Flex :: Error While Running CheckBox Item Renderer In Advanced DataGrid

Sep 9, 2010

Getting error while run the checkBox item renderer in advanced datagrid with out data.
Error: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

public function set listData(value:BaseListData):void {
_dataGrid=value.owner as AdvancedDataGrid;
_dataField=(value as AdvancedDataGridListData).dataField;
Here value is coming null, so I am getting above exception.

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// do some magic

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private static var TrapeziumMask:Class;
private static var trapeziumMaskInstance:BitmapAsset;


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Parent1 (Delete | Rename)
Parent2 (Delete | Rename)

Delete and Rename are link buttons

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OldName : Parent1(Text Input showning present Name)
Enter New Name: Parent1NewName(Text Input for entering New name)
OK | CANCEL Buttons

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Sample Code:

The html content in item.post_content displays as plain text in the IconItemRenderer messageFunction snippet below (which is just the default generated code for Icon Item renderer):

<s:IconItemRenderer iconField="iconField"
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Aug 15, 2009

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Flex :: Accessing DataGridColumn Item Renderer Variable?

Sep 1, 2009

Within a DataGrid, I have a DataGridColumn that uses a custom component as the item renderer. Within the component, I have an ArrayCollection that stores a set of value objects. My problem is that I cannot access the ArrayCollection values from outside of the item renderer component. Does anyone know how it would be possible to do this? I have posted a code snippet below.

// Cannot access arrFiles from here.


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Flex :: Caching Images In List Item Renderer?

Oct 20, 2009

I have a List and the item renderer displays an image. Whenever you scroll the list, and the item renderer refreshes, it redownloads the image. Causing there to always be a delay. Is there some way of caching it so it doesn't have to redownload every time causing a delay in showing the image every time you scroll the list?

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