from flex, the string gets sent to the server as "This amount is £10" php views the string as above, and when it gets saved into the DB, it gets saved as "This amount is £10".
My understanding is that this is correct based on MySQL or PHP is appending a whenever the £ is used I now retrieve the above record, and it gets sent to flex as "This amount is £10". Flex correctly displays this in a textarea as "This amount is £10" I change another field in the same record in flex, and re-save the transaction. The string now gets sent to the server as "This amount is £10" The record is now saved into the DB as "The amount is £10". Each time the record is re-saved, this effect snowballs.
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Jan 9, 2012
So, we want to move out from Air (Adobe stopping support and really bad implementation for the sqlite api, among other things). I want to make 3 things:
Connect with a flash (not web) application to a local mysql database.
Connect with a falsh (not web) application to a remote mysql database.
Connect with a flash (web) application with a remote mysql database.
if you can connect with socket wit mysql server, why use a web server (for example with php) to connect like a inter connectioN? why not connnect directly? I have done this a lot of times, using AMFPHP for example, but wouldn't be faster going directly? In the case of accessing local machine, it will be a more simple deploy application that only require the flash application + mysql server, not need to also instal a web server.
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May 31, 2010
I am accessing my MySQL database through Flash using AS3. I am using php scripts to access my database and send and receive variables. Everything is working fine. No problems there. The problem, or rather the question is, is it possible for flash to run a script to access a database without a webserver running on the machine? Isn't there some sort of plugin or adapter or interface class available in flash that will allow me to do that?
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Feb 7, 2006
I have a database with info about each of my movies (filename, size, length, credits, etc) How would I load the variables for a particular movie from the database into the flash?
I did a search on the forum, but I wasnt sure excatlly to search for so I didn't find anything.
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Feb 12, 2007
i am trying to connect php to a mysql database by doing the following: $con = mysql_connect("localhost:8080","username","passwor d"); when i try to run the php file in the browser it takes forever to load. What could be the problem? and what am i doing wrong. i created the database with mysql in xampp.
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Feb 10, 2009
something strange about loading database mysql with urlloader
when i compile and run it via flash it worked , i can load the data but when i embed that swf into website the data won't loaded . what's happened?
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