ActionScript 3.0 :: Youtube Player Memory Leak
Nov 17, 2011
check out the profiler in flash builder. I need to get rid of the as3 youtube swf.Only about 20% of the memory is being released.Just copy and paste the code below into the main mxml file in a new flex project.[code]
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Sep 6, 2009
I have an old project in AS2 with a video player that plays mp4s. I've noticed that FF tends to continue to eat up memory even after the video has stopped or has finished loading. I also am noticing jerky playback which I think has something to do with the memory leak.
ActionScript Code:
var server_nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
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Sep 1, 2011
I'm quite confused on what differences there can be between different versions of the flash player. Since I started coding my last game I've been testing it on chrome and firefox with good results (flash player The memory needed to run it is always around 20 MB and also the cpu usage is pretty low. Also with the player 11 beta on ie the memory needed is around 50 Mb. But when i try to test it on the flash player 10 something is not working, the memory used by the game keeps growing and the garbage collection seems to be in holiday. Can this be related to the fact i'm coding it with the last cs5 (in as2)? Or since it's a board game i needed some listeners that could create this problem?
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Oct 20, 2011
I'm very new to flash,and have been digging through google and this site for information on how to piece together an AS2 shooter game.Its going well enough, but I'm having slowdown issues the longer the games runs, and I was hoping someone here could point me in the right direction.To paste an enemy movie clip on the screen, i'm using this:
var spawn =_root.attachMovie("monster1","monster1"+_root.getNextHighestDepth(),_root.getNextHighestDepth())[code]........
I need them stored in an array so that the player's shots can test weather or not they've hit any monster on the bullet's enter frame function, then call that monster's movie clip's take damage function. I'm using a for loop to do this:
for(var i in _root.player.foes){
if (this.hitTest(_root.player.foes[i])){
I think the problem with the slowdown is that each time I place an enemy on the screen the array gets bigger and bigger. The slowdown only happens while the player is shooting, and I suspect the ever longer for loop with the hit testing is causing it.
I'm already removing the monster's movie clips as they get killed or exit the screen, I guess what I need is a way to reduce the size of the array at the same time, or at least tell the for loop not to do a hit test unless the monster is still alive.
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Mar 1, 2012
I am making a custom renderer using the copyPixels function for my Haxe/Flash game. So I have this kind of code :
buffer.bitmapData.copyPixels(m_CurrentSkin, RECT3, POINT, null, null,true);
where :
-buffer is the bitmap where all my scene's objects are drawn
-m_CurrentSkinis the BitmapData that contains the current frame of the object to be drawn
Every time m_CurrentSkin contains a BitmapData that have never been drawn (the first time that an animation frame is drawn for example),I have a memory leak that is not garbage. However if m_CurrentSkin contains a BitmapData that have already been drawn (when the animation is played a second time for example), there isn't any memory leak.If I comment this line there is no leak so the problem comes from there.It seems that a copy of the BitmapData is cached in memory but I have checked in my code and there is no cacheAsBitmap explicitely set to true.
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Dec 9, 2010
I'm making a photo browser. I load 15 photos as Images and add these Images to HGroup every time. When user presses 'next page', I first unload the existing Images by 'Image.unloadAndStop()' and 'Image.source=null', and then load new photos. However, it seems that the GC never works. The task monitor shows that the memory use of my AIR reaches as much as 1.2G! Some people said it's a bug of Image when you load a picture larger than 1.5M. Is it true?
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Jun 13, 2011
I have a loader SWF that runs some code in the background and loads other SWFs. Using this code:
private function loadScreensaver():void {
screensaverSWF = new Loader();
var req:URLRequest;
I load the screensaver and add it to the stage. Using MonsterDebugger I can see that memory steadily rises from around 80mb upwards until the application exits (Im using windows projector). What I can't work out is why, there is no code attached to the screensaver SWF, just some timeline animations of things fading in and out.
EDIT:I've kept testing and found where I have an image that starts of stage then tweens on and off and is removed. When it loops it adds to memory again, as if the first image is still kept. This is all done on the timeline.
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Apr 28, 2010
I am trying to find out how to stop the memory leaks that I seem to get when making up dynamically loading picture slideshows. It is difficult to try and give a perfect example of this so I would rater try and show it in action. Here are 2 separate tutorials on how to build a slideshow, though they are slightly different I think this will illustrate my point, there is one problem and that is that the only browser I know of that will show this correctly is Safari,[code]....
Ok now in safari open up your Activity window and take a look at how these 2 different slideshows seem to operate, Link 1 seems to have a memory leak,because each time the picture loads a new instance of it, if this were automated it would be a far bigger issue, like the second url of Link 1.Now when I make my own slideshows I find that mine are also like the first and second links and not like the third.
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Mar 31, 2011
i am working on this project wherein i instantiate an flvplayback at stage and let it play ,, after playing i instantiate 1-4 flvplaybacks on stage and the user kan nove choose a new film to watch .. but each time i instantiate the flvplayback(s) the project gets slower and slower .. the video gets bugggy and the sound is out of sync ..if anyone can see something wrong with the way i do it i would be ever so happy
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Nov 20, 2009
While tracking down the source of a memory leak, I stumbled upon a strange issue with AS 3.0 and loading external flash movies. From what I can tell this somehow related to the custom classes stored inside the loaded movie. I have two versions of a basic file that contains one image on the stage (I also tried this with vector graphics with the same effect). One version has a custom document class (just a simple extends MovieClip with no additional code) and the other has no document class.
The graph below depicts the memory usage from loading the file without a document class.It performs the garbage collection as you would expect after each unload operation.However when I try to load and unload the same file with a document class, I get the following memory usage graph. As you can see, memory usage is slowly creeping up with each load operation.It almost seems that Flash is caching the class files, so I tried changing the application domain for the loaded content without success. Even if Flash was caching the class files I would assume that it would be able to detect that it had already cached the document class and simply re-load the cached version
View 4 Replies
Feb 9, 2011
i saw that my app after some time, it becomes slow.. so i guess i have a memory leak? How could i be sure about that and track it down?
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Aug 3, 2006
I am making an application where I load a picture from the web at a rate of once per second. When I load a new picture I unload the old one the problem is that the old pictures are never completely erased from memory and the application keeps on consuming more and more memory until I'm guessing it eats all the memory in the cache (I haven't run it for that long yet :))
here is the code: what this does is load a picture when you click the screen, then unloads it when you click the picture. do it a few times and notice that the numbers (which show System.totalMemory) only go up but never go down to their original amount...
var url:String = "";
var txt:TextField = new TextField()
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Mar 24, 2009
I'm experiencing a few memory leaks each time my swf gets reloaded. I have closed the netstream, removed the listeners and the container, tried UnloadAndStop(); but in the end I'm still missing someting as some Mb leak anyways...Here goes my child swf source code:
////////// UrbanRevolution :MoD
////////// Built on "Video player a la Hulu" by Chris Brimelow
////////// FS function by noponies[code]......
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Mar 31, 2010
I' making a flash file with AS2 in Flash CS3. I put a FlVPlayback in stage and let it load a couple of FLV files from my local HDD and playing continuously. I use "addEventListener" to check the current running flash movie is completed. After complete event occur, I load another flv movie to paly again.Here, I noticed that memory usage is increasing every time a new flv file is loaded and played. I heard "addEventListener" in CS3 is causing the memory leak and not being detected by GC. [code]
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May 26, 2011
I'm having what strikes me as a stupid problem, but I can't figure it out myself... it could be a subtle nuance of Flash or just some knowledge I don't have, anyway... I'm making a Flash game with a main menu and multiple levels. We didn't organize our project right (just self-taught college students doing it in our free time) so we made a level before the main menu. I ended up putting the entire level, code and all, into a MovieClip. It creates an instance of that MC when you start a level (I'm sure this was a terrible idea).
But it leaks when I delete the MovieClip and create a new one (i.e. quit the level to the main menu and then start it again). It originally leaked ~6MB each time you quit and started it again, but I've tightened it up to ~1MB, but I'd still like to fix that.
I know to Garbage Collect something you have to remove references, so I've
Blanked all arraysNulled all referencesRemove all MCs dynamically added to the stage and any associated eventsRemoved every single MovieClip from the entire stage, including ones that weren't added dynamicallyNulled practically every object and variable I've only used weak-referenced events, and I've removed all of them anyway, but it's still leaking. There's way too much code for me to post all of it, so I guess I'm just wondering if anyone has any general ideas I haven't thought of.
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Aug 16, 2011
I have create a simple timer with repeat count of 0, so it loops unlimited times.The timer repeats a function which calls for a PHP and displays data on the screen, so the data can be refreshed automatically.What I noticed though, is that the whenever the timer starts, it creats a memory leak on the system which makes the application memory usage to always go up.Is there any way to fix this?
View 11 Replies
Feb 10, 2010
I have got a memory leak problem in the example below(u can download the code from the link)
Running in Profiler:- What I am trying to do is creating new panels by selecting the Add new panel button.I am selecting option allow Close (check box).(After creating few panels and closing these panels i could find there is memory leak with the SuperPanel class) how to resolve this memory leak.I tried by changing optional parameters in addEventListener, but that didn't work.
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Sep 7, 2010
How to find where is memory leak in a flex application?
Are there some tools to catch and analyze this problem?
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Feb 12, 2011
I have a simple, reproducable memory leak associated with the Spark Combo box, however I'm convinced it must be something I'm doing wrong, rather than an SDK bug.
// Application.mxml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
Note - this doesn't occur when the application is compiled against Flex Hero.It appears as though this is a bug, but I cannot believe that the ComboBox has a memory leak -- surely this would've been fixed before 4.1 was shipped? Update I've done further investigation into this, and believe the issue lies in a problem with the RichEditableText component that the ComboBoxSkin uses.
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Aug 11, 2011
I'm trying to load windowed sub-application in another windowed application, The requirement is to replace one loaded application with another on user action.
I tried the documented method of unloadAndStop() on the swfLoader in the main windowed application, but somehow during memory profiling I could see the instances of those applications were maintained in the memory even after explicitly running garbage collection.
Where as If I make those windowed application as modules, and then try to load them using the Moduleloader things work smoothly and unloaded modules are removed from memory.
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Jul 10, 2009
Iam trying to debug someone elses AS3 application that is showing a memory leak. The application is built with PureMVC.I have managed to locate the place where the memory leak seems to start. There is a button that causes the application to launch a slideshow. This draws a new graph every 8 seconds or so by creating a Timer. In the Timer handle function the code uses sendNotifaction() to set off series of events which basically boil down to getting information from a server and drawing a new graph.Now if I comment out the sendNotification() the memory leak stops, but if I leave the senNotification() in but comment out the code that subsribes to it the memory usage starts to build up.So my question is can simply firing off a sendNotification() every 8 secs in PureMVC cause a memory leak, even if not other code runs from this?
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Dec 5, 2009
I am creating mcs in a Timer loop, and I am not keeping any references to them; I am using tweenmax ( but it has a great reputation for being clean, so I doubt that it is the culprit );
ActionScript Code:
function om_routine ( argo_e : TimerEvent ) : void[code]..............
View 4 Replies
May 16, 2010
I have a serious memory leak problem. I think it's because of the use of etDefinitionByName() although I use removeChild and I put the reference to null. I made a example that illustrates this.
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Dec 7, 2010
I have designed a site with a looping MP3 and video.
Problem is that the memory consumption of the Flash plugin goes up about 40mb every minute, and the site 'crashes' after a while. I would have thought that a single entity, that loops, would not have to re-load into memory, but this is what seems to be happening.
The looping video is approximately 800kb, and the MP3 is approximately 400kb.
how to minimize memory loss/consumption?
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Apr 8, 2011
It's caused by memory leak. Every time a slide is shown, the memory usage increases a few hundred kB. I've tried everything I could come up with, but even if I kick a whole lot of movieclips out, disable basically all AS3 and let only one slide loop, the memory usage still increases everytime the slide is shown again.Of course it helped to make the movieclips simpler, but the main problem remains: if you keep running the slideshow, it will slow down.
edit 1: #&^%@! Even when i copy one of the slides to a completely new file, with no external classes whatsoever, the problem remains. I think I know now what goes wrong:I make the movieclip loop by saying this.gotoAndPlay(1);Frame 1 is empty, the slide placed on frame 2. If I'd put the slide on frame 1, the mc wouldn't begin at the start and there is no animation (and no memory increase) because the mc has ended.I already figured that maybe every time the mc is shown again, Flash casts a new instance. To prevent that, everytime a slide ends, I remove it with removeChild(clip). That has no effect however, so I think that's unnecessary.
edit 2: even when the MCs are constantly on the stage and are restarted with clip.gotoAndPlay(1), the memory usage keeps growing.
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Jul 24, 2011
I have a 420 KB XML. Fairly large, yes. Its structure is fairly simple:
<Node ID="1">
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Jun 6, 2010
I am playing with tree fractals and everything is going great except for the fact that after the tree have been drawn there is still about 160mb being taken up in memory.
Select allpackage {
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.GraphicsPath;
import flash.display.GraphicsSolidFill;
import flash.display.GraphicsStroke;
import flash.display.IGraphicsData;
[Code] .....
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Apr 19, 2004
We are working on a project where Flash application should read in a constant loop variables from php script and then properly react. Everything works fine execpt after a memory usage start to grow at 1Mb/min, more or less... it varies from time to time. Our browser works then very slow (Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Mozilla Firefox and Mozilla for Linux) Our code:
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Mar 20, 2010
I'm developing flash control which plays images from WebCam as video. By each request FrameProcessor.aspx returns JPEG from my WebCam. It's working fine. To avoid caching I've added random value to URL. My Flash control is working fine, but I have a problem with memory - each second Flash.exe grows up to 2-4 Mb. It takes about 1-2 minutes to fill all my memory
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Apr 19, 2004
We are working on a project where Flash application should read in a constant loop variables from php script and then properly react.Everything works fine execpt after a memory usage start to grow at 1Mb/min, more or less... it varies from time to time. Our browser works then very slow (Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Mozilla Firefox and Mozilla for Linux)
Our code:
_root.onEnterFrame = function()
load_lv = new LoadVars();[code]...
We also tried with function LoadVariables but we got the same results (MEMORY LEAK).Is this a bug in a Flash or we are missing something?Is there any other possible way to read variables from php script. (10 times/sec).We have also tested an AMFPHP example found on the [url]... and if you click on search button very often and fast for a while you also get memory leak.
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