Media Server :: FMS Remote SharedObject Not Always Updated?

Apr 8, 2011

I'm somewhat new to FMS. We're creating a chat application and using s remote SharedObject to keep everyone in sync about who is in the room. But despite the fact that I use the following:

_sharedObject.setProperty("groupList", groupList);_sharedObject.setDirty("groupList"); to force the shared object to update the list of who's in the room, for some reason it does not always update correctly when someone enters the room and adds themselves to the shared object. The problem seems to be that the SyncEvent.SYNC event does not always get sent all the time.

More troubling it that if the user closes the browser window or navigates to another page, NetStatusEvent NetGroup.Neighbor.Disconnect and NetGroup.MulticastStream.UnpublishNotify are not reliable to use to remove user's from the list. My assumption is that remote shared objects are just not that reliable in some cases. Should I use server side scripts to keep track of users and what groups they are in?

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PlayerA ---> Server : "Position X + Position Y+
Server ---> PlayerB: "Position X + Position Y+

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application.onAppStart = function(){
userList_so = SharedObject.get("userList", false);


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// Called when the client publishes
application.onPublish = function(client, myStream) {
trace( + " is publishing into application " +;  


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Dec 2, 2011

I cannot connect to an FMS server from a client on a another domain using RTMP
Locally running a flash client that uses nc.connect(rtmp://...) to connect - works.
But when the client is in another domain I get NetConnection.Connect.Failed in the netconnection onstatus.
I've put crossdomain.xml files on my FMS folders that allow access from any domain (*). Also the allowedHTMLdomains.txt and allowedSWFdomains.txt are set to allow any - though it's not just the live application I can't connect to, it's also any other app.
There are no firewalls blocking on the server. Port 1935 is available. FMS is set to listen to 1935. The server is accessible with other protocols (http) - but with RTMP it only connects when I try to connect locally, as mentioned.
What other reasons or settings can cause the connection to FAIL?
The server is FMS 4.5 Developer Edition.

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Mar 1, 2010

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This works on a Windows XP development server, but not on the RedHat deployment server. Are there any configuration options that I need to be aware of in order to allow my application to perform requests such as these (i.e. HTTP requests to remote servers)?

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Sep 28, 2011

I need the Remote Shared Object functionality and wonder if Flash Media Streaming Server incorporates this functionality?

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Media Server :: Fms_adminConsole.htm Remote Login Times Out, Won't Connect

Mar 1, 2012

FlashMediaServer4.5_x64.tar.gz (fms 4.5.1 release) linux instructions followed, success!
System Information, logs, etc.. Below.
uname -a
Linux poolhdz01.localdomain 3.0.0-16-generic #28-Ubuntu SMP x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux 
lsb_release -a
Distributor ID: Ubuntu


Maybe out of this information it will be seen why the http:80 login will not accept my credentials.

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Media Server :: Move Two Figures On The Stage With Remote Shared Object?

Nov 10, 2009

I need to move two figures on the stage with shared object like the "Tutorial shared Object ball" on the adobe website but with more than one figure. All the client must see the figures moving. The figure are a circle (Cerchio) and a square (Quadrato). This is the script:
package{  import flash.display.Sprite;  import;  import;  import;  import;  import;  import


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reload An Updated, Remote Xml File?

Jul 8, 2009

This seem like a silly question but as far as I've found: It's impossible to reload an xml file from a remote location while the SWF is running.

For example, I have a kiosk project that will run 24/7 (with a restart each night). I have an "calendar events" loading off an XML file that I want to keep on a webserver so I can update the kiosk by editing the XML file. However, the SWF caches the first XML file and keeps reusing it. I'm testing this by triggering a function that reloads the XML file with a button click.

I found trick that concats a unique ID to the file name which prevents using the old file but that means I'll have an ever growing list of XML files in the Temporary Internet Files folder.

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Jul 14, 2010

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Aug 20, 2011

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Media Server :: Write Remote Shared Object Sequentially When Multiple Users Are Connected?

Mar 31, 2010

I am using FMS3 and Flash CS3 (actionscript2) in a Flash based whiteboard application. Multiple users can join this whiteboard. I want to save chat text and drawing in same sequence as live time. I am using persistant remote shared object to save these data. But when i try to replay these data its not showing in same squence as live . I am generating unique slot for chat and drawing but still same error occuring.

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