IDE :: Odd Behavior When Exporting As Quicktime

May 30, 2009

I just exported a FLA file as a quicktime movie in CS4 using the 'animation' setting, and it produced quirky results. A 'ghost' of each object was left on screen, apparently at the point where a keyframe was present in the original FLA file. Don't know how else to describe it, and I don't think there is a way for me to upload the movie for anyone here to see? Anyone experienced this? or know a way round it? I did manage to get it to play right when exported with the 'DVC PAL' type codecs, but the quality was awful. All the other options produced results at least as bad as the first attempt.

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Exporting 25 Fps Into Quicktime Player Changes?

Jul 14, 2009

When you export a flash movie that is set up at 25fps out as a QT movie at 25fps, shouldn't it open up in Quicktime player with FPS equalling 25?When I do it, it shows the FPS in Quicktime player as 18 FPS or 8 FPS which screws playback up when i import into Premiere

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IDE :: Exporting 25 Fps Into Quicktime Player Changes?

Jul 15, 2009

When you export a flash movie that is set up at 25fps out as a QT movie at 25fps, shouldn't it open up in Quicktime player with FPS equalling 25?

When I do it, it shows the FPS in Quicktime player as 18 FPS or 8 FPS which screws playback up when i import into Premiere.

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IDE :: Exporting To Quicktime .mov Not Working

Feb 20, 2010

I've got a relatively short frame by frame animation, about 35 seconds long, that I can't for the life of me get to export correctly to a quicktime .mov. I'm running CS4, and all of my content is graphic symbols. It either gets stuck while exporting, exports a blank white screen, no image at all, or a choppy movie. Nothing is consistent, including the ways it screws up. I'm pulling my hair out and this is due tomorrow.

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Flash :: Exporting Movie To Quicktime

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When Exporting As Quicktime The Movie Gets Squished

Oct 12, 2009

I have a dozen Flash CS3 documents that I am exporting to Quicktime for placement into Keynote. Some are 1024x768 and others are 1024 x 337. After I exported 1/2 dozen movies or so at the 1024 x 337, I tried to export one at 1024 x 768. Flash decided to squish it down to 1024 x 337. Now all of my movies are being squished to this dimension regardless of the actual dimensions. I have not changed any settings in the export window. This was working properly all week and now it decided to squish the movies.

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Professional :: Error When Exporting As Quicktime?

Oct 20, 2011

This is really frustrating and baffling.I have a flash project which consists of a .mov import with graphics mottions over the top.First there was no sound when exporting the project as a swfI then tried to export the project as a Quicktime .mov but got an error message "could not complete operation because of an unknown error"What am I doing wrong?

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Flash :: Professional - Exporting Quicktime Videos From CS4

Nov 20, 2008

I am having trouble exporting Quicktime videos from Flash CS4. Previously, in Flash CS3, I got the following dialogue box: Flash CS3 export box Notice the fact that I can change the export resolution in this box. I set the resolution to what I want, and then click the quicktime settings box to change the movie's imensions to what I want. The resolution settings in this picture determine what dimensions the flash movie is rendered at, not the final quicktime movie. Now, take a look at my new dialogue box:

Flash CS4 export dialogue options Notice that I can't change the resolution settings here. If I go into the quicktime settings and export out a movie at a higher resolution, it first renders the flash file at the ative resolution in the picture and then upsizes it to the quicktime resolution, resulting in a very low-quality, blurry movie.

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Professional :: Exporting CS5 Flash To Quicktime - It Doesn't Work?

Jan 23, 2011

I have a 2.93 Core 2 with 8 Gb of RAM.I have a Flash video containing animations, graphics and text. It is 2 minutes long. The SWF works fine. ActionScript 3.0. 900x500 resolution.When I first attempted to export as quicktime, it gave a message very close to this:
"Warning: Runtime Shared Libaries (RSL's) failed to be associated with the file due to Quicktime Publishing Settings."
The wording may be a bit off, this is from memory. Keep in mind I am not even trying to publish at this point, I am exporting. Not that I could tell you the difference.So after showing this message, the progress bar continues to fill until it is completely full, and then nothing happens. The bar jus sits there full, doing nothing.So then after I explored the publishing settings, I found under the 'Flash' tab, a dropdown menu that let me choose "Merge into code" as the integrating the  Runtime Shared Library with the file.Then I hit publish. The progress bar fills and disappears, I press okay. Still, I can not find any movie file (or even the place to choose where published file go) on my computer.
After this, I try exporting. The warning the appeared previously is gone, but the progress bar still freezes when it is full, and no file is produced.One thing I have been thinking is maybe it has to do with the number of frames in my file. I have inserted the stop action at the end, so the video stops and does not loop when previewing the SWF, however there are still many blank frames, that don't contain any objects or tweens or anything like that. The setting is currently "stop encoding at last frame" which I assume means the last frame of my video before the stop function. I cannot figure out a way to make the empty frames after this point dissappear, I just figure it is part of the program itself.

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Flash :: CS4, Exporting Quicktime Movie: Size, Aspect Ratio, And Alignment?

Nov 19, 2009

I am new to Flash so this may be a basic question, but I have not been able to find anything in the help files or the forums. I have tried several times to change the size of my quicktime movies, from 550 pixels by 400 pixels to 480 pixels by 480 pixels, and I cannot seem to do it. I have used "Modify > Document" and tried every option I could find through this command. Each time I export I double check that the export settings match my desired size, and they do, but when I open the movie in quicktime, it has been stretched to fit 550 x 400 pixels. The preview movie looks exactl how I want, it is only the exported movie that is incorrect. Is it possible to make a quicktime movie of the size I would like, or is that a standard format that cannot be adjusted?

As a workaround, I have tried squeezing my 480x480 content into the 550x400 stage (while scaling it prportionally). but when I do this, the square of content is not centered in the background in quicktime. It is off center in the preview movie as well, and this commonly occurs after I have used "modify > document" to change the size of the document. The side to which it is aligned seems to be inconsistent. Is there a way to realign the video after I have modified the document size? Does changing the document size through "modify > document" affect the centering and alignment of my video? Is there a way to change it back?


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Quicktime Is "dirty" After Exporting In Flash CS4

Mar 19, 2009

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Converting SWF / FLA To QuickTime Video?

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I'm having issues converting a semi-old flash file into a quicktime video. I've been moving a lot of work to .mov files lately and off of a flash based file, the conversion actually worked perfectly on a previous video but I can't seem to get it to work on this file. During the conversion it just gets hung up on recording the flash file and I'm forced to cancel. Creating a AVI yields the same result (no that I want a AVI, just saying). I thought of a few things that may have been making it act like this, so I deleted things like the play/replay button and what not, but no good. Can Flash not export to a Quicktime if there are Actionscripts present? I've uploaded the full file, untouched from my tampering here. [URL].

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Unable To Export .flv From Quicktime Pro

Apr 12, 2007

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Import Quicktime MOV. Into CS4 Flash?

May 13, 2009

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The goal is to export it to a swf file so I can embed the movie into a PDF presentation I am putting together.

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Sep 25, 2009

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Saving A Quicktime .mov In A Flash.swf?

May 8, 2009

I need to have a file play inside an .swf using the QT controller. According to [URL]

1. Do one of the following:To link the video clip directly to the current Flash document, select File > Import > Import To Stage.To link the video clip to the library for the current Flash document, select File > Import > Import To Library.

2. Select Link To External Video File, and click Next.

3. If you imported the video clip directly to the Stage in step 1, a warning appears if the imported clip contains more frames than the span in which you are placing it in the current Flash document.Do one of the following:To extend the span the required number of frames, click Yes.To keep the span at its current size, click No. Frames in the imported clip that exceed the frames in the span do not appear unless you subsequently add frames to the span.

4. Select Control > Play. Preview a linked QuickTime video before you publish your SWF file. When you import a linked QuickTime video, Flash adds the required number of frames to preview the QuickTime video, the same as it does for an embedded video.

Note: You cannot use the Test Movie command to preview linked QuickTime video content.[URL]

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Cannot Export Quicktime Movie

Oct 9, 2008

When I try to export a Quicktime movie from the Export>Export Movie, I get this error message:Error creating Flash movie file.Be sure the destination file is not locked or on a locked drive. Also, check that the file name is not too long.A few things I've tested:

- Saving to different drives - all of which are not locked.

- changing the file name to one single word followed by .mov

- saving the flash file as a new file and trying again

- opening the file on a different machine and exporting

None of these have fixed the problem. Every time I get the same error. I've been able to export swf movies and also JPEG sequences, but I'd much rather be able to export the Quicktime movie since I need to bring this into FCP and the Flash movie has sound in it as well, so with the JPEG sequence I'd have to lay in the audio again.

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IDE :: Slide Show To Quicktime?

Mar 19, 2009

I have a slide presentation that was created in Flash CS3 and I now need to get it into Quicktime format. I have been able to get the export to movie function to work but the resulting video is only the first slide no matter how long I set the "After time elapsed:" setting to in the QuickTime Export Settings dialogue box. This makes sense because the slide show requires the user to press the space bar to proceed to the next slide.

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IDE :: Quicktime Player In Flash?

Apr 22, 2009

in my flash file, i would like to be able to advance the video player movie frame by frame. I understand this is very difficult to do with the flv player, however, quicktime has this feature. Is there a quicktime media player component that can be embeded into a flash page to do this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Same Behavior For Different Objects?

Jul 2, 2004

I have a problem and I hope that u can help me out. The thing is that I'm going to have several buttons on my page but I want them all to have the same animation or behavior when clicked on. Is it possible to use variables to label objects?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Quicktime Player In Flash?

Dec 13, 2009

in my flash file, i would like to be able to advance the video player movie frame by frame. I understand this is very difficult to do with the flv player, however, quicktime has this feature. Is there a quicktime media player component that can be embeded into a flash page to do this?

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Professional :: Quicktime Export Hangs In CS5?

Aug 19, 2010

I'm trying to export a Flash movie to Quicktime.  The movie is not very large - the SWF file is about 1700 KB. When the export program  runs it shows a progress bar recording Flash content. The green bar goes to the end and then gets hung up and never finishes (at least after a half hour wait).  I have installed the latest Quicktime codec with Quicktime 7 player.

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Nov 9, 2011

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how to get export from FCP with what I have? Do I have use CS3 or CS4? Or do I have to export a quicktime movie from FCP then use Adobe Media Encoder to create FLV files?

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Professional :: Converting A Swf To Quicktime Mov File

Dec 8, 2011

I created a swf file useing Flash and need to convert this to a mov file. I watched a training video and under Publish Settings > Format their should be a Quicktime mov option. I do not have this option on my CS5 Flash version. Also, if I try to export as a mov file, nothing happens. I have QuickTime Player version 7 on my computer. It just will not show up as an option in Flash. How do I convert a swf file to a mov file without going online and purchasing a converter?

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Flash :: Replace Movie With QuickTime?

Aug 29, 2010

How do I replace a flash movie on a website with a quicktime movie?I don't even know where to begin.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Importing Quicktime Into Flash?

Sep 30, 2010

i am trying to import a quicktime video to my flash, but i can't figure out why the quality drops a lot when it has been imported.i have changed all the settings over and over again, and i can't figure this out!

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IDE :: Streaming Quicktime Files In Flash?

Aug 11, 2008

Recently bumped into troika's website and to my surprise figured that their videos are streaming .mov files! If yes, what are the pros and cons? And how does this technique perform against a .flv file?

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IDE :: High Def Video Playback Without Quicktime

Apr 8, 2009

I'm in a bit of an emergency situation. I need build a high def video player in flash as3 for people WITHOUT the quicktime player.

Neither mov nor m4v files work (They obviously need quicktime), and when I convert my movies to FLV they look very pixelated.

IS there anyway to build a high def video player that does not require quicktime player!?

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