Flex :: Use SWF Symbol As Up,down,up Etc Skin In Skin File?
May 14, 2010
How can we embed the over,up,down etc skins defined as sybols in a .swf file... i mean in skin file how can i specify those symbols to be used as up,over,down skins.
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SkinParts are a great way to add event handlers and logic to an object that is instantiated in the skin, away from any business code. Often, though, I find myself wanting to do the opposite, and define parts that will be used in reusable, skinnable containers in the parent mxml files which will be inserted into the skinned containers.
What's the best practice for when you want to be able to define a control and a skin which can be reused with different controls inserted from outside the skin? Edit: A better way to put this might be that I want to use something that works a little bit like a SkinnableContainer, but that isn't limited to one area where content can be placed.
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Aug 19, 2010
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Nov 22, 2010
why FLVPlayback isn't working properly in MVC views?I think i narrowed it down to the "hard coded" skin url file not being correct. Where should I put the skin file( e.g.skinOverAllNoCaption.swf)so that flash can find it?Or are there any alternative approaches to somehow setting the skin file dynamically.
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Apr 4, 2010
I have 2 skins, almost identical, but differ in 1 small way that can be accounted for if I could pass a Boolean to the skin while assigning it to the host component (a button).
<s:Button skinClass="MyBtnSkin" />
Is there a way while assigning the skin to the button, I could also pass a parameter to the skin somehow?
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Aug 1, 2010
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It scrolls the content in all the ways it should be but it doesnt resize and the thumb isnt getting all the way down.Also I've noticed the following.I have a custom component acting as a list. It extends Group and contains a Scroller. So at one place of the application the Scrollthumb is getting lower than on another place where the same custom list is used.I also have to mention that this scroller works perfectly without a custom skin.
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button = new Button();
button.buttonMode =true;
i want to set button.skin = null
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Apr 20, 2011
I am making an effort to optimize every part of our flex app (which is a small part of our app in general). Currently,I am working on optimizing all of the buttons/skins. I have linked a few of the buttons that I use, and some sample code I am using to generate them. As you can see,our buttons can be pretty different, but have a similar look and feel. Currently,I am creating 'stateful skins,' by setting up something like this:
skin: ClassReference('com.mysite.assets.skins.NavigationButtonSkin');
Then, NavigationButtonSkin looks something like this:
public class NavigationButtonSkin extends UIComponent {[code]....
I commented out some of the straight forward parts, but let me know if this is a bad/inefficient way of doing this - and how to improve.
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Jul 14, 2011
My current requirement: I have menubar with 3 different button types. Skin structure is simple: one label and two state graphics. So my base skin have label, and in overridden i want add two images. But flex docs states that overriding of skin is not preferred. I try override override public function addElementAt(element:IVisualElement, index:int):IVisualElement for adding new subcomponents to custom container sdk using it but my view is blank. Does skins are really not overridable? My current code:
<s:ButtonBar skinClass="MenuSkin" dataProvider="{content}" />
in MenuSkin:
<fx:Component id="firstButton">
and next 2 skins have repeated <s:Label/> part. As label should look the same, naturally i want extend base skin class but it is no possible form me. First problem: if i add image in mxml it overlaps label.
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Sep 2, 2011
I have various components that are skinned through a programmatic skin. The skin class references a singleton class that holds various colors to be applied to different aspects of the component. The singleton class has default colors set to variations of black/grey etc. I'm loading in custom colors from an XML file that are then loaded into the singleton. I'm applying the custom skin through a css stylesheet that is included in the main Application mxml.
The problem is that when the swf initially loads, the components that are drawn on screen are black and don't reflect the changes in color loaded from the XML file. I have some dropdown windows that show on button clicks and those dropdowns do reflect the correct colors from the XML file. Therefore, the system is working correctly, but the initial drawing of components obviously happens before the XML is loaded and applied to the singleton.
My question is, is there a way to apply a skin to an element programmatically by calling the constructor?
I have this in my css file:
.PanControlsBackground {
or something to that effect? This way, I can remove the loading of the skins in the css file and control when they are instantiated to ensure that the correct colors are applied before displaying the various components.
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Dec 28, 2011
How do I skin alert box in flex 4? I am not interested in customizing alert box via css, how do I create skin? For example, for TextInput I would write in css:
And get TextInput globally changed. How do I make something similar for Alert? I can't understand what is host component for alert.
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Feb 7, 2012
This is the question: How can i Skin the VScrollBar from a TextArea!? I did skin a VScrollBar from a Spark List and works fine but not this one!
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Feb 9, 2012
I have the skin below for my buttons:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><s:SparkSkin
I was wondering how I can add a different image for different buttons which have the same skin.
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Apr 13, 2010
I have a CSS file containing the following definition :
Now, I want to use the disabled-skin defined in the CSS, as the upSkin of b1. So something like b1.setStyle("upSkin","Tab.disabled-skin"); But I am struggling with the exact syntax of the second argument for setStyle. What should I use for the second argument for setStyle method?
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May 12, 2010
I have a button with the various states (up/over/down etc) that uses a skin file to render the display. I want to achieve animation between the states. For instance, between the change from 'up' to 'over' I want to fade in a color and a border.
The way I am doing this at the moment is to use viewstates and animate between them using transitions and the mx:AnimateProperty. However, using this method I can only animate one property per viewstate. So only the border, or the color can be animated.
Does anyone know how I can achieve multiple animations on multiple properties of a programmatic button skin?
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Jun 11, 2010
I am trying to add different icon on different buttons. I have my skin file ready but not sure if I have to create different skin class for different button. It sounds inefficient.
<s:Button id="pass"
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Aug 4, 2010
I have a project where we are trying to skin Spark components from a third party library that are built up from the drawing API primitives. Our first attempt involved creating a Flex skin (SWC) in Illustrator/Flash and applying that skin to the Spark components via CSS. We found that even with only a single instance of one of the components skinned in this way on stage, the application was brought to it's knees. For example, it failed to respond in repaint scenarios in a timely manner, and exhibited all the symptoms of being hung.
Our next approach will be to recreate the same skin artifacts in MXML classes that are in turn associated with the third-party components. Although the complexity of some of the skins leads me to believe that we might not avoid performance problems with this approach either. My question is the following: Is there a correct or recommended way to apply either a SWC or based skin to a component that is built up from the Spark drawing API to begin with? Even as I ask the question I recognize that the approach means using the Spark drawing API in two places and will probably have unexpected consequences.
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Oct 20, 2010
I have spark skin a button with up, down, over, and disable states in a button component to create a modular. Is there a way when the user press and hold a key, the button will remain in 'down' state?
The button component include skinclass:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Button xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
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Jan 7, 2011
I'm trying to skin the Scroller in my application so that it looks like the example mentioned in [URL] This example was done in Flex 3 and images are set in CSS. I tried to create a skin for the component Scroller and saw that it uses VScrollBar and HScrollBar. I tried to put skins for these components. VScrollBar uses separate skins for the track, thumb, decrement/increment buttons. I tried to make some changes in the skin, but they were not reflected at all in the application. I just want to create a customized scroll bar in Flex 4 with custom thumbs.
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Jan 14, 2011
In order to set a background image for my Desktop Flex application, I created a custom skin class, setting the skinClass property to my custom MXML skin. The host component is SkinnableContainer. I use a bitmap image for the custom MXML skin. Everything works fine, except that it's drawing over all my components. How do I get the skin to draw in the background? Should I move the Bitmap markup to somewhere else in my skin file?
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Apr 20, 2011
I have two shapes in a skin:
s:Ellipse width="20" height="20" includeIn="collapsed">
s:SolidColor color="#BBBBBB"/>
s:Rect radiusX="10" radiusY="10" width="80" height="20" includeIn="expanded">
s:SolidColorStroke color="0" weight="1"/>
s:SolidColor color="#00FF00"/>
I want to have a shape tween. This kind of shape tween that is possible in Flash IDE. Circle needs to transform into rectangle smoothly. Is it possible in mxml ?
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May 2, 2011
I have a SkinnableContainer that I would like to add a border to. I have already created a skin class that creates a 1 pixel border around all four sides of the container successfully, however, I would like the border to only be for the top and bottom of the container, not the sides (left, right). How can I achieve such a thing? I have attached my current skin class.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- containerssparkmySkinsMyBorderSkin.mxml -->
<s:Skin xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
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