ActionScript 3.0 :: Targeting A Button In Flv Skin?
Jun 1, 2009
I want to be able to target a button that is within the skin for a flvplayback component. This is my first real adventure with AS3 and..... (feel like I want to scream!)In the library for the skin I get "" and paste this into the main timeline with some code like this.
function edward(event:MouseEvent):void{ trace ("the button was pressed");} , edward);
which comes back with the error "Access of undefined property fl" - which doesn't surprise me really.What do I do to target taht button
SkinParts are a great way to add event handlers and logic to an object that is instantiated in the skin, away from any business code. Often, though, I find myself wanting to do the opposite, and define parts that will be used in reusable, skinnable containers in the parent mxml files which will be inserted into the skinned containers.
What's the best practice for when you want to be able to define a control and a skin which can be reused with different controls inserted from outside the skin? Edit: A better way to put this might be that I want to use something that works a little bit like a SkinnableContainer, but that isn't limited to one area where content can be placed.
I'm using the default CS4 FLVPlayback skin, mainly the SkinOverPlayMute.swf. I know there's a skinAutoHide option, but because I don't want it to auto play, I want people to see a play button when they first encounter the video (so they don't think it's just an image). But the skin needs to hide when the video is actually playing (so the video doesn't get blocked by the controls).
In other works - when video isn't playing: skin showing; when video is playing: skin hide.
I extend Button to create ImageButton, and I extend ButtonSkin to create ImageButtonSkin. But, when I define hostComponent like this:
public var hostComponent:ImageButton
I get an error that there is a conflict with hostComponent:ButtonBase inside the ButttonSkinBase. How do I extend a skin AND provide a new hostComponent for it?
I am using a flvplayback component which I have attached to my own skin.
I want to be able to target the full screen toggle button since I can't get the fullscreen to work and others posts have led me to think that it might be better to code that bit myself.
For the skin fla the button that I want to get at has this written in the properties class box ""
I figured I might be able to get at this from my main timeline so I added the code below :
Code: stop(); function edward(event:MouseEvent):void{ trace ("the button was pressed");
I know what the error 1061 means, but have no idea how to fix it. I've tried to correct it a million & one ways...
Code: 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method getChildByName through a reference with static type flash.display:DisplayObject.
I'm trying to target a button named 'mcTargetButton' (a SimpleButton) that's inside a movie clip called 'mcTargetParent' from a movie clip called 'mcCallFromThisClip'.
Both clips are on the main timeline. Note, I am using a document class... if I trace (this.parent) from 'mcCallFromThisClip' it prints the name of the document class.
how hard should it be to reach a button from a different movie clip?
I am working in CS5/AS3 with an FLVPlayback component and a pre-made skin with some custom colors. It is a skin with the caption button included (SkinUnderAll to be exact). I'm using Timed-Text files for the caption content. The captions work just fine. All other buttons on the skin show up, but the toggle button isn't showing up.
I checked all of the linkage in the skin's FLA, checked the AS that creates the FLVPlayback and FLVPlaybackCaptioning objects. All seems fine there.
I've checked the paths and SWF locations to be sure all are in the right places.
I've also included a SKIN_LOADED event listener to get around the default captions-on issue. I'm just not seeing what the issue is. I'd prefer to not go back through my code and make a custom control panel with button components. Started this in CS3 and moved the file to CS5, so I'm not sure if there's something I overlooked in the documentation that spells this out.
I have a CSS file containing the following definition :
Now, I want to use the disabled-skin defined in the CSS, as the upSkin of b1. So something like b1.setStyle("upSkin","Tab.disabled-skin"); But I am struggling with the exact syntax of the second argument for setStyle. What should I use for the second argument for setStyle method?
I am trying to add different icon on different buttons. I have my skin file ready but not sure if I have to create different skin class for different button. It sounds inefficient.
I have spark skin a button with up, down, over, and disable states in a button component to create a modular. Is there a way when the user press and hold a key, the button will remain in 'down' state?
I've skinned an hSlider's thumb with an image. But the image is pixelated, as though it's been forced to resize.It's just a pretty circle with a radius of 30 px.The other thing that happens is that instead of the new button being cleanly bisected by the track, it is just below the track, tangential to it. So now I have to reposition it by modifying its y value in SliderThumbSkin.mxml? And (presumably because its registration point is at upper left) when I slide it all the way to the right, it goes right off the end of the track until its left edge is at the track's right edge. This might also mess up calculations for the hSlider.value property.
You'd think you could just apply the skin and it would replace the button, but seems that both its position and size are being wrongly manipulated.Is the thumb's size automatically reset or resized somewhere? Is there a way to do this correctly and cleanly?
I created a class in actionscritpt that extends the spark.components.Button, as I will be loading a bunch of buttons at runtime. I have a SkinnableContainer.mxml file that the spark buttons will be loaded into.When I use the addElement() method within that mxml file like so my custom skin for my button does not show.
I have an instance of the flvplayback component in my movie. I have the player skin set to "autohide" and "autoplay" set to false. Instead of having users click on the play button of the skin to start the movie I have incorporated a larger play button in the middle of the screen. The set back here is that when a user mouses over the movie to click on the larger play button the flvplayback skin appears as well.
I'd like to basically tell the skin "Hey don't appear on mouseover until AFTER the large play button is pressed." What code would I need for this in Actionscript 3?
I am creating a Map of the USA that has pins (Buttons) that when you rollover them, they activate information for that particular city. Also on the map bottom, is a list of all the city names represented by each pin. These are also buttons. (So there are basically 2 buttons for each city location on the map.)Here's my question...
Q: How do I tell buttonB to activate to it's rollover state when buttonA is rolled over? And vice versa. Since they are buttons and not MC's, my tellTarget is not working.
I have a movieclip in a scene that i want to target with the actionscript in the first frame. The movie clip is called up_btn and im trying to target a label called "over" within it.
How can we embed the over,up,down etc skins defined as sybols in a .swf file... i mean in skin file how can i specify those symbols to be used as up,over,down skins.
Any way of building in a fullscreen button right into the skin of a video player using actionscript 2? Or perhaps have access to a source file? I've seen the skins with fullscreen with AS3 with CS3, but I need tut on skins with fullscreen using AS2.
i have a sequence of buttons and each button has its own icon. I was wondering if I have to create a Spark skin file for each button in order to assign its icon.
I attempted to build a Flex 4 skin for a Spark button, typical practice. I adjusted the colors and other styles to my liking, including using dot selectors to specify alternate colors and such during different states. However, these are all ignored when the button is disabled. Regardless of what I do, in the disabled state, my button always has the wrong color and is alpha'd to 0.5 (even if I specifically state that alpha.disabled="1"). All the other skin states work as expected. This is my custom skin. If it were working correctly, it would appear to have no shadow or highlight, and would be a gradient grey color. Instead, it appears as a 50% alpha version of the up state (shiny green).
This is the code used to create and then disable the button: _action1Button = new Action1Button(); view.actionGroup.addElement(_action1Button); _action1Button.enabled = false;
The error was that _action1Button is not the actual button, rather, it's the container of the button. Doh! Switching it to _action1Button.actionButton.enabled = false; fixed the issue.
I've added a "Close" button to my skin here: [URL]. Please click on "Animalia - Verse From The Zoo" to load the Skin. The "Close" button I've added to the skin is not doing anything. I want the "Close" button to close everything - the skin and the FLV - so that you're back to the five icons. Clicking on "Animalia" successfully uses the AS3 LOADER CLASS to load the Skin and FLV. The AS3 code which successfully loads the skin when you click on "Animalia" is:
// ANIMALIA video LOADER var AnimalLoader:Loader = new Loader(); Animalia2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, loadFromAnimalia); function loadFromAnimalia(event:MouseEvent):void { addChild(AnimalLoader); [Code] .....
I copied the SKIN FLA file from the FLASH CS4 AS3 FLA SKINS FOLDER and built the "Close" button myself. And I've also added: this.Close_Animal.x = 126; this.CloseButton = "flash.bleah"; To the Skin FLA.
Which seems to have made the "Close" button appear at runtime. Flash won't accept any of the pre-programmed "" classes for the "CloseButton". And my knowledge there is lacking. IF that's the reason the close button is not working, I'm not sure. Any way to make the "Close" button on the skin close EVERYTHING (Skin AND FLV - so that you're back to the five icons as they were BEFORE you clicked "Animalia")?
I am relatively new to Flash CS3. I need to create a video file add a skin and put a voice over or background music. I have done all of it but I have a problem with the skin. On the skin there is a volume button for the video. How can I mute or control the volume of the video? Just like in youtube for example. You can turn it up or down. What is the code for it? Because when I click on the button to mute ir or turn it down it doesn't do anything to the volume. I had a separate video and a song but I went to Windows Movie Maker and associated the song with the video so now it is a whole: video with a song. So basically I just want to know what I need to do in order to control the volume of the video.
I'm creating a site with buttons (movie buttons) targeting a container clip on the root which targets transitions in external swfs. I'm having trouble with my code in targeting the container.
I know how to do It with a normal button but not with a button inside of a movie clip...
I can use movie buttons for this because they just look better.
I built a button, but as a movie clip. It's nested with in another movie clip on the main timeline. How do I go about targeting the button?- when I have it on the main timeline, it works fine. But once it's nested. The action script can't find it.
Here is the code I'm using:
btn1.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndPlay("in"); } btn1.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndPlay("out") }
I'm trying to copy/modify the spark skin for the default button, but not sure how to find that skin. When I hover over <s:Button and Ctrl + Click it, it takes me to the Button class, but there isn't any skin information there.