Media Server :: Implement A Remote Applications Folder?

Jul 20, 2010

I've got Flash Media Server 3.5 up and running on a development server and now want to start customizing the install.
The first thing I want to do is to move the applications folder to a remote server/NAS. This is a failsafe so that if for some reason the Flash Media Server goes kaput all the flv files aren't wiped as well.
Can I configure Flash Media Server so that the applications folder points to a remote network drive (via UNC paths) without causing any permissions problems? How do I do this?

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Media Server :: Create Streamsdefinst Folder And Media Folder?

Mar 25, 2012

Create a new folder named AudioStreams at C:Program FilesAdobeFlash Media Server 4.5applications. Open the AudioStreams folder and add a new folder named streams. Inside this folder place a new folder named _definst_ and copy the four audio files in the Exercise to the _definst_ folder. I am confused when should we create definst folder and when C:Program FilesAdobeFlash Media Server 4.5applicationslivemedia folder?

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Media Server :: 2 Directories For Media - 1 Under Webroot And 1 Under Applications?

May 27, 2009

I have installed FMS and we are evalauating it as a streaming server.If I understand the documentation correctly, all the media files for streaming need to be stored in this directory:

However, if I want the file to be available (downloadable) over http, it needs to be located under webroot.

why can't I just create a symbolic link in .../webroot/media to point at .../ applications/ vod/media.In general, we'd like to make every file streamable and downloadable.My thinking is, the sym link allow us to not have to upload every file to two places.

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Media Server :: Development Server Be Installed On A Remote Server?

Oct 14, 2010

The instructions for installation only cover installation on "localhost".  I'm wondering if I could use the development server for a small scale website depolyment with restricted traffic, from a commercial server, such as goDaddy?And if so, what''s the method?  Do I download the package from Adobe to my local hard drive and install over the network, or copy the package to the server and install it online?

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Another question re setting up FMS to do multiple vid conferences:I have 3 or 4 video feeds being generated from different locations, and those 3 or 4 video feeds are going to be consumed by others.  Can I do that through the same NetConnection/FMS application?  Or do I need to create multiple FMS applications (i.e. one for each feed)?  I currently have one feed on a NetConnection, but I'm looking to expand it.

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Media Server :: SWF Verification On Interactive Applications?

Nov 29, 2009

is it possible to activate SWF verification also without streaming any video or audio? I'm just interested to use FMS to secure my flash application but I don't need to stream any media files.

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Media Server :: Adobe3 Applications Are Broken With 4.5?

Sep 16, 2011

I am trying to use the following in my server side script......I've been using these for years but they don't seem to work in FMS 4.5 do I have to upgrade my scripts to continue using them or are these still available? I can't google anything on them so please shed some light on this. I'm going to continue digging into FMS 4.5 in attempt to fix this without a SSAS rewrite.

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Media Server :: RTMFP Connection - Change The NetConnection Url To The Remote FMS Server

Sep 27, 2010

I'm using the RTMFP protocol to publish and play video and audio, but i'm with a little problem. I installed the FMS 4 Development Server in a Windows Server machine located in our local network and it works perfectly. In order to deploy our application, we have a remote server with a fresh install of the Ubuntu 10.04 Server, and the FMS 4 installed in this server. In other server we have the Java and Flex application, which will be used in the client browser.

The problem is that when trying to change the NetConnection url to the remote FMS server, which is the Ubuntu server, the netconnection can't connect to it. When changing to the RTMP protocol it connects, but with the RTMFP don't. I can't find any information in the log files or anything else.

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Media Server :: String Parsing By Remote Java Server?

Jan 4, 2011

I am writing a game where positions of an object are being exchanged between the two flash clients through a java server. The secnario goes simply like this:
PlayerA ---> Server : "Position X + Position Y+
Server ---> PlayerB: "Position X + Position Y+

and it works both ways of course.the problem here is that on my computer where i use "localhost" everything is fine and the data is exchanged seamlessly .. when I loaded the server on a remote host the message received strangely turns into something like "Position X + NaN" (i.e. the y position is wrongly parsed by the server), what is weird even more, is that sometimes, the message gets parsed correctly..the server is wrote in java and it is exactly the same source code that works on my machine that fails over the internet

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Media Server :: Change A Default Media Folder Location?

Apr 5, 2010

I need to change the default location of VOD media files from opt/adobe/fms/applications/vod/media.what I did:1. Created a dir test under default "media" dir2. Placed my f4v files inside "test" dir3. Modified applications.xml as follows:



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Media Server :: Edge Origin On Live Applications

Sep 22, 2010

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Media Server :: Which Directory Should Contain The Videos - Applications/vod Or Webroot/vod

Dec 7, 2011

getting started with the FMS Interactive 4.5 In the documentation it says to turn off proxying to apache on port 8134 and use port 80 in order for http dynamic and http live streaming to work properly. Since I changed Apache conf to use port 80 I assume my video root will be under webroot/vod, webroot/dvrcast_origin, etc, right?I don't see the dvrcast_origin or livepkgr folders under the webroot though. Do I just need to copy them under webroot for it work properly?

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Media Server :: Videos Only Stream From The Media Folder?

Apr 5, 2010

I have FLV files streaming fine from the media folder in the applications folder.I want to split up the videos into folders to make them more manageable.If I create another folder in the applications folder at the same level as the media folder and put a video in there the video does not play.

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Flash :: Admin Console Shows No Applications On Media Server?

Jan 12, 2010

My employer has a Flash Media Server that I wrote a little streaming video app for a couple years ago.Well, the videos have stopped working and I've been asked to troubleshoot.  I fired up the fms_adminConsole.swf and connected to my server.  Now, it's been a long time since I've messed with the server, but if I remember right, there was a big list of apps on the list on the left hand side of the "View Applications" view of the console.  When I log in, there are no applications listed.  If I hit the "New Instance" button under the empty list, I'm presented with a list of all the apps I think I should be seeing in the Applications list.  If I select any of these, a new application instance appears in the applications list, and I'm prompted to give it a name, the default being "_definst_".  If I hit enter to create this instance, it remains on the list and instance data appears on the right panel until the console refreshes, and then all that vanishes and I'm back to an empty applications list again.

Going to "Manage Servers", I do see a list of applications under the applications tab that I expect to see.  The app that streams the video that's having problems is there on the list.

Is this typical behavior for the Flash Media Server Console?  Shouldn't I have a list of apps in the "View Applications" section of the console?  I've created about a dozen to date, and they're all listed under Manage Servers > Applications, but not under "View Applications".  Can anyone point out if I'm doing something wrong here or missing something?Or can someone confirm that I SHOULD be seeing something under "View Applications" and that there is indeed something weird going on with the server.

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Media Server :: Any Limitation Of Using Share Folder In Streaming Server?

Nov 6, 2011

Tested versions:
Our problem is: When we used Flash Media Developer Server 4.5 (Trial), we can use Share folder. However, when we bought Streaming Server and deployed with same file structure, we can't use Share folder but Local folder only.

Is there any limitation of using Share folder in Streaming Server?

It's standard. we set fms.ini in Windows.
i.e., VOD_DIR = C:Program FilesAdobeFlash Media Server 4.5applicationsvodmedia

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Media Server :: 4.5.1 - How To Implement Client Authentication

Mar 20, 2012

Is there any way to perform client authentication in FMS 4.5.1 (username/password/session id) for live/livepgkr application? As without it anyone will be able to discover RTMP/HLS URL and access to live streams without any limitation.

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Media Server :: VOD Using File At Remote Location

Nov 6, 2009

I'm trying for making out application for vod.I want to know how a user can make his file readable by the AMS for vod when file is at different PC and AMS( includes swf and HTMl files) is at different PC.

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Media Server :: FMS Looks Dead To Other Lan/remote Machines?

Mar 31, 2010

i set FMS running fine. I have even enabled TCP port forward, not that i need it localy.the thing is, from other machines the FMS wont answer. FME is going

FMS is in (same machine)

if i go from another lan machine, it simply wont connect.. nor does Access.log relates to anything trying to connect to it. (from other machine, from same machine everything goes smooth)

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Media Server :: FMS Remote SharedObject Not Always Updated?

Apr 8, 2011

I'm somewhat new to FMS. We're creating a chat application and using s remote SharedObject to keep everyone in sync about who is in the room. But despite the fact that I use the following:

_sharedObject.setProperty("groupList", groupList);_sharedObject.setDirty("groupList"); to force the shared object to update the list of who's in the room, for some reason it does not always update correctly when someone enters the room and adds themselves to the shared object. The problem seems to be that the SyncEvent.SYNC event does not always get sent all the time.

More troubling it that if the user closes the browser window or navigates to another page, NetStatusEvent NetGroup.Neighbor.Disconnect and NetGroup.MulticastStream.UnpublishNotify are not reliable to use to remove user's from the list. My assumption is that remote shared objects are just not that reliable in some cases. Should I use server side scripts to keep track of users and what groups they are in?

View 9 Replies

Media Server :: Publishing Stream To Remote FMS?

Oct 23, 2011

I have followed this link to republish my local stream to other local application instance : [URL]
i have used this script code into main.asc and it is working  :
// Called when the client publishes
application.onPublish = function(client, myStream) {
trace( + " is publishing into application " +;  


View 9 Replies

Media Server :: Remote Access For Streaming From FMS?

Oct 24, 2011

Ive been able to setup FMS 4.5 and stream RTMP videos locally from a webcam stream but if i try to access it remotely i cant get a connection. Ive forwarded port 1935 through to my local IP from my router but still no connection, what do i need to configure on the servers end to tell it that its behind an NAT etc. Do i just add the public ip to the hostname line in the fms.ini, or is there more i need to do too? Do i log into the admin panel and change the server name from localhost to my public IP

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Media Server :: Pull A Stream From A Remote FMS And Record It In Another FMS

May 14, 2009

I would like to "pull" a stream from a remote FMS to a local FMS and record this stream in the local server.I couldn't find a way to pull this stream, I can only publish/push. As I can not save scripts to the remote FMS I can not push the stream to my local FMS.I was looking into the NetStream class in the FMS and there is no way to play a stream from the remote server.

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Media Server :: Authentication Accessing Remote Share?

Jan 8, 2010

I'm testing out Adobe Flash Media Server and Wowza Flash Server and am trying to accomplish the following... Web server and Flash server are on different computers... Flash server is configured to stream vod files (.flv) from a remote file share (UNC path) on a separate Windows domain server.
I was able to get both servers configured and working.  The final piece is to move both Flash servers to the DMZ segment of our firewall and test from outside our network.  On the DMZ, the Wowza Server is able to connect to the remote file share and stream video as it's apparently leveraging the credentials I entered when I mapped a network drive to the file share and supplied valid domain credentials.  The Adobe Flash Server is not able to connect to the remote file share and stream video because it seems that the connection method that the Adobe Flash Server uses is reliant upon the Adobe Flash Server Windows service account being a domain account... and when the server is on the DMZ it cannot access our domain controllers to authenticate.
Does anybody have any experience with this type of situation.?  Or know if there's a way for Adobe Flash Server to leverage drive mapping credentials as opposed to the credentials that it starts the Windows service with?

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Media Server :: Can't RTMP Connect To FMS From Remote Domain

Dec 2, 2011

I cannot connect to an FMS server from a client on a another domain using RTMP
Locally running a flash client that uses nc.connect(rtmp://...) to connect - works.
But when the client is in another domain I get NetConnection.Connect.Failed in the netconnection onstatus.
I've put crossdomain.xml files on my FMS folders that allow access from any domain (*). Also the allowedHTMLdomains.txt and allowedSWFdomains.txt are set to allow any - though it's not just the live application I can't connect to, it's also any other app.
There are no firewalls blocking on the server. Port 1935 is available. FMS is set to listen to 1935. The server is accessible with other protocols (http) - but with RTMP it only connects when I try to connect locally, as mentioned.
What other reasons or settings can cause the connection to FAIL?
The server is FMS 4.5 Developer Edition.

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Media Server :: Connecting To Remote Servers (HTTP GET, POST)?

Mar 1, 2010

I'm running FMS 3.5 on RedHat, and have some server side actionscript that is attempting to perform an HTTP GET on a remote URL, e.g:
This works on a Windows XP development server, but not on the RedHat deployment server. Are there any configuration options that I need to be aware of in order to allow my application to perform requests such as these (i.e. HTTP requests to remote servers)?

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Media Server :: Does FMS Enable Remote Shared Object Functionality?

Sep 28, 2011

I need the Remote Shared Object functionality and wonder if Flash Media Streaming Server incorporates this functionality?

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Media Server :: Fms_adminConsole.htm Remote Login Times Out, Won't Connect

Mar 1, 2012

FlashMediaServer4.5_x64.tar.gz (fms 4.5.1 release) linux instructions followed, success!
System Information, logs, etc.. Below.
uname -a
Linux poolhdz01.localdomain 3.0.0-16-generic #28-Ubuntu SMP x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux 
lsb_release -a
Distributor ID: Ubuntu


Maybe out of this information it will be seen why the http:80 login will not accept my credentials.

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Media Server :: DVR Player Play From The Vod Folder?

Mar 30, 2010

I've setup a simple DVR player using the DVRCast application and Adobe FLVPlayback 2.5 from Adobe tools. I'm able to use it to play a recorded live stream which is recorded by Flash Media Live Encoder.
I'm wandering if I can now use the DVR player to play a video within the vod application?
To start with I just want to copy the f4v file created by Live Encoder to the vod directory and then use the DVR player to play it.

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Media Server :: Move Two Figures On The Stage With Remote Shared Object?

Nov 10, 2009

I need to move two figures on the stage with shared object like the "Tutorial shared Object ball" on the adobe website but with more than one figure. All the client must see the figures moving. The figure are a circle (Cerchio) and a square (Quadrato). This is the script:
package{  import flash.display.Sprite;  import;  import;  import;  import;  import;  import


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Media Server :: Rename And Move A Flv File To A Different Folder?

Jun 23, 2009

I tried to use the following to rename and move a flv file to a different folder but it doesn't work.....I tried several combinations but can't seem to figure out how to do it.

fileObject3 = new File("streams/"+insID+"/"+stream+".flv"); fileObject3.renameTo("streams"/"adName"/"+adName+".flv");

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