Media Server :: SWF Verification On Interactive Applications?

Nov 29, 2009

is it possible to activate SWF verification also without streaming any video or audio? I'm just interested to use FMS to secure my flash application but I don't need to stream any media files.

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Media Server :: Server Settings In Httpd.conf For SWF Verification With HDS

Mar 27, 2012

How do I enable SWF verification on Location level in the Apache2.2/conf/httpd.conf ?
I have tried this but it does not block the player even if I dont have any whitelist file in the whitelist folder:
<Location /phds-hds-vod>
HttpStreamingJITPEnabled true
HttpStreamingContentPath "../webroot/vod/phds"


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Media Server :: SWF Verification With Fmscheck?

Oct 17, 2011

Does anyone know how to allow fmscheck with swf verification enabled. I don't want to create an application just for fmscheck as I want to check my application (with swf verification enabled) is still up and working.

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Media Server :: 2 Directories For Media - 1 Under Webroot And 1 Under Applications?

May 27, 2009

I have installed FMS and we are evalauating it as a streaming server.If I understand the documentation correctly, all the media files for streaming need to be stored in this directory:

However, if I want the file to be available (downloadable) over http, it needs to be located under webroot.

why can't I just create a symbolic link in .../webroot/media to point at .../ applications/ vod/media.In general, we'd like to make every file streamable and downloadable.My thinking is, the sym link allow us to not have to upload every file to two places.

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far as I understand, the bottleneck of streaming servers are with network connection rather than CPU or resources (servers are only support up to 4GB of RAM anyway).

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Sep 16, 2011

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Media Server :: Adding New Swf File In SWFs Folder And Still "SWF Verification Failed"

May 24, 2011

I have two servers running FMS 4 (exacyly the same version). On one server, when i add a swf in the folder application/vod/SWFs, the swf is "added" 5 minutes later as authorized swf, according to the UpdateInterval config value. On the other i have to restart the server. I checked every config file of both server, they are exactly the same (except few values depending on the servers themselves, of course, like IP, host, etc...).Anyone has an idea on what could be the problem on the first server? This is very annoying since a restart disconnects all my customers!

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Media Server :: Implement A Remote Applications Folder?

Jul 20, 2010

I've got Flash Media Server 3.5 up and running on a development server and now want to start customizing the install.
The first thing I want to do is to move the applications folder to a remote server/NAS. This is a failsafe so that if for some reason the Flash Media Server goes kaput all the flv files aren't wiped as well.
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Sep 22, 2010

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Media Server :: Media Streaming Server OR Media Interactive Server?

Jan 24, 2010

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Media Server :: Force Authenication To Stream Live Content Interactive Server On Linux?

Dec 6, 2011

We purchased Flash Media Streaming Server Interactive edition in order to have the security featuers of not allowing unauthorized connections streaming live content to the server. Is there a document with procedures that details how to make this happen, the allowedHTMLdomains.txt does not work when you place in IP ranges that you do not want connecting. I need some help just to figure out a way to keep someoen from connecting to the server and not streaming live content. Has anyone configured this in Linux because the documentation is mainly for Windows. Any help/advice would be great since this seems to be a common problem for anyone who runs Linux.

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Media Server :: Converting Files With Adobe Interactive Server?

Jul 20, 2009

I have Adobe Flash Media Server 3.01 installed on my server. I can record files via user's webcam and convert them to .flv with spesific compression sizes. But i want my users  my users to upload an .avi, .mpeg / .mpg, .mov etc file via an http form and after upload finishes i want fms to convert file to flv.
It can be done with the ffmpeg tool free but i wonder if interactive server has a feature like this.

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Flash :: Admin Console Shows No Applications On Media Server?

Jan 12, 2010

My employer has a Flash Media Server that I wrote a little streaming video app for a couple years ago.Well, the videos have stopped working and I've been asked to troubleshoot.  I fired up the fms_adminConsole.swf and connected to my server.  Now, it's been a long time since I've messed with the server, but if I remember right, there was a big list of apps on the list on the left hand side of the "View Applications" view of the console.  When I log in, there are no applications listed.  If I hit the "New Instance" button under the empty list, I'm presented with a list of all the apps I think I should be seeing in the Applications list.  If I select any of these, a new application instance appears in the applications list, and I'm prompted to give it a name, the default being "_definst_".  If I hit enter to create this instance, it remains on the list and instance data appears on the right panel until the console refreshes, and then all that vanishes and I'm back to an empty applications list again.

Going to "Manage Servers", I do see a list of applications under the applications tab that I expect to see.  The app that streams the video that's having problems is there on the list.

Is this typical behavior for the Flash Media Server Console?  Shouldn't I have a list of apps in the "View Applications" section of the console?  I've created about a dozen to date, and they're all listed under Manage Servers > Applications, but not under "View Applications".  Can anyone point out if I'm doing something wrong here or missing something?Or can someone confirm that I SHOULD be seeing something under "View Applications" and that there is indeed something weird going on with the server.

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Media Server :: Make Interactive Server And WebService?

Nov 19, 2009

First off I am new to flash, actionscript, java script, ..., and I need server side to interact with a database. I have developed the below code that through trace statements seems to work, but when I try to access variable(s) they are still in their initial state. The trace statements in "Results.onResult = function(result)" are called and printed out to the Administration console. In main.asc there is an interval that checks the variable(s) and prints trace statement. app.MyDataManager.initCalled is always false. I'm not sure if this is the right terminology, but the call back from the web service seems to be in different memory or scope.What am I missing here. I know the function setInterval(...) you have to pass this. But I have been unable to find an equivalent for WebService. Is it possible to do what I'm trying to do?

// DataManager.asc
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------


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Media Server :: Flash Interactive Server Hosting

Apr 27, 2010

I looking for a hosting of FMS for a video conferencing application. Each flex application will be able to connect a camera and microphone and broadcast it to Flash Media Interactive Server. Listner will play the published live stream. First I thougt I will be able to do so over Amazon Web Services Content Delivery Network Cloud Front, but it looks that this is for playing stored files only. May you please give me some names of hosting providers that have presence in US, Europe and if possible other places?

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Media Server :: Sysadmin Resources For FMS Interactive Server?

May 17, 2011

I'm a UNIX sysadmin who has been handed some additional tasks, such as debugging FMS server errors, setup, etc. The basic setup is alright - however, I wonder if there are some sysadmin-specific resources, training, etc., out there.  The training I see on adobe's site is more geared toward those who are producing content.

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Media Server :: Many-to-many Capability W/ Interactive Server?

Jul 25, 2010

I am completely new to Flash server.We seek to create a remote learning environment (distance learning) with complete interactivity.In particular, a talk can be delivered simultaneouslty to 20 students.The students can each see all the other students plus the speaker (as in a boarder of faces around the edge of the screen). Each is free to converse with the class and teacher (unless capability is turned off by teacher).Based upon what I have read Flash Interactive server will perform in a one-to-many mode.Now, how about the many-to-many as described above? What sort of requirements would be need to be met both at the server and on the individual laptops/desktops/netbooks

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Media Server :: FMS 4.5 Interactive Becoming Unresponsive

Sep 29, 2011

I have a custom app for a one-to-one chat (chatroulette style) and it seems that I cannot get more then 730 users although at that time I'm using 25% cpu 22% ram and about 120mbits (1 gbps available). Clean 4.5 install with no custom adjustments. My developers say that, according to the logs, I've a problem on a protocol level. I have no idea of what's happening (fmscore is active - no crashes), maybe is this the limit for a 1 gbps line? I'm using Windows 2008 R2 Web Edition, I've red somewhere that this particular version of Windows "may" have connection limits, maybe is this the reason?

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Flash :: Adobe Media Interactive Server 3.5?

May 21, 2009

I am thinking about making a web site that streams HD movies and videos that I have created myself. I was wonder could you use Adobe Flash Media Interactive Server 3.5 to do so I know i would have to buy a dedicated server and a fast one with a good load of bandwidth. The big question am asking is that can you base a website or content management system around the interactive server.

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Media Server :: Diference Between Streaming & Interactive FMS?

Jan 17, 2010

I want to bought FMS Streaming version, but I don't know the exactly diferent between both. Unlimited Adaptors v/s 1 Adaptors.
For example, I want use FMS for live streaming, whiteboard (Stefan Richter), chat, live conferences, etc.

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