I am trying to load a swf file in a browser and pass url parameters to the flash movie. How do I access the url parameters in the flash movie in actionscript?[url]...
I did find pointers on passing parameters through embed/object tags, but nothing on passing url parameters (and accessing them) just through a browser url.
I have imported the ShockWave flash Activex Control in my Delphi project. I can manipulate All the properties of a Flash movie file. But I need to define my own Parameters in the my own Flash file and Manipulate those parameters in the Delphi project. I know that passing parameters to a flash file is possible in the HTML script. But my project is a desktop application and i can't use it.
Is it possible to get a handle to the defined parameter of a flash file in the Delphi project? in fact All i need is passing parameter to flash file in the Delphi project.
I am creating a game in Flash 8 with AS 2 and i have few questions to ask.First of all, i am stuck for 2 days at creating a Laser Beam from tower to the target.I searched all internet for solutions but i can't really find one, so i'll try posting questions myself..First i tryed to create and effectHolder into which every laser beam was created, because it seems i can create only one line in each movieClip.[code]This was triggered eveytime it had a target.With every tower that fired a laser i created it was getting more lag, so i tryed selfdestructing after few time.[code]The problem is that i didn't know how to pass the coordonates of the tower and the target to the MovieClip so it knows where to create the line.[code]how to create that line ("laser beam") for each tower, without lagging so much.
want to make a sfw that receives parameters from the html tag. for example, when you embed youtube videos, in the <object> thingy you set the video you want to show. i want to do exactly the same, have a 'projector' (though not exactly videos), the swf knows what to do from the html tag params, and displays the right content. how do i red html params from the sfw (and how do i test it?).
also, is there any doumentation/examples on how to connect php/mysql to a flash movie?
I created a swf in swf where I have a video and also instantiate another swf using a loader.That other swf reads a xml (RSS) and displays a text with marquee at the bottom end ... What is wanted by main swf, pass parameters to another swf, being more specific, I want to pass the address (URL) of the RSS to be displayed.
I've created a very simple video player that I want to use with many different FLV files on my site. Rather than packaging SWF files with each FLV, I'd like to just design one SWF file and have the corresponding HTML file pass the URL of the FLV as a parameter to the SWF. I've read a lot about passing in parameters from HTML to SWF using AS3, and it seems pretty straightforward. Here's an example of the code I created using Flash CS3 and ActionScript 3.0:
this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,loaderComplete); function loaderComplete(evt:Event):void { //traceText.text = "Loaded";
Note that I'm using the variable "userName" to pass the parameter. Eventually I'd use a variable like "movieURL" to convey the actual URL of the FLV file. In any case, when I run the code, I get ... nothing! Nothing but a blank text box. Both the HTML and SWF files are on my local machine.
If I uncomment the "//traceText.text = Loaded" line, the text box says "Loaded", which would indicate that the event listener is functioning properly.
I am trying to use FlashVars to pass a parameter that will determine which graphic to load into my movie. The test actionscript code uses a dynamic text field called dText and is coded as follows (testing the FlashVars by passing them to a dynamic text field):
function loaderComplete(myEvent:Event){ var flashVars=this.loaderInfo.parameters; dText.text=flashVars.userName; } this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loaderComplete);
In my html code I am adding: <PARAM NAME=FlashVars VALUE="userName=SamG" /> FlashVars="userName=SamG" // added to the embed tag
Inside a .fla file I have some buttons and each button will tween a different image to the stage. All the images are outside the stage in the same x and y position and I just need to tween the x coordinate.
Now I'm working with an external document class where I'm trying to hold all my functions and I'm stucked with the Tweens. I'm willing to stay away from the flash tween engine and I'm trying to work with tweenLite.
Is it possible to pass parameters through eventListeners so I can use something like this inside my docClass?
public function animeThis (e:MouseEvent, mc:MovieClip, ep:int):void { //ep stands for endPoint. TweenLite.to(mc, 2, {x:ep}); }
If this is possible, how am I supposed to write the listeners so it will pass the event to be listened for AND those parameters? And how to build the function so it will receive those parameters and the event?
I've written an imageLoader class. I want to dispatch an event after the completion of image loading to the document class from which imageLoader has been initialized.
onLoaderComplete is the image loading complete event and onLoaderProgress is the image loading progress event. Here i have dispatched an event in inLoaderComplete event. I want to send parameters along with the dispatchEvent. How it can be done?
I have 2 skins, almost identical, but differ in 1 small way that can be accounted for if I could pass a Boolean to the skin while assigning it to the host component (a button).
<s:Button skinClass="MyBtnSkin" />
Is there a way while assigning the skin to the button, I could also pass a parameter to the skin somehow?
A SWF can access parameters set in HTML via loaderInfo.parameters. How do I set this in a .fla project so that they are set when I run the SWF with ctrl-enter ?
I tried to find an answer here, but haven't.i am loading an AS2 swf inside an AS3 swf.the AS2 file needs some initial properties to get started (used to pass them through the flashVars).in Flex i used the SWFLoader.load() method and passed in the parameters through the url. (url..).since the flex swf output is heavy i would like to use the flash Loader class.is there a way to pass the parameters with the Loader class?or should i use LocalConnection methods to start the process externally?
I have a hard time getting this Code: var whichXML:String = "category1"; loadFirstTime(whichXML); function loadFirstTime(whichXML:String):void { XMLLoader = new URLLoader(); XMLLoader.load(new URLRequest(whichXML + ".xml")); }
I'm working on a project where the HTML in which my main SWF is embedded will be called with a couple of dynamic parameters, like this:PHP Code:how to get that parameter into my SWF?
I have made a piece of flash that runs on an xml document and now I need to pass a flash variable (via the html swfobject) to the flash to dictate this xml location. The variable is successfully passed if I embed the main swf straight into the swfobject.The problem is I am using a preloader swf to load the main swf onto the page and I can't seem to work out how to pass the variable (from swfobject) from the preloader to the main swf.
My project has a target object (center of stage) and a moveable object, which is created each time a user presses "Enter". Each movable object is identified as part of an array (i.e., object[i]), and a new line (i.e., line[i]) is dynamically drawn from the center of the newly created object to the center target object.
Basically, as the object is dragged around the screen the line is to stay connected to the target object. Therefore, that specific line for that object being moved must be redrawn using a drawLine function inside the event handler. My issue is how to get line[i] to be identified within the even handler? (Using AS3 coding)
And I call it from my generic restful delegate like this:
public function index(params:Object):void { var call:AsyncToken = services.getHTTPService(resourceName+"Index").send(params); call.addResponder(responder); }
I want to know how I can use the params Object I pass inside the url definition (the ??? above).
EDIT: I'll explain myself if you didn't understand my problem: I have a restful api written in rails to which I'm connecting. Doc is a child resource of Job. If I want to get all docs I have to supply a job_id too. Therefore in the service the url must be changed for each .send() call, with the proper job_id (the ??? part above). I'd like to call it like myDelegate.index({job_id:34}) and insert that job_id field in the Service URL.
I have a function fooA(valueA1, valueA2) which calls web method myWSA(). Upon reeiving the result, it invokes a result handler which inturn calls another web service myWSB(value2). I want to know how I can pass/access this value2 into foo2. These values: value1 and value2 are dependent on the button clicled.[code]...