ActionScript 3.0 :: Event Bubbling Vs Capture - Listen To An Event From A Deeply Nested Children

Mar 10, 2012

I know the difference between the two, but I never felt the need to use the bubbling feature. If I want to listen to an event from a deeply nested children, I always use the capture phase. Could someone explain to me why I should rather use bubbling, its advantages, and maybe show me a situation in which bubbling would be the only solution?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Pass The Event Onwards Through The Event Bubbling Flow?

Apr 18, 2010

I have:
Class my_class
{ public function my_class( an_mc )


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ActionScript :: Javascript - Event Listener To Listen "all The Time" Not Just Wait For Any Particular Instance (mouse Click - Keyboard Event) Of Event?

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I am trying to learn JavaScript and I am wondering whether JavaScript has a event listener just like ActionScript's ENTER_FRAME. Basically, I want this event listener to listen "all the time" not just wait for any particular instance (mouse click, keyboard event) of event.

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What is the use of event bubbling and event capturing?

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Edit: Added whole stuff here.

<!-- AttributeMapping.mxml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Canvas xmlns:fx=""


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I am having trouble using a custom event in flex. I need to dispatch an event from inside two nested components and receive it in the main application file. The basic set up is a main application file importing a custom "gallery" component.


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Event Bubbling In Flex?

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Flex :: How To Use Event Bubbling

Oct 27, 2010

Actually I wanted to know what is bubbling event and how to make use of it. Also, what is the concept of capturing, targeting and bubbling too?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reverse Event Bubbling?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a movie clip (cover) which covers another movie clip (stuff).I have set up Mouse Over on the Cover movie clip so that when you mouse over it, it tweens off of the Stuff movie clip.Then i have Mouse out set up on the Stuff movie clip so when you mouse out of it, the Cover clip tweens back in..

Now when I mouse over a MC that is inside the Stuff movie triggers the mouse out for the Stuff movie clip. this is undesired.I need my mouse to be active inside the Stuff movie, so mouseChildren = false doesn't work,because i then can not click on things inside the stuff movie clip.Right now i have managed to work around this by running a loop for each child inside the stuff, adding an event listener and telling the tween to stop on those events,but this won't work for children of those children without looping again.. and the children of those children's children would need looped as well... The question is.. How do I make a child movie clip not trigger the mouse out for it's parent(s)?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Event Not Bubbling To Stage?

Oct 26, 2009

I have a content clip that gets replaced by a movieClip from the library every time a button is clicked. Some of the content sections contain video. Within the video is a custom event firing that bubbles up through its parent clips all the way until it gets to the clip that was added to the stage on user click. It never goes beyond the content clip to the stage, where I need the listener. Isn't an event supposed to bubble all the way up to the stage? Why would it ever stop?The code is in 10 different places in 10 different files or else I'd post it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Event Not Bubbling To Ancestor?

Mar 1, 2011

I can't figure out why the event listener callback function isn't being fired when a child object is being clicked. Since the "SelectionPoint" object is a child of this class, shouldn't the listener get notified of the MouseEvent.CLICK event during the capture phase?

package {
import flash.display.*;


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Javascript :: Capturing Bubbling Key Event From Flash?

Oct 28, 2009

In IE, if flash has focus, and receives a keydown event, it does not appear to bubble the event up through the DOM (I can't capture the event by listening on document, however the same listener can capture key events from html siblings, so I know my listener is working).

However, some other plugins on the page (I am looking at you windows media player) still respond to key events that initiate in flash (and I need to prevent that from happening)! It seems that the key event initiated in flash takes the bubble express highway straight to the top (where the top is whatever is above document in the DOM hierarchy). I have tried terminating the events in as3, and tried different wmodes... neither approach works.

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Actionscript 3 :: Stop Event Bubbling In Flash?

Feb 2, 2011

I have a MovieClip which contains 4 Buttons:When the user mouses out of the container, it shoulddisappear:this.resolutions.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT,this.resolutionsClose);When the user mouses out of any of the 4 Buttons, the event bubbles up to the container. This is not the expected behavior. How do I stop this propagation when none of the 4 Buttons have mouse out handlers?

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ActionScript 3 :: Event Bubbling And Stop Propagation

Oct 18, 2011

What is the difference between event.bubbles to false for any event, And Setting event.stopPropagaion() or stopImmidiatePropagation() while handling event? I am using flex4 with as3.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Senoculars Event Bubbling With Buttons?

Oct 27, 2006

"allows child clips to receive events despite the fact that a parent might make use of them as well, something not possible with the normal convention of handling button events where no child movie clip ever receives button events if a parent has any button event handlers defined for it." how to attach an event to an mc called "child_next" within "parent1".

function handleEventMethod(eventObject:ButtonEvent):Void {
// trace event
if (eventObject.type != "onMouseWithin") trace(eventObject.type +"("+this+")");


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Event Bubbling - But Not For Display Objects?

Apr 6, 2010

I'm wanting to bubble events between a few custom classes, however, they are not Display Objects.Is there any quick and easy way to do event bubbling, without needing a display list?Or perhaps another way than needing to manually listen for each event that is attached and "relay" it every time it is dispatched?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Event Bubbling With VidPlayer Component?

Jan 26, 2010

I am having trouble with event bubbling when using the flash video player I've tried several methods to stop the player,before submitting here - but nothing I've tried seems to work The scenraio is: The site loads great - the buttons function correctly When the fourth button is click - it loads a frame with an embeded FLV player (the default vid player Flash uses when importing video into the swf) When the fourth button is click (Cheetah Coloring System)The video starts to play When any other button is clicked The video continues to play The embeded vid clip is named movie1 and i've tried using move1.stop(); but that stops the entire swf how to stop the movie - when another button is clicked?

COde used for the buttons::::
btn1_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, bhp1DownHandler);function bhp1DownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {gotoAndStop(15);}
btn2_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, bhp2DownHandler);function bhp2DownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {gotoAndStop(16);}
btn3_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, bhp3DownHandler);function bhp3DownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {gotoAndStop(17);}
btn4_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, bhp4DownHandler);function bhp4DownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {gotoAndStop(18);}

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Javascript :: Event Not Bubbling In Some Browsers When Clicked On Flash

Jul 21, 2010

Windows 7,
Internet Explorer 8,
Flash ActiveX,

Just wrote a small test page that you can load in IE and Firefox or any other Browser.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">


So clicking any colored shape should produce an alert (except for the green one in IE, not sure why but I hope that's off topic and not related to my issue).

Clicking the Flash container in Firefox will work Perfectly fine. You should get alert boxes in this order containing: span, div and body. Flash bubbles the event to the HTML. But this is not happening in IE.

So why is Flash in IE not bubbling events to HTML?

Edit: As mentioned by Andy E this behavior can also bee seen in Google Chrome which to my knowledge is not using ActiveX to embed the flash movie into the page.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Capturing Bubbling Key Event From Flash With Javascript?

Oct 28, 2009

In IE, if flash has focus, and receives a keydown event, it does not appear to bubble the event up through the DOM (I can't capture the event by listening on document, however the same listener can capture key events from html siblings, so I know my listener is working).However, some other plugins on the page (I am looking at you windows media player) still respond to key events that initiate in flash (and I need to prevent that from happening)! It seems that the key event initiated in flash takes the bubble express highway straight to the top (where the top is whatever is above document in the DOM hierarchy).I have tried terminating the events in as3, and tried different wmodes... neither approach worls. Is there something I might have missed?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Event Bubbling From Non Display Object?

Dec 17, 2009

I have a utility class that I use to load images that never gets added to the stage and is extending EventDispatcher, it simply loads the data and spits it back out on request.

I want to add a custom event to track loading progress from outside the class. The events are firing but not (i think) bubbling because they aren't in the display list.

Is there a good way around this? I was thinking: Can I have a non display list object tell a display object to send the custom event for it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MouseEnabled & Deeply Nested Clips?

Feb 12, 2009

Am I correct in thinking I have to set mouseEnabled = false for the entire hierarchy of display objects that are above an interactive object, in order for me to be able to successfully interact with it?Diagrammatically, I've had to set all elements with an asterisk to mouseEnabled = false:

+- DisplayObjectContainer *
| |


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Flash :: Bubbling Work For Custom Event And Object Hierarchy?

Jun 14, 2011

I have searched on the Internet and didn't find any clue on how to do so, any idea ? I don't want flex only flash (my objects are not visual components).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dispatch Mouse Event Manually Will Not Yield Any Bubbling?

Aug 12, 2010

I want to dispatch a MouseEvent.CLICK to a DisplayObject manually and make it bubble through all of it's children. The event is handled in the object that I dispatch it to, but does not seem to bubble (even though I specify that it should). Is it not possible to do this?


_targetObject.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.CLICK, true));


private function handleClick(event:MouseEvent):void

This method is executed, but no children will receive this event.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Deeply Nested Movieclips On Stage?

Oct 14, 2008

As you can see on the image, ive created a 1-frame-timeline which has a movieclip called Main_mc (instancename is myMain_mc). Main_mc has 3 movieclips, one is called Intro_mc. These 3 movieclips are not present on the whole timeline. F.e. Intro_mc is just present at frame 2-19. All of these movieclips has instance-names, f.e. myIntro_mc.

Intro_mc is again a movieclip which has more movieclips,which are present on certain frames, f.e. one movieclip is just present at frame 12-20. All movieclips has instance-names. (I code into a seprated actionscript-file.

Problem is that i cant refer to moviceclips which are nested in the movieclip "myMain_mc" which is on the main timeline. I can just refer to movieclips which are on the main timeline (like myMain_mc), i cant go deeper.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setup The Eventlistener On My Scrollbar That It Prevents The MOUSE_WHEEL Event From Bubbling Up To The Browser?

May 4, 2009

I have a MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL eventlistener setup for a custom scrollbar component that allows the wheel to control the scrolling up or down.Inside the Flash dev environment when I test the flash app it works fine. However, when I test the app inside a web browser ( which has its own vertical scrollbar ) the mouse wheel controls both the scrollbar in my flash app and the scrollbar in the browser.Is there a way to setup the eventlistener on my scrollbar that it prevents the MOUSE_WHEEL event from bubbling up to the browser?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Listen For Events Bubbling From Loaded Swf

Sep 13, 2010

A swf (my game framework) loads another swf (a game). The game is loaded into a child domain which seems to be the default domain for loaded swfs.

The framework listens for custom events bubbling up from the game. However, the framework only receives events dispatched directly from the games document class but not from any of the games children.

Bubbling is set to true on everything, but it's not working? Is it only possible to dispatch events from the document class of the loaded swf.

swf(Framework -> listen) -> swf(game document root -> child) = no go!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Listen For An Event In Another Class

Aug 28, 2011

I am trying to wait for and Event.COMPLETE in another class but my code just jumps through the event listener and executes the following code without waiting for the event to complete so my variable is not being set.[code]

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Flex :: Listen To Event In ItemRenderer?

Apr 2, 2012

I try to make have an EventListener in ItemRenderer but its not working. How to listen to an event inside an ItemRenderer?

----In MainHomeView.mxml----
[Event(name="myEvent", type="")]


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can Identical Buttons Listen For Same Event

Mar 19, 2009

I have two buttons that listeners for the same event that have identical instance names?For example, I have two buttons which have the same instance name: imageOne.Can those identical buttons listen for the same event? I tried, but only one button responds to the event listener .why do I need two buttons with the same instance name that listens for the same event?because I have a looping scrolling panel of thumbnails, and when you have scrolling panels, we all have duplicate panels inside for looping since I have to have two identical panels grouped together to do the loop, I have multiple buttons with the same instance name.and these buttons listen for of course I can rename the other half of the identical buttons with different instance nams, but a problem arises when i want to use an if statement to check to see if that image is already loaded.for example, say I image1 is already loaded, and someone clicks identical thumbnail that has a different instance name, ti would be too complex to write an if statemen to determine whats loaded.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dispatch And Listen For A Global Event?

Feb 24, 2011

I know there's been quite a few posts about events, but I've run into a problem that I haven't really encountered before, and I've kind of confused myself with all the talk of "bubbles" and "capture" and various complexities of creating custom events, etc...Anyway, I'm trying to figure out how to dispatch a global broadcast style of event.1) If I have a custom class that resides in the Display List (the DispatcherClass), how do I set up this class to broadcast a "global" event?Actionscript Code:1b) If I have another custom class that also resides in the Display List (but in a completely unrelated heirarchy), how do I get this ListenerClass to "hear" the event WITHOUT explicitly referencing the instance of the DispatcherClass like so:

Actionscript Code:DispatcherClassInstance.addEventListener("DispatcherClassEvent", handler, false, 0, true);Is this even possible?2) What if the DispatcherClass DOES NOT reside in the DisplayList?Is it possible to dispatch a "global" style event since there is nothing to "bubble" up through?2b) How would I get a ListenerClass, maybe on the DisplayList, maybe not, to "hear" this event?

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