Flash Objects Causing Blank Space To Right Of Page?
Apr 1, 2011
My new website is carolineofbrunswick (dot) co (dot) uk. As you can see, there's a ton of blank space off to the right of the pages, and I can't figure out how to get rid of it.
It's caused by the Flash objects in the right-hand column. Changing the width attributes on those Flash objects just causes them to not appear at all, though the blank space still exists.
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Aug 22, 2011
Since recent versions of Flash have come out (perhaps the last few weeks), when loading up the website, [URL], the flash loading bars show, various SWF files in their layer appear, but then when loading completes, the web page goes blank (usually black, sometimes white). This occurs on Windoes 7 (64), Vista and XP. It occurs in IE9, IE8, and various Firefox browsers. So, I am comfortable believing that it is a recent Flash player issue.
The HTML page loads a file "back.swf" which in turn loads "menu_eo.swf" in level 10 and "intro_eo.swf" into level 5. What it looks like is that when the intro page finished loading and moves to the correct frame, the screen goes blank. My clients rarely update their Flash Player, but I asked them to do so this morning. They had the same problem in all those other browser and operating system after updating to Flash Player 10.3.1832.5.
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Aug 22, 2011
Since recent versions of Flash have come out (perhaps the last few weeks), when loading up the website, [URL] , the flash loading bars show, various SWF files in their layer appear, but then when loading completes, the web page goes blank (usually black, sometimes white).
This occurs on Windoes 7 (64), Vista and XP. It occurs in IE9, IE8, and various Firefox browers. So, I am comfortable believing that it is a recent Flash player issue.
The HTML page loads a file "back.swf" which in turn loads "menu_eo.swf" in level 10 and "intro_eo.swf" into level 5.
What it looks like is that when the intro page finished loading and moves to the correct frame, the screen goes blank.
My clients rarely update their Flash Player, but I asked them to do so this morning. They had the same problem in all those other browser and operating system after updating to Flash Player 10.3.1832.5.
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Dec 5, 2010
I am new in Flash and Currently, I use Flash Pro CS5 to create new movies and modify old movies.
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Dec 2, 2010
I put together an .html page using a photoshop jpg that I sliced into sections. I was asked to replace two graphics from the original .jpg file with animated content of the same size. Using my slices as a guide for size, I created the two animated graphics in flash and saved them out as .swf files. They are both the exact same size(px) as the static images. I opened my newly sliced html file in dreamweaver, deleted the static images and placed the .swf files.
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One note: It seems to only ad space when viewing from Mozilla. Havent' tested it on a pc yet either.[URL]
Below is code for the left hand speaker:
<td colspan="3" rowspan="4"><object id="FlashID" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="246" height="378"> <param name="movie" value="index_images/speaker_left.swf"> <param name="quality" value="high"> <param name="wmode" value="opaque"> <param name="swfversion" value=""> <!-- Next object tag is for non-IE
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Feb 24, 2012
I have a flash file and am using google's suggested method for as2 event tracking like so:
getURL("javascript:pageTracker._trackEvent('Refferal', 'Join', 'Benefits for HCAs/APs');");
The problem is that instead of silently communicating, pageTracker._trackEvent() appears to return a boolean value. Every time I click the button which this is located on I leave the page I was on and end up on a page that just contains the word "true".how to get around this? It makes the flash unusable.
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Aug 8, 2008
My header is an mc with buttons that load swf's into a main content mc with this:on (release) { loadMovie("myswf.swf", _root.holder); and that works perfectly (content loads into mc with no page refresh).But..one of my loaded swf's has the same button code on a button to load swf's into the same mc and I get a page refresh.
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Oct 13, 2009
when the user go to my app page and the swf is downloaded I'm using session = new FacebookSessionUtil( this.API_KEY, this.SECRET_KEY, this.scope.loaderInfo );session.login();... then the system open a new window showing the login form.My question is How can I prevent it? There are some way to log users from my swf?possible solution I can think of: login via PHP, and pass via FlashVars the session ID obteined by PHP, then start a session inside my SWF movie.
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Feb 20, 2009
I'm making a bracket for march madness. i have everything almost finished except I want people to be able to be able to print out their team picks.I'm able to print a page but it is blank.What I have on the stage:1. A button for people to press and print out their results. (instance name: print_btn)2. A movie clip that is on the stage that is the size of the stage as a reference as to what to print. (instance name: print_mc).3. An input text field for people to type in their team.
PHP Code:
import flash.printing.PrintJobprint_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, printthis);function printthis(event:MouseEvent):void { var print_mc:PrintJob = new PrintJ
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Apr 25, 2010
I have a flex 3.2 project (AS3) that causes Firefox to display a blank page a few moments before the .swf file is loaded and I have no idea why.
I am using swfobject2 to load the swf file, but this also happens without it using just object/embed tags.I am testing on localhost with disabled cache in Firefox, although it sometimes also occurs with the cache enabled. The size of the swf file is about 250kB and uses RSL for the framework. I also tested with other file sizes (see below).[code]...
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Sep 20, 2009
I get is a blank page with "Flash XML Galleries" written on the top. With Opera (my usual browser) and I.E. I manage to load the front page, even manage to navigate by clicking on the arrows, that is with extreme lag with Opera but it seems okay with I.E. (it still lags a bit but it's bearable).So I seem to be forced to use I.E. Did I mentioned that I hate I.E.? That crap was programmed by monkeys. And not EA's monkeys but real untrained ones! EA's ones at least know how to ride bicycles while wearing a clown costume.When there'll be download links we'll have to click on the pics to get them?
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Mar 10, 2010
I need the first page to load blank (just a transparent background would do) but at the moment it's loading the first page of text. I want the text to appear when I hit the home button (named: mc.menuBtn1_btn). I'm having a little problem with the following code. I want the buttons to slide in on the x from left to right and then settle in position, with no text on screen. Then, when I hit the home button, the home page appears, followed by all the other buttons in the menu I decide to click.
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Feb 9, 2011
The PHP file is ran with headers to force a download (from flash/as3 project), but it also pops up a blank page. Is there a way to close that after?I don't think users want blank page popups springing up.[code]
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Dec 10, 2008
I've created a navigation system using Flash 3D functionality. It consists of a MovieClip with a rounded rectangle + a text with no-antialias bitmap font. I'm using Tweener to modify the z co-ordinates of the mc to make it "slide onto" the stage. However when the mc is completed animating it is notably blurry (the text at least). I was wondering if it might just be because it's in 3D-space the perspective (which hasn't been modified) is throwing the rendering off. So onComplete of the animation I try assigning null to the z-value in hopes of removing the item from the 3D space. I've attached the package code I'm using to create and animate the navigation feature.
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Oct 9, 2009
I like to call it a 3D engine, it can display triangles in 3D space and make shapes out of it. It works fine except that I have to manually change/remove/insert the coordinates of the points of triangles that make shapes. I would like to have a more practical way of putting dots in 3D space.
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Jul 5, 2011
trying to color objects that are flying around in my space game.When I shoot and hit them - the affected enemies shall blink. The graphics are pre-rendered (i.e. there's an rotation array and function where the degrees and their appropriate rotation for the objects are stored / calculated for better performance).
So - my idea was to enhance that rotation function with a functionality for additional coloring; but the colored AND rotated objects shall be stored apart of the normal rotated objects. To accomplish this I made a nested array:in row one there are 360 rotated graphics of one object and in row two there are 360 graphics of a rotated and colored object.
Problem: Coloring works but they are not rotated (always at 0 degrees).
public function createRotationWithColorBlitArrayFromBD(sourceBitmapData:BitmapData, inc:int, offset:int = 0):Array
trace("sourceBitmapData.width=" + sourceBitmapData.width);
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Jan 6, 2011
i"m hoping someone can help me with this I'm working with a slide show that has products of different widths. The idea is to make sure that when user clickes on the next/back buttons and the next (or prev) product shows up - to make sure that the product is not clipped either on left of stage (or live area) or right..
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