ActionScript 3.0 :: Write To And Read From TCP / IP Address Using Flash

Oct 5, 2010

I'm a bit of a newbie with flash and Actionscript. I have been programming for a number of years now, but I have only been messing around with flash since CS4. I have CS5 now, and need a bit of help. I have a wireless device that I have made, I wish to make a flash program (potentially adapted to iPhone or Android) that sends and receives data (in the form of Word or Byte sized variables) from an IP address assigned to the device. Is this achievable?

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public function writeExternal( output:IDataOutput ):void {...}
public function readExternal( input:IDataInput ):void {...}
to make a set of object serializable.

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RangeError: Error #2006: The supplied index is out of bounds.
at flash.filesystem::FileStream/readObject()

I wonder, if I have a circular object network like
A = { left -> B, right -> B }
B = { father -> A }
And I call
writeObject( a )
Will Flex serialize the hole object network and each object once and only one?

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Declared type annotations like this: [RemoteClass(alias="model.MyClass")]
Implemented parameter-free constructors
Declared all classes using implements IExternalizable
SharedObject's send() method is guaranteed to send each object once and only once.

Additional infos:
Reading and writing a ByteArray
Using Remote Object Components
IExternalizable interface

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