ActionScript 3.0 :: View Source With HTMLLoader

Oct 30, 2009

Some useful code for pulling the source code from the HTMLLoader:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Source Code From HTMLLoader?

Aug 11, 2010

I need to find a way to pull the source code from an HTMLLoader object.I can't use URLLoader because the user needs to see what's on the page... is there a way I can do that? I've gone through the docs for HTMLLoader, but can't seem to find anything that would let me natively do that.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AIR Htmlloader Viewing Source Html

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I've got a flash file (compiling to Air) with a HTMLLoader object in it. The HTMLLoader object loads the web page I link it to correctly. The page is an intranet page within my company's domain.What I would like to do is to take the HTML/text in the HTMLLoader component and convert it to a string so that I can list it out in a textArea. I want to parse the text to grab information like names and phone numbers etc. I'm sure I'm just missing something obvious.

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Specifically flash.display.BitmapData.

I've seen the swc file, header-like classes, and some implementation files for

fl.*, but not flash.*!

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Actionscript 3 :: Source From External Folder (linked Source) Not Appearing In Flex?

Aug 26, 2010

i have a Air Project in which i have added three extenal source folders. but when i reopen project or strat flash builder again i get icon on those folder like this but when i open the configuration for that project and try to validate the path and adding it again i get message like this but the path is valid. proof is this pic what could be possible error,,, is there any way that i when ever re-open project i get no warning and able to navigate through the linked source code. now i am doing it

1- deleting on of the linked folder

2- again adding that folder.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex Script Source In Source Path Cannot Be Found

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So inside my src folder I have my app.mxml file. I have a source directory pointed to my actionscript library.It appears that Flex does not look inside that source directory including an .as file within the master mxml file.

<mx:Script source="com/domain/something/somethingelse/"/>

I could just have the main file inside the src folder along with my app.mxml file but it would be nice if it could live in the actionscript library.

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Aug 3, 2010

I'm about to have to write a web page/app that will serve the agenda for circa 100 people on a page. One line per person, one column per day with 3 clickable zones in each cell. In HTML, the page is way complex for the browser to load quick and there is no possibility to click on a border between 2 cells to for example split an event that spreads among several cells. So I search an not too overkilling technology to render this kind of view. I begun with a PHP generated HTML page but the number of elements in the page make the mouse move jerky.

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<object height="409" width="600"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="flashvars" value="src=rtmp://my-server/vod/flv:my-video" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><embed allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" flashvars="src=rtmp://my-server/vod/flv:my-video"


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Aug 21, 2009

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Professional :: View To A Webpage In Normal View?

Nov 25, 2010

I am using Flash CS4 AS3.. When I open my browser "Internet Explorer 7" it opens normal. But When I open a link using the following Flash code it opens half in length and half in width. I need to click on "Maximise" button to view in full. How to solve the problem? It is our Intranet link.
function PM3ClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { navigateToURL (new URLRequest ("http://engineering/history/thisyear/ceomessage.htm"));
I tried modifying the line as well. It also doesnt work.
navigateToURL(new URLRequest ("http://engineering/history/thisyear/ceomessage.htm"), "_blank");

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Oct 8, 2009

in flash, I encounted a source file that is cropped and I cannot move it, is there some sort of cropped view in flash I dont know about? I cannot find anyinformation about it, it has rulers displayed as far as I remember.

Basically you cannot move in the file to edit anything viewpoint wise, everything outside of the movie area is invisible and not there? As if cropped.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Let HTMLLoader Work

May 9, 2011

I don't understand why i can't let HTMLLoader work. It seems that the code is very very easy:


I changed some strings, so there are no compile errors, but i only see the white screen (I know that AIR requires). I'm a newbie. If it's not difficult can someone give a source code... Maybe the problem is in settings.

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Actionscript :: HtmlLoader Block Ads?

Dec 14, 2010

I've got an AIR app that is loading mx:HTMLs. I would like to block the ads that show in them just like Adblock Plus for Firefox does (see I subscribe to the Easylist USA filter.

var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");;

I don't know where to begin to interrupt the HTML GET-ting process in actionscript. This is where I suspect I can add the HTTP filter. It'd be nice to subscribe to the filter and periodically download it/update it to make sure the major ad networks are blocked.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AIR HtmlLoader Air Swf ClickTAG?

Jan 17, 2011

1. Create a air app that can load any banner .swf from File.nativePath using htmlLoader.

2 .Passes clickTAG params into banner.swf

3. Listen for the click on the clickTAG

4. Detect the clickTag click in the air app.

So far I have completed number 1, and having trouble with 2, 3, 4

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ActionScript 3.0 :: HTMLLoader Not Working Even With Adobe Example

Sep 22, 2011

I'm testing HTMLLoader class. But it seem that Flash does nothing when I use Adobes example with Flash CS5 and AIR for iOS:

package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.html.HTMLLoader;
public class Main extends Sprite {
[Code] .....

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Flex :: Print A HTMLLoader (pdf) In Adobe Air?

Feb 18, 2010

I'm using AlivePDF to create a PDF file, then save it to the desktop. I can then use an HTMLLoader to display my lovely PDF file.

Now, the print button in Adobe Reader works fine. However, there will be young children using the app, so I'd like to have a big "Print" button right above it. I figured I could just start up a print job and feed it my HTMLLoader. This won't work because the HTML loader rasterizes the content.

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Actionscript 3 :: Custom Images For HTMLLoader?

Nov 29, 2010

There is powerful HTMLLoader component for AIR wrapped in mx:HTML for Flex.I want to supply images manually (ideally from bytes) for mx:HTML, which will display my generated contentThe point is to pack all resources in the application without external files. I can pack different html pages in the app and switch them when mx:HTML dispatchesEvent.LOCATION_CHANGE. Now I want the same for images

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Actionscript 3 :: NavigateInSytemBrowser For HTMLLoader In Flex 4.5

Mar 17, 2011

I am working on Flex 4.5 SDK and using Flash Builder 4 IDE for my Flex/AIR Desktop Application.

In my project I want to load one html page in one of the canvas areas. I am using HTMlLoader to load my page. My web page loads successfully in the canvas area.

The problem is that when I click on the links embeded in the html page that I have loaded, they do not open in my browser window.

There is a property of HTMlLoader "navigateInSystemBrowser" which need to be set to true to allow the embeded links of the page to open in a default browser window. But this property works only in Flex 4.0 I tried running the same thing a sample project using Flex 4.0 as the SDK and it works perfectly fine. But when I work with Flex 4.5 SDK it does not works.

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Flex :: Open PDF In Background With HTMLLoader?

May 11, 2011

I created an application with Flex and it open large PDF file, so when show PDF file it is too slow. Anybody, who know a solution which open PDF in background with HTMLLoader?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding ScrollBars To HtmlLoader?

Oct 30, 2009

Here is the code for using the UIScrollbar component with the HtmlLoader:

import flash.html.*;
import fl.controls.UIScrollBar;


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Html :: Rescue Flex HTMLLoader Crash?

Jun 7, 2011

I use HTMLLoader component, and I have to load thousand of different websites per days by this component.But some times, HTML component produce several crash/days of my AIR application

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Dec 24, 2011

My Flex AIR App HTMLLoder() showing PDF and its toolbar Nice in Mac but under Windows XP its showing PDF but not showing PDF toolbar how can i solve it? [URL]

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AS3 :: Remove Html Elements In HTMLLoader Before Render?

Dec 24, 2011

I'm making a custom webbrower by Adobe Air.I would like to add a html filter function that disable javascript & iframe.If I can get html code before render, I would delete tag elements with regexp.I guess I can something with htmlloader when htmlloader's LocationChangeEvent dispatch.

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