Actionscript 3 :: Design Pattern For Multiple View States?

May 27, 2011

I have an application that takes the user through a set of steps, configuring a product, say about 10+ screens. With options to go back, skip to a certain point etc. I need to fade between these steps, and also have language switches available at any point.

I was thinking of using an MVC style pattern, having a master view that accepts a 'next view' and fades it in, removing the old.

It feels bloated to have 10+ separate view classes, using similar components for this task, so was wondering what other approaches there are that I should look into? or one that is suited for this kind of application

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From timeline:

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this.addEventListener(ResizeEvent.RESIZE, SizeChanged);

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<comps:TheComp field1="OK" field2="Yes" />

The component takes this input and uses it for its internal operation


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1. Would I create a results table with all the students results going in the same table ie: Tom would be the first row


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Jan 22, 2011

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mx|Label {

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Flash :: Builder 4 "includeIn" Property Causing Design View Error

Apr 26, 2010

I am creating a custom TextInput component that will define an "error" state. I have extended the TextInput class to change the state to "error" if the errorString property's length is greater than 0. In the skin class, I have defined an "error" state, and added some logic to detect the size and position of the error icon. However, if I have this code at the same time I use the "includeIn" property in the bitmap image tag, I get a design view error. If I either A) Only include that code with no "includeIn" property set, it works or B) dont include the code to set the icon size and position and only use the "includeIn" property, it works. Any ideas what could be causing the design view problem when I use both the "includeIn" property and the icon size/position code at the same time?


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Php :: Multiple Calls To Amfphp Using Singleton Pattern On Netconnection?

Feb 23, 2012

I'm trying to call AMFPHP two times on a single ActionScript method and what happen is that only the first call succeed. The second one doesn't return an error, doesn't alertsanything, it is more likely that it doesn't even happens and I'm not sure why.Here is an example:

public function editSomething():void{
if(dgChild.selectedIndex == -1){"You need to select a register in order to edit it.");


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Applying Wave Pattern To Multiple MovieClips

Apr 4, 2011

I made an mc which on being hovered makes a wave. The problem is that I can't think how to apply the code on about 15 mc's. I used the main timeline for coding purpose. Now I want to apply the same waving pattern to the other 14 mc's. I tried the for loop but couldn't get it to work because of the variables involved.

Here's my code-
k = 100;
t = 0;
ascend = true;
waver = false;
waving = false;
[Code] .....

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Nov 29, 2009

Is it possible, in flex, to assign multiple states as base for another state? Say I have state "stateA" that adds a button "buttonA" and state "stateB" that adds a button "buttonB". Is it possible to create a state "stateC" that is based on state "stateA" and "stateB"? If not, is there a workaround to accomplish that? Also notice that the button IDs should be "buttonA" and "buttonB" and I can't have several buttons in different states with the same ID ... Here is an example of what I want:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Search A String For A Particular Pattern, And Replace It With Elements From Within The Pattern?

Nov 25, 2009

i'm trying to search a string for a particular pattern, and replace it with elements from within the pattern... for's the given string...if you want to learn how to use regexp, {url===, text===click here}.

the pattern...
{url===, text===replacement text}

and the intended result...
if you want to learn how to use regexp, click here.

of course, i'll extract the url and do something else with it... i'm just wondering what the regexp is for that pattern, and how i can extract things from the results returned.

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