Flex Mobile 4.6 Textinput Databinding?

Mar 5, 2012

the new TextInput component which uses stagetext on 4.6 has this issue where if you bind a variable on it e.g

and i push a new view e.g view2, and pop it, hence reloading view1. on initial load, I can see that the textinput display the variable abruptly then the text vanishes afterwards..

I'd like to note that the variable is a stored data, and can be access on any view.

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Jan 19, 2012

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex TextInput With Default Mobile Skins Automatically Regains Focus On Callout Close?

Feb 20, 2012

I'm working on a simple auto complete function for my Flex mobile app. For that I've got a CalloutButton that triggers a Callout.The Callout holds some lists from which the user can select items. On item select, the callout gets closed (calloutButton.closeDropDown())The very same behavior is done for a TextInput. The user inputs text, the callout opens and according to the entered text, the lists change. Works fine so far. Now, when the user selects an item from any of the lists, the callout closes. Also fine.Now the issue, after the callout is closed, the TextInput automatically regains focus.On a mobile device this is more than disturbing.

I narrowed this behavior down to the mobile TextInput skin spark.skins.mobile.TextInputSkin) since a TextInput without this skin class doesn't show this behavior.Now you might say just use the default skin instead but unfortunately I can't. The default skin has a bug with Android devices that doesn't pass though the enter event. That I could live with since I'n not necessarily dependent on the enter event, however, the spark mobile skin allows be to continue entering text in the TextInput even after the callout has been opened, which is desperately needed as the lists change according to the entered text.I can't provide any code as the problem has been narrowed down to the skinClass, thus should not be in my own code. Believe me, I tried every nice and not so nice method to prevent the TextInput from getting focus again, but nothing worked.

Edit:Below the steps of my application's behaviour. (to be fair, the workflow inside the callout is a little more complex, I'm working with several lists and a SplitViewNavigator here (thus can't use the Flextras autocomplete), but that doesn't affect the TextInput focus issue I'm facing).ter text in TextInputOn key change a Callout with two Lists is opened.The first List receives results according to the entered text from a webserviceUser selects item from listSecond list receives results according to selection from first list from webservice User selects item on second listCallout closes

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<fx:Binding source="styles_cb.selectedItem.toString()" destination="_uniform.style"/>
<fx:XML id="config_xml" xmlns="" source="config.xml" />
<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->

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_style = value;

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<fx:XML id="config_xml" xmlns="" source="config.xml" />


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public class ComboboxOrFail extends ComboBox
public function ComboboxOrFail()


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Group xmlns:fx="[URL]"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" width="150" height="500" xmlns:components="components.*" >
[Code] .....

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Dec 12, 2011

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Sep 5, 2011

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