Well the name of the topic sort of explains it all...I need a way to actually preload or pre-cache some external images, and what even whould be better whould be to pre-cache them during the time that I dont need to diplay them. For instance in this case I have an image-slider that always should show 4 images, and then randomly change those four images to four new images.So if there whould be a way to pre-cach those last four during the time that the other four is displayed that whould be great! Since then there whould be no need of any delay and preloading for the client.But then I actually came to think of another thing that might be more simple in my case but Im not sure if it whould work.
The idea I got was to actually load all the external images into movieclips and then add those movieclips into an array, and then just simply call the required image by calling for the array and the image's index...Whould this be one way to "pre-cache" the images?..since I whouldnt need to load the images again once I have added them to a Movieclip and then added that movieclip into an array,right?
I have to load png images into flash, such that, whenever they change on server, the change should be reflected on client! But the swf loads the same image over and over during the same session! I am guessing this is because the browser returns the cached image instead of the original! how to fix this?
How do I prevent Flash from caching loaded images?In my app a user make a change to an image and saves it back to the server as the same name. Flash then reloads the section and the new image should be reflected. However, it is not. The image looks fine on the server and is updated on the server...
How do I prevent Flash from caching loaded images?
In my app a user make a change to an image and saves it back to the server as the same name. Flash then reloads the section and the new image should be reflected. However, it is not. The image looks fine on the server and is updated on the server...
I have a List and the item renderer displays an image. Whenever you scroll the list, and the item renderer refreshes, it redownloads the image. Causing there to always be a delay. Is there some way of caching it so it doesn't have to redownload every time causing a delay in showing the image every time you scroll the list?
I have a website [URL] there is a flash gallery, every time I have to clear magento cache and browser cache to display my new images but now I've made few changes in swf file that before the smaller bars are not left aligned now there are both. In my local system the new swf file shows exact number of images in the smaller bars but in server they are not showing in full numbers.
I don't know what to do as I've cleared every cache that I can. I've read some where that put version number in your swf file so that brower can check if its new then it will download new but in magento how to do that. As the swf file contents are in cms pages home page content and they have done as :
I'm writing a flex application that polls an xml file on the server to check for updated data every few seconds, and I'm having trouble preventing it from caching the data and failing to respond to it being updated.
I've attempted to set headers using the IIS control panel to use the following, without any luck:
CacheControl: no-cache Pragma: no-cache
I've also attempted adding a random HTTP GET parameter to the end of the request URL, but that seems like it's stripped off by the HttpService class before the request is made. Here's the code to implement it:
http.url = "test.xml?time=" + new Date().getMilliseconds();
And here's the debug log that makes me think it failed:
(mx.messaging.messages::HTTPRequestMessage)#0 body = (Object)#1 clientId = (null)
The problem is class files being cached in external swfs when they are loaded into another swf. (as2-cs3). In a nutshell, we've got a clip on the stage that is linked to a class. You can make changes to the class, pub the swf and everything works fine. When we then load that swf into our application swf, the changes are all lost, and it "reverts back" to a previous version of the class.
I have this PHP page that lists several people. When someone clicks on one of the people they are sent to another PHP page that has their video greeting in a .swf embedded into the page. This works by the php writing the path to the greeting video to the xml file that the .swf loads and plays.
Well in firefox it works perfect, but in IE when they try to click on another greeting the original greeting still plays. Its like the swf is caching the first greeting and refresh of the page does nothing to alleviate this. Is this a problem with the swf caching? or XML caching? or am I totally clueless?
I am pulling external images, I have my main image, and five small images, I have that to make the small images when click to appear in the place of the main image, but I am not obtaining to make they to click, I am placing my archive who to want to make download
I am making a flash site of all of my lingerie that I sell. There are over 200 pictures that amount to over 20 Mb. I would like to know if placing these images externally would be better than trying to put them in the flash movie file?
I am attempting to build a small slideshow using as3. I have built it on a transition extension. i have it working, but all the images are loaded into the library, given a class name to reference them and the rest is done based on the class names.in the as3 code a array has been set up all the class names listed like this:
I have taken it a step further and created a xml file listing the url to the photos i want to load in but this is where i am lost the urls are being read successfully in, so the code can access the urls but im not sure from there how I actually import the images in, or how to assign each a seperate class , does the addchild command assign a class name that i can add to the above array?
I'm loading a external image and want a preloader for this progress.I found this code for a preloader, but how do I connect it so it preloads the image?
I'm new to AS3 but trying to learn. Please be kind and forgiving. I just want to load an external image. I have been cruising the Web for days. Why doesn't this work:
var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader(); imageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imageLoadComplete); var request:URLRequest = new
I'm using the following code to bring in external images, however, I would like the images to come in and be behind everything else instead of placing themselves on top of everything.
var l:Loader; roll_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, roll_btnClicked); function roll_btnClicked(evt:MouseEvent):void {
I get that I could find the image in the directory and just change it out with the same name/pixel size, but I'd also like to add more images to this particular project with the same conditions.
i have a preloader working. except i want to be able to load external images fully first, before the preloader stops. currently the preloader loads everything except the external images, and then everything else starts (but behind the scenes the external images haven't loaded yet and this is annoying!)... how can have the preloader continue until all assets, internal and external, are fully loaded?
ps, i don't want to give each image an individual preloader! i need them all there when the thing starts.
Does anyone have experience with preloading (completely) external images for a flash interactive?
I have built a working preloader, but it does not include the external images in its calculations so the preloader finishes and THEN starts to load the external images..
I want to make a photo uploader and after uploading the photo to the server you can load all the photo's that are in a folder in kind of a library.
I can load one single image because I name it in AS but I want to load the whole "images" folder so I can see all the pictures that are in it.[code]...
I'm having a problem preloading external images from an XML file in AS3. It's a scrolling image gallery and everything loads fine, but I can't figure out how to preload the images (all I've been able to do is preload the actual .xml file, which is useless to preload a 10k file). The thumbs skip, the big pics pause, etc.
I'm moderate in AS2 and decided to do this project in AS3(doh), and it's been painful;
My problem is that I have a swf file that loads external jpegs and I cannot get the tutorial to work correctly with this swf. It only preloads the the swf and not the external content that this swf is calling.Here is the code that I have on the main timeline of the home.swf
PHP Code:
var imgList:Array = new Array(); imgList[0] = "images/image00.jpg"; imgList[1] = "images/image01.jpg"; imgList[2] = "images/image02.jpg";
The rest of my swf files preload correctly but I just can't get it to preload this one correctly at all.
I'm working on creating a portfolio that I can send to people, for fun (as I am not a true artist), and to make it easier on the people/myself, I've uploaded to photos/art to PhotoBucket, and thereby they can have the flash file, and when they click on a button it will have the content from PB, so no need to download extra images in the email. But, when I test it out, it tells me there is a security problem. So I ensured Flash was allowed to connect to PhotoBucket, and then restarted the program, as instructed.Is there anyway to "embed" the images in the flash document so no need for extra image files?[code]
Im using a mix between xml and loadClip to dynamically load the content of a photogallery into my swf. Everything is working fine except the preloader. I know how to make a preloader for each individual image using this function:[code]However for this particular project it does not matter when each individual image is loaded, but rather I need to know when the whole lot is done.it could be that Im using the wrong approach and maybe I can solve this with some kind of a onLoad(success) type function on the xml part of the code.
im trying to have a dynamic creation of button that load external images an d swf and esternal text description, im some code and trying to improve it, my problem is the creation of the preloader to load the external images/swfs to the container, i know i can put a ppreloader for every swf, but for images no, i want a preloader for the container were the movies and images are loaded.
I am trying to load external images and .swf's for the first time and was wondering if anyone had any tips, or tutorials they could send my way. I am working with large imagery inside a flash banner animation and I know there has to be a quicker way to get them to load.
I have just started messing around in flash and made a pretty cool site (...design wise, the action script part is my major problem right now) which is suppose to go online sometime soon. I used the following script to load an external SWF into my main SWF: (I placed this script in the main timeline of my 'main' movie on frame 100 or something)
The external swf is al working fine, the preloader, buttons and thumbnails behaviour. All except for one thing: the photos wont load when i click on the thumbnails. The external SWF is a photogallery with thumbnails. The script for the small thumbnails is as following: (I placed this on the first frame inside a movie clip of a movie clip which is staged in the main timeline).
[as] var frameNum:Number; function photoChange(){ _root.photos.gotoAndStop("img"+frameNum); _root.photos.fader.gotoAndPlay(2); } btn1.onRelease = function(){ [Code] .....