IDE :: Passing (URL) Variables Between Two Swf (html) Files?

Mar 22, 2009

how do I passing variables between two swf (html) files For instance how can I request the variable "var_1" in the file blikvanger.swf (or blikvanger.html).Here is my code of one as file (

homelink.addEventListener(TextEvent.LINK, linkHandler);
homelink.htmlText = "<a href="event:../blikvanger.html">THUIS</a><br>";
homelink.styleSheet = myCSS;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing HTML Form And Hidden Variables From Flash To Html Page

Dec 3, 2003

I have a html/flash site now, [URL]. i access email from my site itself by giving the userid and pwd text box which i copied from the actual website hosting my email access. i copied the entire <form...></form> tag to my page and thus was able to put the name and pwd in my home page only and access the email in a separate window. now i have redesigned my webpage using only flash. i would like to know how i can implement the same using flash. as i have not much experience using action scripting i am a bit stuck about how you pass the hidden form variables. the below is the the exact form syntax:


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Passing Variables Between .swf Files?

Sep 9, 2009

I am loading images into a movie clip dynamically from an XML file. Based on what image the user clicks, I would like to be able to open a separate window, displaying a different image. Ideally, I'd pass the variable of which image was selected to the new open window.I've done some research online, and am thinking I'm making this harder than it needs to be.

Actionscript from main movie

chosenImage.onPress = function() {[code]......

I've also seen where I could possibly pass a variable through ASP.NET, but am experiencing the same errors when trying to pass the variable. I suppose I could embed the popup.swf file in a new .aspx page, that would probably be acceptable.

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IDE :: Passing Variables Between SWF Files?

May 21, 2009

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In theory, when newsfeed.swf starts up, the ?s=MSFT variable should be passed in at the _root level such that I should be able to reference it and build the newsfeed to be displayed dynamically. I've tried several different things, but no matter what I do, the following code (the _root.s part) in newsfeed.swf returns "undefined":

newsfeedURL = "" + _root.s

I would prefer to not have to pass XML files between the swf files or use system objects as that would add a level of complexity I'm not ready to deal with (I'm a total noob at this stuff)...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Variables From 1 Html To Another?

Oct 30, 2005

I was just wondering what would be the "best" way to pass a variable that's in a swf to another swf located in another html.

something like index.swf embed in index.html and sends a value to a variable to index1.swf embed in index1.html.

What I'm trying to achieve is have a user select the language he wants, plays the rest of the swf and when it reaches the last frame it does something like

//this is the last frame of splash.swf
if (language == "fr") {
_root.container.loadMovie("about.swf"); //_root is on index.swf


so that works perfectly when splash.swf is loaded into index.swf but now I want the same result but having splash.swf and index.swf on different html

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Variables From HTML To Flash?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Vars Between 2 Html Files?

Aug 16, 2003

I have 2 HTML files with embedded flash movies. One HTML file is the main area (main.html) with a flash movie called gallery.swf which has a grid of thumbnail pictures, and the second HTML file (popup.html) is a pop up chromeless window for enlarged images depending on the thumb's the user clicks. Essentially I need to pass variables to popup.html and ulimately its embedded movie enlarged.swf. These variables will basically be id's of the clicked thumbnails which I will use to locate the correct enlarged images on the server to load into into a container clip within enlarge.swf.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Variables From An Html Document To Flash

Apr 24, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flashvars And Passing Variables From HTML To Flash (CS4)?

May 12, 2010

I am working on creating a Flash menu that, depending on the page calling the swf file, will show a specific frame just for that page.  It works almost perfectly except for the very first time you access the swf during a given browser session.  If you refresh the browser window, it will start working just fine after that as long as you stay in that same window.Incidentally, this is only for IE.  It won't work at all in Firefox.  It pulls the first set of frames, which is a template menu for one of the departments.The HTML code providing the variables:
*********************START HTML CODE*******************************
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> AC_FL_RunContent(  'codebase', ' rsion=10,0,0,0',  'width', '150',  'height', '500',  'src', 'flash/ucfshsunitmenu',  'quality', 'high',  'pluginspage', '',  'align', 'middle',  'play', 'true',  'loop', 'true',  'scale', 'showall',  'wmode', 'window',  'devicefont', 'false',  'id', 'flash/ucfshsunitmenu',  'bgcolor', '#000000',  'name', 'flash/ucfshsunitmenu', 


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [fmx2004] Passing Variables From Html To Flash

Jun 7, 2005

I want to have links on several pages of my website which, when clicked, take the user to an html page called "portfolio.htm" which has a flash portfolio on it. This portfolio is set up with a series of buttons which load external .swf files for each project. How do I tell flash which .swf to load when the flash file opens.

ex: user clicks on "project x" on a web page called print.htm. The user should then be taken to portfolio.htm where a flash file resides and loads "project x" into a movie clip called "content_mc".

All the other posts I've read make reference to PHP. Is it neccesary to use PHP, or can I achieve this without PHP?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Passing Variables From HTML Page To A SWF That Loads A CLASS?

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Feb 25, 2010

when you go to the home.html page an animation will play from start and then stop at the end of it. However, for all other pages i.e contact.html aboutus.html we need the animation to skip to the end straight away and not to play the whole animation through. I was thinking this would be controlled by a variable or some kind of external text file ect. Basically in the first frame the actionscript needs to basically say

"if this html page is aboutus.html then go to the last frame and stop" and with the index page it would say "if this html page is index.html then keep playing"

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling Sound Of Separate Html Files Within Same Html Page

Sep 11, 2010

I need to allow users to preview audio files for purchasing. I have CF pages that return records form a SQL database. Each record contains the same swf file however, each swf file points to a different mp3 for previews of different audio examples. So far, everything is working fine. My problem is that I need to be able to stop the sound from one swf when I click to play a second swf .The only solutions I see in Flash forums deal with loaded swf files. These are not loaded files they are separate files within a page. The question is: How do control one swf from another swf in the same page.The following items have not worked: soundChannel.stop();,soundMixer.stopAll()

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Html :: Flash - Rendering Swf Files In Html With/Without Swfobject?

Feb 7, 2011

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<object id="myMovieName" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000">
<param value="movie.swf" name="movie">
<param value="high" name="quality">
<param value="#FFFFFF" name="bgcolor">


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ActionScript 2.0 :: F 8 - Passing Variables From One SWF To Another?

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I have a swf with an input text box and a button. When the button is clicked, I need it to open another swf in a new window on a different domain and pass the variables to a dynamic text box in the new window. I looked at local connect but I wasn't sure it would work because the two windows wouldn't necessarily be loaded at the same time and they are on different domains.

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Jan 6, 2010

I'm using IE 8 and trying to open an HTML file. All files are either local or ran on a server. Problem is I use the URLVariables object, and they still won't get passed. for example:

var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("Y:/htmlFile.html");
var urlVars:URLVariables = new URLVariables();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Variables Between Mc?

Jul 21, 2010

I just want to show the contents of the input data in Movie Clip Movie Clip A into B which is still in one layer.

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Passing Variables Between MovieClips?

Sep 6, 2010

I'm trying to develop a site map, which draws a tick over the sections of my app that have been completed. I've figured out how to draw the tick and how to pass variables from root to the MovieClip that the function is in.

To make the tick appear only after an mc has been watched, I tried setting a variable equal to 1 ino the last frame of the MovieClip, and telling the function to run if that variable was 1.

I'm not getting compiler errors, but I'm also not getting the tick. And I'm definitely completing the Movie

Here's what I've got so far: In root

var xcoord = 125;
var ycoord = 300;
var WaterComplete = 0;
In WaterMovie


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Variables Between Two Swf's?

Nov 25, 2008

I am trying to pass value and string from AS3 main.swf to AS3 child.swf loaded in it. But, Nothing is working and i can't get the value from one to another. As Beginner in AS3, i was working for a long time and
still i face these problems and no output yet.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Variables To PHP

Nov 17, 2010

I am having some trouble in passing variables from AS3 to PHP. I am using flash and php both in the same file [try.php]. I've stuck with this for two days.. Here's what I have done. header.fla [Actionscript in the timeline]


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PHP :: XML - Passing Variables From Flash

Sep 4, 2010

Creating a flash project where users can visit the site, and turn off/on objects in a house (ie. lights, tv, computer, etc.) The next user who will visit the house in the website, will see what lights or house appliances were left on. Flash variables are passed to PHP, and those variables are saved in an XML file. (For testing to see what is being saved to the XML file, on each click --vars.xml opens.) In the vars.xml file, I see that the house objects that were last turned on--are saved in the XML file- But in the SWF file, only one of the objects that are listed in the XML are turned ON. Only the last object that was clicked on would show ON--not all the objects in the XML file.)

package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.text.*;
public class House extends MovieClip {
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Variables To PHP?

Nov 19, 2010

I am having some trouble in passing variables from AS3 to PHP. I am using flash and php both in the same file [try.php].

I've stuck with this for four days.. Here's what I have done.

header.fla [Actionscript in the timeline]

import flash.display.Sprite;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Variables From SWF To SWF

Sep 4, 2005

I am using FLASHVARS to pass a variable (Status) from ASP to Flash.This piece of Flash (named Header), calls another SWF (named InOutPencil) using this command:[code]My problem occurs when I try to use the Variable 'Status' in the InOutPencil SWF (below).[code]I need a way of passing the value of the variable 'Status' from Header to InOutPencil.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Php Variables?

Feb 24, 2006

I need to pass the following php information into flash...

defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );
$link = "<img src ="$mosConfig_live_site/images/comprofiler/tn";
$link_gallery = "<img src ="$mosConfig_live_site/images/comprofiler/";


This php script displays the top 20 users from a database based on their hit count. The script passes their avatar (image), username and link, as well as total hits.

I wanted to create a flash file with one movieclip that would parse the php file and display the results in an i++ fashion, so that I could make changes to only one mc instead of 20, when needed.

I have tried making a dynamic text field an mc, and assigning the loadvars object to that mc... but can't get any information to display... and I know the php file works like a charm.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Variables Into A MC?

Nov 21, 2007

in my main movie, i have done a survey, see my previous thread which collects data from a series of radioButton groups. i can display this data using dynamic text boxes no problem, however i also wish to display this data in a separate swf which has been loaded into the main movie via a movieclip using


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Variables From PHP?

Aug 31, 2008

i got this working in AS2 and PHP, but i can't use the VAR option on the dynamic text ... so how would i do this in AS3 ?

here's the simple code

using AS2 and PHP 5.2.6

ActionScript Code:
// create an object to store the variables
varReceiver = new LoadVars();
// load the variables from the text file


and the PHP Code in info.php

PHP Code:

<?php$fName = "nuno";$lname = "mira";$age = 24;// echo or print the variablesecho ("&fName=$fName&lName=$lName&age=$age&");?>

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Variables Between .swf's?

May 11, 2002

I'm trying to get one movie to send a variable to another movie. how to check the string that's being sent, and have the movie do stuff based on what string is being sent (if (string=="bla"){gotoAndPlay("bla");}.

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IDE :: Passing Variables To Flash?

Aug 7, 2009

So, I read the tutorial about passing variables by changing the url of the .swf with the following code:

if (movie==1 or movie=="") {


My question is, is there anything special if I want it to respond to the url of a .php page? So, if I have a page that ends in "?page_id=2" could I do the same thing or does it have to be an .swf?

if (page_id==1 or page_id=="") {


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