Flash :: Creating A Daily Countdown Ticker?

Aug 24, 2009

I was wondering if you guys can help me creating a daily countdown ticker? Like 100 days, 99 days, etc. without me having to go in and change the dates everyday.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Countdown Ticker Using Server Date

Mar 27, 2008

I am making a countdown ticker that would get the current server date & time and then calculate the remaining time from a target date.

I am using a PHP file to output the current server date & time. Then I use the Flash's loadvars function to get the result and format it as a Date field. However, when I trace for remaining days using targetDate-serverDate, I get NaN as the result.

Below is the code for my flash script as well as the php script.

Flash Code:

onClipEvent (load) {
myVars = new LoadVars();
// call the load method to load my php page


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Customized The Countdown Ticker?

Sep 24, 2010

1. insert date values and then run a contdown ticker

2. next time user opens swf the value of the ticker should have been adjusted to the date values user inserted first time.

3. New input values should be remembered and old values ignored.

4. no external files wished, flush or shared obj.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: News Ticker - Creating Flash Signature For Blog

Jan 19, 2007

I using the news ticker example to create a flash sig for my blog of highlighted posts. The question is there anyway of creating an automatic xml updater? So that all I would have to do is place some sort of "highlighter" tag in a post, then the xml file would be updated, thus a new link appear in the news ticker? I guess if I some how had rss for a tag, that then the xml was read into the flash file.

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Creating Ticker That Show Message As Typewriter?

Aug 26, 2009

I'm trying to make a ticker that should show my message as a "typewriter". But it behaves very strange... see attached swf. I have never worked with Flash/actionscript before, so it might be something very simple

This is my code:
var n:Number=0;
var txt:String = "testing ticker";
var len:Number = txt.length;
function tick(){
txt_bussgods.appendText(txt.charAt(n)); n++;
setTimeout(tick, 1000);

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Flash :: HTTP Streaming For Less Than 1000 Daily Views?

Jun 29, 2010

I want to use http streaming (ie. partial download) to serve some videos (medium to HD quality) to public.Idea is to have videos on server and offer some web page with embedded video player for user to watch selected video.Planned capacity is about 250 to 1000 daily views, with low concurrency requirement (ie. not many users in parallel watching video)I am thinking of complete solution like FLVPlayer or flowplayer to support this.What bothers me are network bandwidth requirements (what is minimum kbps) mainly, and this video player performance when in "heavy" use.For "heavy use" I consider adding possibility to stream many separate video files that I will add in back-end (via XML file or similar) and don't have experience with these players.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Dynamic Content (movies, Text, Or Whatever...) In Flash That Automatically Changes Daily

May 12, 2005

how to load dynamic content (movies, text, or whatever...) in flash that automatically changes daily, depending on the day of week (mon.-sun.)?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Design A Countdown Timer With Ability To Set Countdown Time Through Buttons

Jan 29, 2012

Im trying to design a countdown timer, with the ability to set the countdown time through buttons.I would like to have the dynamic text field to display the countdown numbers in HH:MM:SS format.I would also love to have a 30 minute button, and a 15 minute button which generates the time in the text field.Then a start and stop button to begin or end the countdown sequence.

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Professional :: Can't Play Pogo's New Daily Hot Shots Game But Other Flash Games Play Fine?

Jan 22, 2011

I play games on Pogo and have never had a problem with their Flash Games until released Daily Hot Shots.  It doesn't load fully and I've done EVERYTHING I know to do to get it to play.  No errors show up.  I can play ALL the other flash games but this one.  When I right click, the name of the site's owners do not show up....I have the settings showing though Not all of the game loads and that's the problem.  I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling....tried a different browser and have the same exact problem.  THIS GAME WILL NOT PLAY.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Countdown To Date + Number Countdown?

Nov 30, 2009

I have a countdown to a specific date. Mine is 31st of december 2009. But I want a number related to the countdown. So it starts with lets say 8000.Now I have the number related to the amount of days. 62 is 8000, 61 is 7500, 60 is 7000... etc. When you enter the page it checks the countdown date and relates a starting number, every 3 sec. the number goes decreases. I want to add an action to every countdown. I know there must be a better way of coding this...

The best would be that the number decreases realtime, so everytime you go to the page number changes... Does anybody know a good way of doing this or provide a related tutorial link ? I really tried to find an example, but every countdown tutorial is related to time only....

onEnterFrame = function() {
var today:Date = new Date();
var currentYear = today.getFullYear();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Possible To Load Daily Content?

May 12, 2005

Does anyone know how to load dynamic content (movies, text, or whatever...) in flash that automatically changes daily, depending on the day of week (mon.-sun.)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Daily Txt Content?

Aug 6, 2007

I need to display daily text on a movie. like daily quotes or other content like daily thoughts. the files are on a txt file and I found a sample that I like but I can't get it to work, I don't know much action script but kinda mess around untill somehow I get things to work the way they suposed to, but I keep having problems with this one. I would like to create a simple page with two dynamic boxes, one that displays the date and another one that displays the content for that day.

also I have flash 8 and would like this script to run on a pocket pc if possible or flash 6 player.can anyone help me and guide me thru it and tell me the mistakes I have on the file. I've attached the fla and external txt file that will feature quotes.

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IDE :: News Ticker In Flash And XML

Nov 20, 2008

I created a News Ticker in Flash CS3 from a tutorial on your site URL...But it just flashes "undefined" I know I must be messing something up with the location of the XML file or where it's defined in the action script. I don't think I understand the "cache" part of the tutorial or why the file can't be local? I have gone to the suggested links in the tutorial, and being a total novice, I must be missing some main point.

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Jun 8, 2011

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Create Simple Ticker Using Flash?

Jan 2, 2007

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Free Flash News Ticker

Nov 27, 2006

Could anyone recommend a nice and free Flash News Ticker?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Ticker For FTSE 100?

May 5, 2010

I have to build a ticker the shows the FTSE 100 uk like the one built here: http:[url]......but without the huge map above.I know the file is nothing more than a news ticker, but I don't have idea where to take the data from. Also it needs to automatically update itself every 2/3 minutes.

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IDE :: Make A News Ticker In Flash 8?

Oct 10, 2006

how to create a simple horizontal news ticker [URL].

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Refresh Information Hourly,daily,weekly And Monthly?

Nov 2, 2008

I have a flash program which uses asp to work with amicrosoft access database and Im trying to find the best way toupdate information at a specific time. I have time and date storedin a record in the database and would like to have the flashprogram update some text when this time and date is reached. Sothis could be hourly,daily,weekly or monthly.Would it be best to use the timer event or is there a betterway to do this? I think the timer event would be useful forrefreshing every hour, however im not so sure about thedaily,weekly and monthly options. If I was to refresh theinformation every week or month, would I leave timer running for awhole month or is there are better way to do it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: National Debt Ticker For Flash

Aug 11, 2009

Im trying to make an ad that has a national debt moving up. You have seen them right, 11 trillion and counting. Im trying to do something similar, it would be great to import a flash ticker, but the prob is that they usually have a link to their site, and that is something I don't want. Another way is just to mimic the ticker, but is there a .fla or actionscript, with that I can start a dynamic number at 11 trillion, and just have it count UP?

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Html Currency Ticker Into Flash Template

Aug 27, 2009

I have a very specific issue I've been trying to solve like for 5 hours now, so basically I want to insert


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A News Ticker With ASP And Flash?

Jun 20, 2007

I want to make a news ticker with ASP & Flash. Each trun will show one news.

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Professional :: Request For Recoding Videos On The Daily Show Forum For IPad?

Jun 11, 2010

I would like to point out that I am not an employee of either Comedy Central, The Daily Show or the website.  The labels 'Production Assistant' and 'Intern' are just the sites rankings descriptions.There is an assumption by iPad owners, that all Flash websites must be converted to be compatible with the iPad, rather than the iPad should be compatible with existing websites.Is it worth continuing to defend against this assumption?  Should we just give in to these people or try to engage them in a discussion, get them to demand Flash support from Apple?

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Actionscript 3 :: Scrolling Text 'news Ticker', Flash?

Jun 7, 2010

My text animation scrolls from left to right, which is OK. I want to keep it simple but change it up little. How do I get the text to go right to left?

AS3 Example

mask = customMask;
var my_str:String = " Ad hoc ad loc and quid pro quo ";
function addUm():void {
my_str = my_str.charAt(my_str.length - 1) + my_str.slice(0, my_str.length - 1);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embed A Handful Of European Language Characters Into A Little Flash News Ticker

Nov 22, 2010

I'm trying to embed a handful of European language characters into a little flash news ticker (Swedish, Norwegian and some others). I'm embedding my swf file in the html and passing a FlashVars variable This is the text that the ticker displays. For some reason the swf doesn't render the character when I put a foreign character such as in the HTML. I have embedded all these fonts in the dynamic text box in my .fla

Attached is the .fla and .html file where you can input the text for the swf to display. Please have a look for me! (attached zip at bottom of post)


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Flash :: Set Countdown Correctly?

Apr 20, 2010

How can I set my countdown correctly? I'm counting from 33,000.00 to zero. It works in a fashion, but the minus operator appears in the textfield.

//Countdown from 33,000.00 to zero
var timer:Timer = new Timer(10);
var count:int = -3300000; [code]..........

EXAMPLE: I need something I can update with XML, to be an up-counter or down-counter depending on the variables.

//Count up from 33,000.00
var countValue:int = 3300000;
count = countValue;[code].................

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Countdown In Flash?

Mar 16, 2003

I was wondering if there is a way to do a countdown in flash?I think something like hours til thing get.myHours(or something)and so on.but I don't know all the correct stuff to use and everything.

View 9 Replies

Flash - Countdown From 60 To 0 Then GotoAndPlay Next Frame

Feb 24, 2010

My timer counts down from 60 to zero. I want my movie to go to the next frame at zero count. How would I make a condition to go from frame 1-2? I need to find the right operator and values, but I get lost in the strings.

What I am trying
If (something is <> == true false);
var timer:Timer = new Timer(100, 300);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, countdown);
[Code] ....

I'm making several experiments like this to understand conditionals. I need to build objects that function similar to preloaders.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Countdown Not Working

Nov 27, 2006

I used a tutorial on this site to make a flash countdown. It is very close, but all the numbers are changing the same and I don't know actionscript enough to know what is going on. Mike woops, here is the flash file: apple.education.uwec.edu/webusers/dodgema/myCountdown.fla

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Countdown - How To Get Last Day Of Month Through PHP

Jan 30, 2008

I found a great flash countdown script through a tutorial, here is the action script-

this.onEnterFrame = function() {
var todayate = new Date();
var currentYear = today.getFullYear();
var currentTime = today.getTime();
var targetDateate = new Date(currentYear,11,25);
[Code] .....

This works fine. However, I am attempting to change the targetDate by retrieving the last day of the month and counting down to that. Right now it counts to christmas. I know how to get the last day of the month through PHP, so I was thinking I could send the variables to the flash document and somehow replace 11,25 with $n (which is the month variable in my php) ,$lastday .

Here is the PHP Code:
$m = date('m');
$n = date('n');$month = date('F');
$y = date('Y');
$find = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, 0, $y);
$lastday = strftime("%d", $find);
print "&n=$n&lastday=$lastday";
I have tried loading the php file and then placing a variable in.

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