I have developed a small chat application in flex. I have the mxml and some as (actionscript) files. I have the result returned from a php page in the mxml. I have this value in the script section of mxmlmyName = event.result.login;I have assigned this value to;<mx:Text id="uname" text="descr" valueCommit="myName" visible="false" />Now I need to get the value of this, that is, I need to get the value of "myName" in one f my as files. I could get the name and id of Text, but what do I need to do to get the value of Text in as code...In javascript I could do like getElementById(' ').value...How could I get the value here.
Does MXML get compiled down to as3 and then converted to flash bytecode? Also, is there a significant performance penalty to compiling mxml vs compiling as3?
I am working on a custom Flex 4 component which is an aggregation of two existing flex components. I would like to be able to specify my own custom properties for the component as well as access the existing public subcomponent properties via MXML. For instance I might want to adjust the font color or style for the label and text input. toy component which aggregates both a label and a text input:
I am trying to override a Button class, i have a few properties which i wish directly initialise with the mxml description of the component, like :[code]which function is triggered ( in order to override it ) when all properties with mxml description is fully initialised with their values ?
What I'd like to do: create an MXML component with some children, then extend it via MXML to create a new component with more children, without losing the original set.In other words
create a component bc.mxml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:BorderContainer xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
I'm trying to do this using only mxml, no <script> tags, although I don't necessarily need a solution that's only mxml. It was more of an educational exercise to see if I could do it all in mxml. I have a custom component that has a slider and textinput and their value/text properties are bound together. I'm surfacing a few properties of the slider in my component so that it can sort of be treated like a slider.
I have 3 mxml components. In Component 1, I let the users fill in some data. In Component 3 I want to use the data, but I can't find a way to make it work.
suppose i have 3 buttons(for example say, productin, marketing, sales ) on my main.mxml..once i click on one button it should take me to abc.mxml page with production data, once again if i click on second button it should take me to the same abc.mxml but with marketing data. same as for 3rd button also, how can i achieve this ?
I've been trying to create a custom mxml component that extends another custom mxml component (i.e.MyMXMLComponent -> BaseMXMLComponent -> Group). I've been reading that trying to add visual children to MyMXMLComponent caused error with Flex 3 but that's no longer the case with Flex 4.
What I want to know is whether this is a supported/fixed/documented feature of Flex 4? or just some undefined behavior in Flex 4 that may get changed with future updates?
if this is supported and documented feature, does anyone have link pointing to adobe document stating it as such?
This is a project I'm working on for a simple demo tutorial application in Flex. I am using mxml pages. You can see to the left that I will have my main application and then other mxml files (In the Examples Package) as the examples that will be loaded into the main application mxml. How can I dynamically pull the value from the object in the list to load the child mxml file into the container that I have further down in the application?
I would like to include an MXML file in my MXML file in the same way you can include an external file in AS3 using the include directive. Using the include directive brings the code from the external file into the original file at compile time placing it in the same scope. For example,
A Flex components values are initlized by init methord. In an application flow, How to refresh a mxml component data value ; as init is callled at the start up it self only.
eg. of mxml componet may be as simple as button label or text as complex as repeater whose data provider is a web service ( means a fresh quesy should be made to pull the data and refresh the dataprovider of repeater )
I'm trying to compile gui/flex/songs.mxml in the fourth edition of Bruce Eckel's Thinking in Java book and am getting a compilation error with Flex 3.4.
Here is a simplified version of the example that gives the same error:
I've been having trouble exporting Adobe Flex using Adobe Air. I can't find the runnable application Air, and so when I export something to be opened in air it can't be opened. I'm on a Mac Powerbook G4 running OS 10.5.8.
I have one mxml file that process xml, and display the graphics on panel.I need to display first mxml in another mxml file, in some area(HBox, VBox, Panel, dont care). How i can do this?
How to add in .as with a class extends Sprite ?? We created the Easy1 in Flash Professional to create a live streaming video viaFMS for 2 users and now we want to combine easy1 into HelloFlerry to invoke Flash-Java nativeprocess.
I have been using Flex Builder for a while now, infact since i started coding in AS3 Projects.One of the fundamental issues i have from experience of trying flex, is i dont see how MXML tags and AS3 is related.Can someone try to explain to me from an Actionscript perspective?If i create a PixelBackgroud.as class which extends sprite and draws a random pattern, then how can flex use that class? Does it automatically become <PixelBackground /> ?
I've been messing around with SWF Decompiler's latest and found that my Flex3 project's main MXML file is found verbatim in the SWF (in addition to the compiled class). How can I make sure this is not included?
How do I write a combination of XML declarations and Actionscript classes such that I can initialize each of my three lists from XML?
note that I am not trying to populate a Flex UI element (such as a DataGrid) with the various number-name pairs. I'm just trying to read the data into a plain old vanilla collection. (Once I've got my collections initialized, I can populate DataGrids or whatever at my leisure.) I can't find any documentation of how to address this super-simple case. The documentation all assumes that I'm trying to do something much more complicated, such as accessing a remote database, which confuses the issue tremendously.
The rumors are true - you can now code Flash directly in your HTML page - no SWF required.[URL]..There are many similarities with both Flash Text Markup Language (FTML) and HTML and just as many differences as well. Both languages are XML based and are rendered from an .html file.Both render directly in your browser window, but HTML is non interactive while FTML is fully interactive.
Any web developer knows the hassle of dealing with HTML code. Although HTML is light weight and renders in the brower, the [View Source] of every browser will break in its parcing of HTML, because it is not fully XML compliant. This is not the case with FTML as you can see that all browsers denote FTML as fully XML compliant, viewable in its markup and syntax highliting provided by the browser.