Unable To Export .flv From Quicktime Pro

Apr 12, 2007

Just installed Flash 8 on my mac book pro (os 10 .4.9) but the option to export to .flv from quicktime pro is not coming up in the menu. Does anybody know why this is not appearing. The component is installed but not showing up in quicktimes pull down menu.

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Export From Flash As A Quicktime?

Sep 25, 2009

Every time I try to export from flash as a quicktime, in my exported file pieces of animation keep getting left behind as residue of some sort, and it's messing up the video. I've included a link to a youtube video of what I'm looking at, the video doesn't run real smoothly in youtube but I think it should be clear what the problem is.

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Cannot Export Quicktime Movie

Oct 9, 2008

When I try to export a Quicktime movie from the Export>Export Movie, I get this error message:Error creating Flash movie file.Be sure the destination file is not locked or on a locked drive. Also, check that the file name is not too long.A few things I've tested:

- Saving to different drives - all of which are not locked.

- changing the file name to one single word followed by .mov

- saving the flash file as a new file and trying again

- opening the file on a different machine and exporting

None of these have fixed the problem. Every time I get the same error. I've been able to export swf movies and also JPEG sequences, but I'd much rather be able to export the Quicktime movie since I need to bring this into FCP and the Flash movie has sound in it as well, so with the JPEG sequence I'd have to lay in the audio again.

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Professional :: Quicktime Export Hangs In CS5?

Aug 19, 2010

I'm trying to export a Flash movie to Quicktime.  The movie is not very large - the SWF file is about 1700 KB. When the export program  runs it shows a progress bar recording Flash content. The green bar goes to the end and then gets hung up and never finishes (at least after a half hour wait).  I have installed the latest Quicktime codec with Quicktime 7 player.

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Professional :: Encode FLV From FCP Or Quicktime Export?

Nov 9, 2011

I am using Final Cut Pro 3 and would like to export FLV movies either directly FCP timeline or from Quicktime export. I have used systems with Adobe CS3 installed and they have a quicktime plug-in for encoding. However, I've just purchased Adobe CS5.5 Production Premium and I have not gained that functionality.
how to get export from FCP with what I have? Do I have use CS3 or CS4? Or do I have to export a quicktime movie from FCP then use Adobe Media Encoder to create FLV files?

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Professional :: Adobe Flash C4 Pro Won't Export Quicktime?

Jun 26, 2009

i can't export as Quicktime, it just stops at "Recording Flash Content" - Yes i could export as .avi, but for some reason, i lose some effects there, i could export as .swf as well, but Sony Vegas won't read .swf files, and i can't find a FREE (I don't want some trial with annoying Logos) ...

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Professional :: Export To Quicktime - Visual Artifacting

Jun 29, 2009

I have been getting a lot of visual artifacting when exporting a Flash CS4 movie to Quicktime. No matter what compressor I use, animation, dv/dvcpro, or even none, artifacts appear and I cannot figure out how to export a clean QT movie no matter what setting I use. I have even changed the finshed when last frame reached to finish at certain time.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Export Movie Created To Quicktime

May 31, 2007

I tried to export movie entirely created with Actionscripts to Quicktime, but no luck. Is this possible to do? How?

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Professional :: Export Animation To QuickTime - Audio Sync

Jun 18, 2010

I am using Flash CS3 on a PC. I am trying to export an animation to quicktime (Export > Export movie) and have some problem regarding the sound. The animation contains actionscript 2.0loads external swf contains streaming soundsplay other sounds via actionscript. 4 scenes. When publishing the animation, it works fine, but when exporting it to .mov, the audio goes faster than the video.

Export setting:
Video:Compression type: H.264Frame Rate: CurrentKeyFrames: 4
Sound:Compressor: 24-bit integerRate: 48.000KhzSize: 16BitUse: Stereo
To be honest, I tried many other compression types and frame rates and keyframes, but nothing seem to work.

I tried:
- importing the external swfs into the original animation
- creating a streaming silence from frame 1 for continuous sound
- capturing the animation using CamStudio, but it's not smooth enough

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Professional :: Sound Will Not Synch Correctly On QuickTime Export

Apr 12, 2011

I have a 5 minute flash movie that has great sound synchronization with the motion when I export as a SWF. However, when I export as a Quicktime file (.mov), sometimes the sound is ahead of the image. Is there a setting I can tweak during Export to remedy this? (so far I have tried to save the Video as "H.264" as well as "Animation". And for sound I have had no luck with the setting of "None" or "Apple Lossless."

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Flash :: Professional - Export QuickTime - Junk Displayed In .mov

Jun 2, 2011

I'm trying to export a Flash movie as a .mov file. The animation is not that big but there are strange display issues. As the character moves across the screen, there are bits and pieces left on the screen from the previous movements. It's just not rendering correctly and looks terrible. I can't seem to fix it and have been playing with the Format settings etc. There's always the junk left on the screen.

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Flash 10 :: Export To Quicktime Leaving Trails Of Color?

Feb 11, 2011

I am having this issue with Flash CS5:After making an animation, I export movie as Quicktime. When I view this movie it?well I am not sure what it is doing. The animation leaves trails of color when an object moves across the screen, leaving behind little bits of color too. Is it lagging? This does not happen when I export a SWF, but it does happen when I export a Quicktime movie.I export using Quicktime, so I can then import it into iMovie, to add titles, and sound and others things, or perhaps I just want to add a little Flash movie to my iMovie project.

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Flash :: Export Mov/quicktime Video Shows Ghost Images

Mar 14, 2012

I am trying to export a flash animation as a mov, so i can convert it for html5. When I export the movie, the animation has artifacts in it, strange things do not erase correctly, they do not show when i view it in Flash, or when I view the exported flv file.

So as you can see, there is a 1/2 drawn image. They round things are floating down, but for some reason, as they float down to stack, they leave behind some partial images.

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Professional :: Traces Of Color Is Left On Animation When Export A Quicktime Movie In Flash CS5?

Jun 9, 2011

I am having this issue with Flash CS5 Mac version:After making an animation, I export movie as Quicktime. When I view this movie, the animation leaves trails of color when an object moves across the screen, leaving behind little bits of color too.  This does not happen when I export a SWF, but it does happen when I export a Quicktime movie. I export using Quicktime, so I can then I can export it into a flv in Adone media encorder.Why does this happen?

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Flash :: CS5 Quicktime Export "unknown Error" Network Permissions OS X?

Mar 3, 2011

I would be very grateful if anyone can shine any light on the problem I am having with Flash CS 5 for OS X 10.5 and 10.6. A local admin account allows a user to export a flash project file as a quicktime file no problem.  However, when a network user tries to do exactly the same thing, i receive a "unknown error" message.
We are running our iMacs via active directory and open directory.  I have added Flash to the allowed applications list in Workgroup manager and have allowed access to library paths etc. So basically a flash file wont export as a quicktime file under OS x when  logged on as a network user.
We have tried different export areas (desktop, removable drive, network home folder) but no joy.  The permissions must be blocked elsewhere.

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Unable To Export As .swf?

Dec 18, 2009

I am a high school teacher, attempting to teach a few simple animations in Flash. The only action script students have written is the stop action in the last frame. I have one student, though, who has drawn a snowman and a tree using oval and paintbrush tools. Every time she tries to export as .swf (or pressing Ctrl+Enter) the progress bar stops half-way and sits. She's waited 5 minutes and hasn't had any luck. Her .fla file is only 1 mb so I don't think it's a memory issue. Is there anything else that's keeping her file from being unable to export as .swf?  The compressed checkbox is on in the export options.

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IDE :: Unable To Export The Movie Into An AVI Files

Dec 31, 2009

I just recently finished the snowflake tutorial and made a very nice movie with some minor tweaks of my own into the coding, and I'm very new to flash (this being the first many experiences with it). I want to create a movie that I can make full screen without the task bar at the top (maybe in windows movie viewer or quicktime), but there is no option to play the movie, only to test. When I export the movie into an AVI files, nothing happens.

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Flex :: Unable To Export As EXE In Release Build

Nov 28, 2010

On Windows XP 32bits, I find it strange that the FB4 Export Release Build doesn't have the option to export as EXE in contrast to the one I have in W7 64bit?

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Unable To Export / Publish Swf File / Says File Is Locked

Apr 17, 2008

am trying to export/publish a swf of a dress up game I made so I can put it in Dreamweaver and upload it to my site but I keep getting this error message:"Error Creating Flash Movie File: Be sure the destination file is not locked or on a locked drive. Also, check that the file name is not too long".I am also unable to test the movie, it gives me the same error message.

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Apr 1, 2011

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Professional :: Warning Unable To Load SWC And Unable To Test Movie Afterwards (CS5.5 Also In CS5)

Oct 13, 2011

I work with Flash Pro allmost 11 hours per day and every while i get a error  which messes up everything. Approximetly i get this after about 2-3 hours withevery project.After i get this error there is no chance to test movies afterwards.I see a fast flash of the loader window but it dissapears so fast i cant even really see if it is loader.

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QuickTime Movies That Are Different Dimensions?

Jun 14, 2009

I have about 50 QuickTime movies that are different dimensions. I need to export them to be FLV's and I need them to all be the same dimension. I want to put them in a queue so I don't have to do each one manually. Is there a software that I can use to do this?

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Converting SWF / FLA To QuickTime Video?

Oct 20, 2010

I'm having issues converting a semi-old flash file into a quicktime video. I've been moving a lot of work to .mov files lately and off of a flash based file, the conversion actually worked perfectly on a previous video but I can't seem to get it to work on this file. During the conversion it just gets hung up on recording the flash file and I'm forced to cancel. Creating a AVI yields the same result (no that I want a AVI, just saying). I thought of a few things that may have been making it act like this, so I deleted things like the play/replay button and what not, but no good. Can Flash not export to a Quicktime if there are Actionscripts present? I've uploaded the full file, untouched from my tampering here. [URL].

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Import Quicktime MOV. Into CS4 Flash?

May 13, 2009

Basically I edited a video in Premiere CS4 and exported it as a MOV file. Since you can't export it as a SWF file in Premiere I decided to take it into Flash however I am unable to import it into Flash.
The goal is to export it to a swf file so I can embed the movie into a PDF presentation I am putting together.

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Exporting 25 Fps Into Quicktime Player Changes?

Jul 14, 2009

When you export a flash movie that is set up at 25fps out as a QT movie at 25fps, shouldn't it open up in Quicktime player with FPS equalling 25?When I do it, it shows the FPS in Quicktime player as 18 FPS or 8 FPS which screws playback up when i import into Premiere

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Professional :: SWF To .Mov Old Format (pre Quicktime 7.4)

Sep 3, 2009

I need to convert/publish a flash movie to old format of quicktime (.mov) with Flash CS4. I need .mov file with embedded vectorial flash and transparency support.It is possible?

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Saving A Quicktime .mov In A Flash.swf?

May 8, 2009

I need to have a Quicktime.mov file play inside an .swf using the QT controller. According to [URL]

1. Do one of the following:To link the video clip directly to the current Flash document, select File > Import > Import To Stage.To link the video clip to the library for the current Flash document, select File > Import > Import To Library.

2. Select Link To External Video File, and click Next.

3. If you imported the video clip directly to the Stage in step 1, a warning appears if the imported clip contains more frames than the span in which you are placing it in the current Flash document.Do one of the following:To extend the span the required number of frames, click Yes.To keep the span at its current size, click No. Frames in the imported clip that exceed the frames in the span do not appear unless you subsequently add frames to the span.

4. Select Control > Play. Preview a linked QuickTime video before you publish your SWF file. When you import a linked QuickTime video, Flash adds the required number of frames to preview the QuickTime video, the same as it does for an embedded video.

Note: You cannot use the Test Movie command to preview linked QuickTime video content.[URL]

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IDE :: Slide Show To Quicktime?

Mar 19, 2009

I have a slide presentation that was created in Flash CS3 and I now need to get it into Quicktime format. I have been able to get the export to movie function to work but the resulting video is only the first slide no matter how long I set the "After time elapsed:" setting to in the QuickTime Export Settings dialogue box. This makes sense because the slide show requires the user to press the space bar to proceed to the next slide.

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IDE :: Quicktime Player In Flash?

Apr 22, 2009

in my flash file, i would like to be able to advance the video player movie frame by frame. I understand this is very difficult to do with the flv player, however, quicktime has this feature. Is there a quicktime media player component that can be embeded into a flash page to do this?

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IDE :: Odd Behavior When Exporting As Quicktime

May 30, 2009

I just exported a FLA file as a quicktime movie in CS4 using the 'animation' setting, and it produced quirky results. A 'ghost' of each object was left on screen, apparently at the point where a keyframe was present in the original FLA file. Don't know how else to describe it, and I don't think there is a way for me to upload the movie for anyone here to see? Anyone experienced this? or know a way round it? I did manage to get it to play right when exported with the 'DVC PAL' type codecs, but the quality was awful. All the other options produced results at least as bad as the first attempt.

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