ActionScript 3.0 :: What's A Static Type MovieClip
Nov 28, 2009
I have a MC, BalanceMC, that includes a small animation on the time line. The class includes a function, MoveBalance, that needs to determine what frame the playhead is at. I am getting a compile error when I try to get the currentFrame. This is the error: 1195: Attempted access of inaccessible method currentFrame through a reference with static type BalanceMC.
package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*;
public class BalanceMC extends MovieClip { public var thisFrame:int;
public function BalanceMC() { trace("BalanceMC"); this.gotoAndStop(1); State = 0; }
So, what's a static type movieclip and how can I determine the frame number where the playhead is?
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Jul 16, 2009
I try to make working an XML loader from a custom class on a new var, but when I add an Event listener it tells me this:
1061: Call to a possibly undefined method addEventListener through a reference with static type XMLLoadData.
This is the code I have on the stage:
var xmlLoad: XMLLoadData = new XMLLoadData("navigation.xml"); //load the xml file
xmlLoad.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete); // execute onComplete once the xmlLoad is fully loaded
function onComplete(e:Event):void{
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