Actionscript 2.0 :: Lee Brimelow's Flash Contact Form Works Just Fine But On Asp

Dec 29, 2009

I am having some issue with the Flash actionscript 2 php contact form Actually the form is uploaded on an asp server The code worked just fine before on a php server but when uploaded to an asp server it is not working Need to find something that tells the php code that server is asp and port is so and so..Below is the code and php...


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Actionscript 2.0 :: PHP Contact Form Works But No Info In Email?

Aug 1, 2009

My flash contact form is set up correctly as well as my php file. I've tested the form in flash and on the web and it sends out an email. However when I check the email, all the fields are blank. The name, email address and message all appear blank when checking the email.

AS code Code: Select allstop();
var senderLoad:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
var receiveLoad:LoadVars = new LoadVars();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Php Contact Form - Unable To Receive The Contact Email

Sep 26, 2008

the source files work perfectly when I upload them to my server - but when I insert the form into my flash website - I am unable to receive the contact email at all. The problem must be with the flash file becuase I have not altered the php (except to send to my email)

I am using Flash CS3 (but publishing for action script2) I have double checked all my input field sare named correctly with var_names that match the php code. The form fields have been created as a moviclip named "form" and the following action script attached:


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Flash Not Loading - Works Fine On Localhost

Feb 11, 2010

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I have tried changing the xml file path from relative to absolute and no change. All three files index.html - mnuLoader.swf - settings.xml are in the same directory and the mnu_imgs folder contains the img icons for the menu. I don't understand why it would work on localhost but not on the actual server? Also directly underneath on the website I have another flash banner (just looping text pretty much) that works fine both on localhost and actual server so am pretty sure is not an access issue etc.

The mnuLoader.swf is Flash 8

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Aug 29, 2010

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To download the ZIP file I passed onto my laptop: [URL]

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Flash And PHP Contact Form?

Dec 5, 2009

I created a simple web site in flash cs4 with a contact form, however, when I press submit, no email is sent even though my site says it was successfully sent.

Here is my actionscript and PHP:
function submit(e:MouseEvent):void{ var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); variables.fromname = nameText.text; variables.fromemail = emailText.text; variables.frommessage = messageText.text; var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("contact.php"); = variables; req.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES; loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, sent);


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Flash :: Full Screen Site Not Working On PC IE / Firefox Only (mac Works Fine)

Aug 6, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Contact Form Flash Php ?

Nov 6, 2009

I am creating a contact form and I have completed the form in flash.How do I get flash to talk to php so that when a user clicks on the submit button it will send the data via php to an email account. Right now I have trace functions that are reading the input in flash. I just need to figure out how to communicate to php. It would be a bonus if I the input text can check to make sure the email is a valid email.

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Professional :: Flash Contact Form Key?

Feb 25, 2011

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Php :: Contact Form In A Flash Template Web?

Dec 30, 2010

I'm working on a flash template from templare monster. The thing is that when i open the .HTML file of the templare (which call for the .swf file) everything works fine. Even the contact form. But when i open the .fla file And wihtout make changes i export the .swf ( or publish it) everything works cine except the contact form. And with that i mean i cant write in it. Even i cant write numbers.The files of configuration And structure(.XML) aré loares properly And the contact (php & asp) files too. [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Contact Form From Flash To Php?

Oct 26, 2009

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There is one flash file and it has a contact form. They are sitting in a subdirectory on my website [URL] The contact form has a button and the action script is as follows

on (release) {
//Localise the needed variables
sender_mail = this._parent.Semail.text;
sender_name = this._parent.Sname.text;


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Add A Combobox To My Flash / PHP Contact Form?

May 29, 2009

I know this is a no-brainer for people who happen to know the secret to passing variables from a combobox to PHP. I have wasted all day and I give up.

I have a working, secure Flash-based contact form which sends to a PHP file which then emails the information to the chosen email address.

I want someone to add a combobox to my existing code without altering/deleting anything else. That is all I want. I want to be able to compare before and after and see exactly how you added the combobox and got it to work. I do not want to see completely different code and for you to say, "Well, this is how I would do the email form and it works better." The form I have works great and is secure. I just don't know how to add a friggin' combobox.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Contact Form W/ Flash CS5

Jul 22, 2010

I am needing to build a contact form in my flash website and need some help. Right now I am using the simple mailto method but a form you be much nicer.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 : PHP Streaming FLV Video Player Works Fine Standalone Not As Well In Flash Site?

Mar 2, 2009

I am using a flash website template (basically stripped of 95% of the code they provided, and just using their graphics) from [URL] I needed to add streaming video, and I elected to use PHP streaming found on; as modified by lance of courierwebcasts [URL].

The problem I have is that when I use the scrubber.swf to play a video, updating variables and addresses as appropriate, it works fine. However when I take it and recreate every element of the player in a movie on the timeline of my template site, everything but the time counter works fine. It plays fine, it scrubs fine, etc.; it just always displays 00:00/00:00. I am guessing it has to do with variable definition or somethingbut it is beyond me... any help?

Here is just the bit that I am pretty sure is the issue;

code: ns["onMetaData"] = function (obj) {
duration = obj.duration;
durationMinute = Math.floor(duration/60);


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Flash :: Flex - PHP Script Works Fine Until Send It A Parameter From HTTPService In Builder 4?

May 10, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Images Does Not Load Properly In Flash 8 And Firefox - Works Fine In Flash 9 Or IE

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Here's the site: [URL] From feedback I've gotten, it appears that under certain circumstances the first image in a set of images does not load properly, although I haven't seen it myself. I'm told this happens only in Firefox. And I believe only Flash player 8. Works fine with FF and Flash player 9, or IE with 8 or 9 I believe.

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Data Integration :: Flash Contact Us Form?

Jan 25, 2007

I need to get a contact us form in a flash site to send an email to me when someone submits it. I bought a template ([URL}..and it has an area for contact us, but the form doesnt actually work. The template seemed easy enough to be able to get to that page, took some searching in there, so i just need to somehow add some action script that can send me the info.

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Make Flash Contact Form To Work?

Jun 16, 2009

How to make flash contact form to work? The form is under contacts, how do i get it to send to an email address?

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Flash :: Php Contact Form Don't Get Variables Needed

Jan 6, 2012

I'm trying to generate the contact.php for a website, but it's not filling in the fields.Right now I have this:[code]

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Flash 10 :: Embedding A Contact Form To Website?

Mar 28, 2011

I have a very simple problem but I just couldn't solve it by myself . I found a contact form on this website.(I can't send the link because it says I need to post 50 threads . But it is Jesse Stratford's contact form tutorial.) But I don't know how to embed this contact form on my website. My website is flash and I am working on Adobe Flash CS 5.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Flash Contact Form With Upload

Jan 6, 2010

I am trying to build a Contact form with upload along with it...I need to somehow connect the email address which the user sends through the contact form to the upload script, which is written in php, so that i could rename the uploaded file with the first part of the email address, which tends to be unique..The flash code for the upload goes like this:-

Inside the last part of the code which is "uploadButn_mc.onRelease" you can see two calls to the same php file..With that iam trying to send the variable which the user inputs through the contact form I have given another line for inside the sendbutton of the contact form.onRelease which goes like this "senderload.name_txt = tf_3.text;" where tf_3 is the email textbox name in flash Can you tell me if calling the same php code from two different functions(last part of the upload script) that is sendAndLoad and upload is wrong..The error that iam getting is security sandbox error..Php code goes like this:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Make A Flash / Php Contact Form

Jun 10, 2006

I am following the tutorial on how to make a flash/php contact form that Kirupa has but I have hit a bit of a problem when I got to test the file nothing happens. The input works, scrolling arrows work. But it is unable to conect to the actual server(lol actually thats just what I think it is doing I have no idea about php or action script so i'm rather lost)URL...

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FLASH :: IDE - Integrate PHP Contact Us Form In Website?

May 22, 2009

How to integrate PHP contact us form in FLASH website. Any example .fla file and website links

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Code For A Contact Form In Flash?

Oct 7, 2010

I am working on the code for a contact form in flash. I don't get any errors, but, I can't get the code to do certain things. The code shows the "thank you for inquiry" within the "status" box but it will not show when an e-mail, name or comments" are not input. Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong? Here's the code.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Contact Form With Amfphp

Mar 10, 2011

I was wondering if you could direct me to a decent tutorial or have any info on setting up a contact form in flash cs5 using amfphp? I can create the contact form in flash cs5 and i have set up the amfphp gateway successfully with a working test email. I have seen the gotoandlearn tutorial but need help extracting the data from my flash fill in form. My problem is that I don't know the actionscript to collect my data from the flash form via a send button.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: When Access The Custom Properties Of The Class In The Actual Flash File Everything Works Fine?

Dec 6, 2009

So I have a movie clip associated with an external class in the linkage dialog. I put that movie clip on the stage. I have another external class that contains some code (not for the movie clip but for the stage). When I access the custom properties of the class in the actual flash file (not the external code) everything works fine.For example.myMovieClip.explodeTheCode = true;works in the main movie. However, it doesn't work in the external flash file when I have a reference to that movie clip.myRefToCustomMovieclip.explodeTheCode = true fails!It throws an error. In java, I'd just import the custom class the movie clip is linked to and then I can call all the extra custom methods on the movie clip in the external class I want. However, this does nothing. I still can't access any properties.So my question is, how do I access the custom features of a movie clip (that is linked to a custom class) from an external code file. It works in the movie, but not in the external source code.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [F8] Break Line In Flash-PHP Contact Form

Jan 21, 2009

I have a flash - php contact form, but when I write a message in the input field pressing Enter or Return does nothing (I would the line to break).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Contact Form - Set And Kill Focus

Mar 18, 2009

In Flash (AS3) I am creating a contact form in that I have taken one " Submit Button" , one " Reset Button", four input text fields "Name, Email, Subject, Message" with instance names " contact_name, contact_email, contact_subject, contact_message". I am confused about setFocus and killFocus.

In AS3, I have given
contact_name.text = "Name";
contact_email.text= "Email";
contact_subject.text = "Sub";
contact_message.text = "Message";

Now when I publish this file, bydefault the input text field shows with text "Name, Email, Sub, Message". Now my requirement is if I click on Name Field so the text "Name" should get disappear so that I can enter my name, after that I click on Email field the text "Email" should get disappear at the same time I don't want to lose my Name which is entered in Name Field. If I click in Subject text Field the text "Sub" should get disappear but not to lose the Name and Email data entered by me. If I click in Message text Field the text "Message" should get disappear but I don't want to lose the data which was entered in remaining text fields.

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