Professional :: Tie In -Flash- Dropdown Menu With A Non Flash Website?

Jul 9, 2010

I was wondering if there is a way for me to build a dropdown menu in flash, and somehow integrate it with a nonflash website. For further explanation on what I am trying to accomplish...I was going to code a fully custom dropdown menu / button in flash, however for this to work the website would need to have a giant blank space where the flash meny would roll-down at. I am wondering if there is a way to get around this.

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HTML Website With A Flash Header And Dropdown Menu?

Apr 20, 2011

I have an HTML website with a flash header and dropdown menu.In the beginning, the flash dropdown menu would not show at all untili found the wmode=transparent trick.The menus are now showing properly except for one specific page wherethe text on the page show up OVER the dropdown menu. In all otherpages, the dropdown menu shows up on top of any text that may be inthere.There's nothing on that particular page jumping at me that would causethe problem. In fact, the page uses the same CSS file as the otherpages. I'm really clueless.I'm not sure if it's a flash problem or HTML/CSS problem.

The only difference i could think of was that the page was called froma combobox change event. But i switched the page called to anotherpage i know works with the menu and it was fine. So the problem doesnot come from the combobox calling the page, it really is the pageitself.Does anyone have a clue?Working page sample (sorry its in french)click on Nos Services. You can see how the menu shows up over the bolded text.Now click on the combobox and select the first item listed in it.

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Professional :: Flash Dropdown Menu?

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I was looking for some information before proceeding with the work, I was looking to create a navigation bar in Flash with drop down menus coming form some of the links.  Now will this require the visitor to have JavaScript enabled, I'm just a little cautious as I want the links in the drop down to be available to everyone, and if they do need Javascript enabled how do i get round this.....

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I am aware of how to reset the right-click context menu to just "settings", but when the file is opened in Flash Player directly from a computer instead of on the web, the drop-down menu in the player is still available. You can even press ctrl+enter to play. My searches just come up with solutions to the right-click menu, and I have a client who wants me to get rid of this menu for a game I've already made.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Buttons And Dropdown Menu - Roll Be Able To Select Anything From The Dropdown Menu?

May 7, 2009

I'm creating a webpage, and I have made some buttons.Image 1 is the homepage, which is frame 1 in Flash.Image 2 shows that when I rollover the button "Portfolio,"I get a dropdown menu.I have this set as frame 3 in Flash.Image 3 shows that I've gone down the dropdown menu and rolled over "Photography." But if I rollout of any of the things from the dropdown menu, it stays at Image 2 (Frame 3)with the dropdown menu visible. Which is a problem...I want to be able to rollout of these buttons to revert back to the homepage, Image 1 (Frame 1).But, for instance, telling "Graphic Design" to go to Frame 1 on rollout means that if I try to go below "Graphic Design" to "Photography," I've rolled out--and so the rest of the menu disappears.So I want to roll be able to select anything from the dropdown menu, and only rollout to Frame 1 if I go outside the entire dropdown menu, not just one button.

(134.5 K)

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Dropdown Menu Goes Under Flash File

May 12, 2009

I have a css drop down menu on the header portion of my website and the flash movie plays on the center of the site. The problem is, when the drop down menu is clicked it goes under the flash movie so that people can't see what is on the menu. Not sure if this is something that can be adjusted on the parameters of the movie or not?

My current parameters are:
<div style="text-align: center;">
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="[URL]" width="640" height="342" id="main_page" align="middle">
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="false" />
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Dropdown Menu In Flash?

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Professional :: Menu Dropdown And Frequently Get Hang Up

Feb 14, 2010

In the attached file, for some reason, when the menus drop down, they frequently get hung up. (stay down, slow to move back up into the hidden position, etc.)
Attachments: (223.9 K)

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JavaScript :: Transparent Flash Content - Dropdown Menu

Jun 19, 2011

I have below Javacript for my embed flash file in page

<script type="text/javascript" src="files/swfobject.js">//</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="files/swfaddress.js">//</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="files/facebook.js">//</script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var assetsFolder = 'assets';
[Code] .....

How to make it transparent when I iframe this page so this flash should not come over the drop down menu ...

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Below it my code..
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
[Code] .....

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I'm having with a menu navigation system. I'm using Flash MX. I have created a menu system for the site I'm building ([URL]) where one of the buttons "Choose photographer" drops down a list of names. All the other buttons just jump to another page. The drop down is currently using tweens also the logo moves to the left as the dropdown appears and returns when the dropdown returns. All working fine apart from its a bit jerky.

It's I just wanted to get away from tweening and use action scripts instead, as I'm a newbie to all things Flash I trawled the net for tutorials and examples so that I could cobble together the exact same effect. I have managed to get the drop down work and return using the action script and it does seem smoother and works slightly better. But can I get the logo to move to the left and back in time with the drop

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Menu For Website

May 13, 2009

I have a navigation menu for a html webpage here and am having a few problems with it!I have a little knowledge in AS 2.0 and limited knowledge when it comes to 3.0.This should be a simple thing!! Being a newbie is hard.The menu should just animate as you run along the tabs with your cursor and then open the selected webpage in the same window (_self) when a tab is clicked.The issues with the menu are:

(1) The slide out animation (as you will quickly see from the swf) jitters when the mouse is between two tabs. This 'vibrates' the two menu options until the mouse is moved.

(2) The getURL scripts I have placed on the first two tabs don't work properly either!swf and fla attached in zip

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IDE :: Flash Website Drop Down Menu

Sep 18, 2009

i'm trying to create a flash website using AS 3.0. i watched several about creating drop down menus, and i created my menu. my problem is that i can't tell buttons to go to content pages. i'm pretty sure that my script is not complete. when i publish the fla i don't get any errors after working on it for some time but my menu is not working.[code]

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Professional :: Movieclip Menu For Website?

Dec 14, 2010

I am currently creating a website in which I want a navigation menu created in flash. I have attached an image of the menu (without the animation) based on how it would look on the home page. What I want to happen is this; when you hover over each word I want the pink rectangle on the left to tween vertically so that it ends up next to the item that is being hovered over. Once the user removes the cursor I want the pink rectangle to tween back to the default position. So if on the home page, the default position would be to the left of the home word and if on the info page, the default position would be to the left of the info word etc.
I tried to turn each word in the list into a movieclip symbol, but once i go into each symbol I'm not sure how I create the animation without copying and pasting the pink rectangle into each movieclip. However as soon as I do this I end up with multiple movieclips on the stage in the main scene.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Flash Menu For Website?

Jul 2, 2007

I'm trying to create a flash menu for my website. Only the menu. I have it so when you roll over a button a new movieclip plays. When you click on the button it takes you to a new page. When you leave the cursor on the button the MC loops.I want to make it so when you roll off of the button the MC stops playing and plays the previously "clicked on" button's MC. Right now when you rolloff the loaded MC continues to loop.For example. I go to the website and click on a new page. A movieclip plays and loops if i go the menu and roll over a new button a new MC plays. And when I roll off of that button the old MC plays.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error #1009 In Flash Menu For Website?

Mar 28, 2010

I can't for the life of me seem to find the problem with this 1009 error.I have a Flash Menu as a header for my website with the following actionscript:

//residential buttonresBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, resLink);function resLink(event:MouseEvent):void {  navigateToURL(new URLRequest("residential.html"));}//commercial


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Flash Menu For HTML Website?

Jul 14, 2009

I've tried a few different things but mostly all I've been able to do is get the menu to open up pop up windows.

I'm trying to create a Flash Menu for a standard HTML website. I have the buttons all created and the menu all done, but the AS 3 for the links just doesn't seem to work correctly. Plus I can't seem to find a tutorial on here that fits what I'm trying to do.[code]...

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Professional :: Created Button For Website But "getURL" Only Works When Test In Flash, NOT Website?

Feb 12, 2010

am i publishing the movie incorrectly? It works great when I preview the flash file (cntrl+enter), but after I publish it and insert it into the html (in dreamweaver), the file shows up and animates perfectly, but when clicked, no link... It doesn't do anything

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ActionScript 2.0 :: 2 Dropdown Menu Xml?

Aug 28, 2010

i need loadMovie! url :S

ActionScript Code:
//embedding font and importing easing.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: DropDown Menu Without Xml?

Jul 13, 2004

i'm trying to make a dropdown menu like Senocular's menu but without xml and horizontal one.... i attached an example i think i found it here in Kirupa...i want to do it but the problem is i need to give each bar deffernet color and when click it appears with it's color until click another one.....

is it possible to do it with frames not in AS methods..

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Professional :: Make A Simple Flash Website Video Intro In Flash CS5 Pro?

Jul 31, 2010

I am new to flash and trying to make a simple flash website video intro in Flash CS5 Pro.I have a flv viedo on the stage, under an image with a trasnparent center.I have the video on the bottom layer, the overlay image on the middle layer, and the top layer is my AS layer (AS3).

The video is currently autoplaying when i export.All i want is for it to open my website in the same window as the intro played when the video ends.I dont need a "skip intro button" or anything.I just want it to play the intro when you go to my site, and then bring up the index page of my site after it plays.

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Professional :: Getting Flash Player Error When Uploading Flash CS5.5 Website?

Sep 3, 2011

I m trying to upload my website from Flash CS5.5 and I m getting following "error" on the web site : "Für diese Seite ist Flash Player Version 10.2.0 oder höher erforderlich " (For this Site only Flash Player Version 10.2.0 or higher is needed). I set up Action Script 3 and Flash Player 10 and 10.1. (hashed Flash Player recognize) in HTML settings.

View 1 Replies :: Dropdown Menu Appearing Behind SWF File

Nov 21, 2010

I have a drop down menu and a swf file on an page. When the menu drops down it is behind the swf file when it should appear in front.

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