Actionscript 3.0 :: Calling Method On Document Class From Another Class?
Jul 6, 2010
I have a public method on my document class. I want to call this method from another class that is instantiated from within an object in the library of the flash file (the same one on whose document class I want to call a method).
I have tried everything and nothing seems to work. How do I do this?
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Jul 5, 2010
I have a rather silly question but as3's document class always gets me confused.I have a public method on my document class. I want to call this method from another class that is instantiated from within an object in the library of the flash file (the same one on whose document class I want to call a method).
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Feb 24, 2009
I keep getting an "undefined property" error when I try to call an external function from within the Doc class. I added the error message to the Doc Class below so you can see where it occurs.
If I take the code from the below and place it on the FLA's main timeline I can get things working fine, but I would like to move all script to classes. The document class structure looks like this:
package {
import Tooltip;// Import custom class
public class Drag_and_Drop extends MovieClip {
I realize that I could just combine all the code in the Doc class to get it working, but it would be nice to separate out this particular code which has only one use.
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Mar 9, 2011
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Jun 12, 2009
I want to call a function that is inside in a document class from another class how can i do this ??
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Aug 16, 2010
I have two classes. The Main class calls a function, which is defined in a Second class.I'm getting the following error:Error 1120: Access of undefined property myFunctionBasically, I am creating buttons in the Main class that will add a corresponding Child to an Object in the Second class (if you click one button, child x1 will be added, if you click another button, child x2 will be added, and so forth).Here's the relevant code for the file:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
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Jul 15, 2011
I have the following parent class that I'm working with:
package {
import com.poptent.SubClassOne;
import com.poptent.SubClassTwo;
I am trying to set it up so that a parent method called by subClassOneInstance can affect subClassTwoInstance.
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Mar 23, 2009
I have two classes:
1. DocumentClass
2. GameClass
I would like to be able to call a public method of DocumentClass from GameClass. I don't know how to do that, I tried instantiating an object of DocumentClass within GameClass which simply throws me into an endless loop and after a short while application crashes.
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Feb 25, 2010
I have a variable, we'll call it helloNurse, defined in the document class, we'll call it Joy, as a public variable. Meanwhile, I have a movieclip within the FLA that uses that class as its document class that, simply put, needs to access that variable. I had read up that the following SHOULD work:
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Dec 14, 2009
I want a cass using drawing API which will create a sprite with 2 levels...(item.addChild(sprite.1)......... addChild(item))
I want a document class to call this sprite and place it on the stage for animation...
how to create a multilevel spirte and then instantiate it using doucment class.
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Jul 8, 2009
I am trying to rebuild an AS2 navigation in AS3. I built a button class ( and a navigation bar class ( This works if I use PortfolioNav as the Document class. However, I want to do things the proper way and call PortfolioNav from a Main document class ( but when I try it I keep getting that Error #1009.
package com.tagehaun {
import flash.display.Sprite;
//import com.tagehaun.PortfolioNav;
public class Main extends Sprite {
//public var portfolioNavItem:Sprite = new Sprite();
public var portfolioNav:PortfolioNav = new PortfolioNav();
[Code] .....
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Jan 10, 2011
I have two classes, in one (the Start class) I want to run a function I created in another (the Brown class). I commented in Start where I want to call the "addBrownListen" method. I tried doing it with the line:
But that didnt work.
Here are the two classes:
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Brown extends Rebounders {
[Code] ......
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Jan 28, 2009
I create an instance of an object - This is on my main.fla
ActionScript Code:
var newClass:MovieClip = new myClass;
I've tried putting parent. before it etc - just to note this isnt my actual code I'm working on but a simplified version of it.
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Dec 14, 2010
I am dispatching an event from one document class and listening for it via another document class.My code in class A.
this.dispatchEvent(new MYEvent(MyEvent.APERTURE_DONE));
trace("Dispatching APERTURE_DONE");
my code in class B.
addEventListener(MyEvent.APERTURE_DONE, onDoorsOpen,true);
trace("Lisetning for APERTURE_DONE");
My listener is registering before the event is dispatched, based on my output window, however I never get the "Open Doors" trace statement to fire.
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Aug 24, 2010
I was trying to load an external SWF (that contains the below code in its document class) with the Loader class but i keep on receiving Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. So i tried to use the event listener Event.ADDED in MyDocumentClass constructor of the external SWF to let the document class be part of the display list before i invoke createRandomGraph. But when i place createRandomGraph( ) inside onStageReady, The compilation process hangs. When i leave the createRandomGraph( ) inside the constructor, it works perfectly as stand alone but will produce Error 1009 if loaded within the loader SWF
public function MyDocumentClass( )
this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED, onStageReady);
View 3 Replies
Feb 1, 2011
Do you need to have a destroy/dispose method on your Document Class? Say I have a Document Class that has the following
- mouse event listeners
- timers running and or enter_frame listeners
- class variables
Do I need to have a destroy or dispose method that:
- removes event listeners
- stops timers
- nulls class variables
Or is this only something I need in other objects (sprites, movieclips) that are added to the stage of the Document class?
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Apr 11, 2010
I have built a button in the fla timeline and need to have it fire a method in a document called gigyaSocial. the Timeline code works fine but I cant get it to recognise the method that I commented out at the bottom if this code snipit.
ActionScript Code:
import fl.controls.Button;
import com.player;
import com.gigyaSocial;
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Jul 27, 2009
If all I have is an instance of an object, can I call a static method of its class? For fun, let's say I don't know what the name of the class is, only the name of the static method.
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Sep 4, 2011
If I have a document class:
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Main extends MovieClip {
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Sep 21, 2011
My method has been passed a class instance, but it was typed through an interface so I'm not 100% sure what class it is. I'd like to attempt call a static method on that instance's Class.. is there an easy way to do this without being forced to pass the class along as well?
Something like this:
ActionScript Code:
public function foo(myBarInstance:IBar):void {
var barClassPointer:Class = getClass(myBarInstance);
try {
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Jul 16, 2010
I have a SWF file having different scenes. This swf has one document class. I want to notify an event to a particular scene, when a change is happening in any function in document class. For example:
I have 3 scenes in an SWF and one document class. When a function will be invoked (from lower layer) in document class, I want to disable the button controls in Scene 2. How this is possible?
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Jan 26, 2010
Im having whta I think is a quite common problem. I recently started migrating form AS2 to AS3 and Im buidling a home made template for all AS3 projects..
I have just loaded portfolio.swf on top of main.sfw. The buttons on portfolio.swf share the same class as the buttons on main.swf
This is the button class:
package com{
import flash.display.*;
View 9 Replies
Jun 16, 2011
I've always just developed my projects in as3 instead of mxml and I usually just setup my application to run a main actionscript file as my main doc root, sort of like how you do it in flash but in flash builder I do something like this:[code] how can I call place a call to that function hitme() within the call_from_outside() function between the <fx:Script> tags?The reason why I'm doing this is because I have some flash swfs that I load into another swf file and I can access the top level public functions of those flash swfs, however the top level of the flash builder/flex swfs is the main mxml file not my fake as3 class root. Of course I should think there is a way for me to access the as3 class methods of the mxml component but for keeping things with the same structure, I can bypass having to modify my loader scripts.
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Sep 7, 2011
I am trying to call a method that has some xml functionality and It keeps coming up null.What I am trying to do is; I have a page that has four dynamic text fields that get their content from an xml file. I would like to create a method that will output the contents to display in the dynamic field. Maybe my approach is WAY off here, but my supervisor wants all xml related tasks contained in a
package classes
import flash.display.*;
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Sep 15, 2007
Is it possible to call a function defined in a movie clip from a class?Here's a sample project setup I'm trying to achieve this simple feat:
- Has one movieclip "fooinst" which is library item "foo".
- The "foo" library item has linkage is to the "Foo" class
- The "foo" library item has one script on it's first frame:
View 2 Replies
May 7, 2011
I have a FLA (say Main.FLA) document class with a child MovieClip on the stage: into the child MovieClip I load other swf files: each of the files contains its own Document Class (every swf is a somewhat independent application, say quizzes and so on).For some reason I must use the Main document class to store data (scores or so) from the child swfs loaded into the Main swf. HOW do I reference the Main class? I can't find a way.[code]and dispatch an Event this way from the loaded swf document class to the Main class:[code]Now, first of all I don't know if this could even work. Secondly, I tried to make it work by adding an event listener to my Main class but id did not work.
View 9 Replies
Sep 22, 2009
I'm now finding the great need for classes as my current project is getting quite gummed up with too much scripting in the main document. Becoming a real pain to find stuff with in my code.
So I started writing a class to takes an id passed to it from the main time line, accesses my mySql DB, pulls the related info and the processes it. What I can't seem to figure out, is how to pass a variable back to the main time line. The traces all work, so I know my class works. I've searched here and via google, but I must not be searching the right stuff because I get a lot of results with are usually very complicated questions that don't yield the answers I need.
so here we go. my main.fla (and question):
import Name;
var theUserName:String = "Joe";
var processName:Name = new Name(theUserName);
ps: what's it called when trying to call a method from the main time line? or passing a property back to the main? are there specific terms for these?
View 10 Replies
Feb 9, 2011
I am trying to code a flash app entirely in the document class. I am using GestureWorks with a touch screen. When a user essentially presses a button it calls a method that should hide a specific graphic but not the graphic they touched.
Essentially I need a way to refer to a graphic on the screen using a method besides ''.
I am receiving this error: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
It can access photo1Sprite as '' when the button click happens on the photo1Sprite. The problem happens when to click one button (not photo1Sprite) and have it effect photo1Sprite. So I can make photo1Sprite react if my method is attached to it directly using '' but not if I am trying to call it from a method that was called from another element on the screen.
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Sep 22, 2008
So I had a working .fla, with a document class package in the same directory. Everything was fine, until moving both to a new directory, now the fla cannot find the document class. WTF?
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Nov 28, 2010
Im getting this error: 1180C: as3_scrollbarAS3, Line 1 1180: Call to a possibly undefined method addFrameScript. the actionscript in my .fla timeline is: _scrollBar = new FullScreenScrollBar(_content, 0x222222, 0xff4400, 0x05b59a, 0xffffff, 15, 15, 4, true); addChild(_scrollBar)
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