Professional :: Changing The Thickness, Style And Colour For Each Of The Tools ?

Mar 14, 2012

Whenever i try to draw anthing (oval, box, pencil, brush) it just comes out as a thin green line. Ive tried the obvious by changing the thickness, style and colour for each of the tools but nothing seems to work.

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Professional :: Colour Changing Upon Export?

Jul 27, 2010

I'm working on a game at the moment, and I'm running into a problem. I was testing the vector files that I export of the art I made, and upon re-importation to flash the colours have changed significantly. Then, when the game is running in a browser, it looks different again. It even looks different between different browsers.

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Professional :: Changing Colour Of Pasteboard In Flash CS5

Oct 30, 2010

I'm looking for a way to change the color of the Pasteboard in Flash CS5 on a Mac.I'm talking about the Pasteboard (the blank area around the Stage).I found a shortcut that did it for CS3, but heard you can't do it in CS4 and CS5.I'm thinking surely that's a mistake because that would be absurd.

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Professional :: Text Object - Changing Colour In Animation

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I've created a text object, writing let's say "HELLO". I then made it into a picture, and erased parts of the text, all the while taking frame captures (F6). It ended up looking great, even though I had 900+ frames. However, I now want to change the font each of the frames. Any easy way to accomplish this, I cannot go frame by frame. The object is in the same place each time, so if I could just put a mask on all the frames or something to change the colour to black, that would be sweet. I followed this tutorial [URL].

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Colour Of A MC With A Colour Picker?

Aug 17, 2009

i have a background and i want to be able to change the colours of it using a colour picker... if the MC was to cover the whole stage... how could i then get a colour picker and make it so it would change to whatever colour i wanted from the colour picker?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing The Thickness Of The Line Being Drawn At Runtime?

Apr 17, 2007

I am working on a interactivity wherien i draw lines using a pen/pencil just as in MsPaint application in Microsoft. Ia m done with the pencil/ pen tool and its working fine but I basically want to change the thickness of the line at runtime by using a slider functionality.


drawing_mc.lineStyle(1, 0x99CC00, 100);

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IDE :: Make Flash Not Bother The Line Thickness When Changing Scale Or Some Sort Of Alternative?

Apr 11, 2012

I'm having an issue when it comes to line thickness on movie clips, when a movieclip is flipped the line thickness vanishes due to Flash thinking I'm squishing the MovieClip. Is there any way I can make Flash not bother the line thickness when changing scale or some sort of alternative? Or is my only choice to kill line thickness altogether.

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Professional :: Create Document To Change Colour Of Certain Graphics Using Own Colour Palette

Jul 14, 2010

I want to create a flash document that allows me to change the colous of an image using a colour palette of my own. I am a complete beginner and have no idea where to start this, hence i would need to know what to do and how to do it. I basically want the image to be a simple 2d image that i will create using different layers in photoshop and import them into flash, the layer images will all be one colour so the colour of the whole layer changes. so the colour palette will be on the side of this and when i click on an image and then a colour the image changes to the colour i clicked.

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Flex :: Use Existing Tools To Facilitate Process Of Changing Data On Server Using DataGrid?

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Professional :: Deco Tool - Line Looses Thickness Along Rotation

Feb 10, 2010

When using a simple line shape graphic (that was created in Flash) to supply Deco Tool > Symmetry Brush > Rotate Around, the line looses it's thickness along the rotation. See attached image. I'm following chapter 2 in Flash CS4 Classroom In A Book, and the visuals from the book do not match what is happening on my computer.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing The Colour Of A MC?

Nov 21, 2002

I am trying to automatically change the colour of an MC when it comes into play and am having a few problem. I used the code I found in the Flash AS Help, but it's not working.

Here's what I used:

myColor = new Color(rollover);
myColor = setRGB(0x993366);

Rollover is the instance of the MC I want to target.

View 14 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing The Colour Of An Image?

Dec 10, 2008

I have a client that has a series of products that come indifferent colours and different textures. What I need to do is havepicture of the product. When the user runs a mouse over the colourpalette the product changes it's colour to represent the chose madeby the customer fro the various choose in a colour palette. FordCanada does this when I pick the colour of my car. I can run overred and the car will change colour to red.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing The Colour Of MovieClip?

Feb 9, 2010

Basically, I want to change the colour of a component in my fla file that is called 'EDL Arrow' using Actionscript
'EDL Arrow' is a Movieclip and is part of another movileclip called 'EDLClipDisplay' - which exports to my actionscript file: 'Export: CIS.FLVPlayer.EDLClipDisplay'
How can I change the colour of the component 'EDL Arrow' from the actionscript file 'EDLClipDisplay'
I understand how to do colorTransforms but I just don't understand how to connect this component 'EDL Arrow' with my Actionscript file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Text Colour Please?

Jul 15, 2011

I have a set of textfields created in a for loop and I want individual textfield text to change colour on mouse roll-over. I can't get it to work - it throws a 1009 null object reference error:

var textField = new TextField();
textField.x = 150;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Colour Of Text?

Sep 7, 2011

should be simple anyway . I'm using flash CS5 but have continued using AS2 because that is what I know how to use. Im trying to change the colour of a Dynamic text field in which the string is constantly changing. I am trying to use the code:

_root.textField1.textColor = 0xFF0000;to get change it from white to red, but it does not work. I am thinking it is maybe because in CS5 you have to embed fonts (I dont know how to do this!). If this is the case is there an easy way to embed a whole font with all colours etc?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Colour Of Movieclip?

Apr 27, 2006

I have this piece of actionscript working


var my_color = new Color("mymc");

This works when I call the actionscript say from a button on the same timeline as the movieclip. What I can't get my head round is how I change the colour of an object on a different timeline, say if the path to the movieclip was _root.mc1.mc2.mymc

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Colour Of Checkbox Label?

Jan 22, 2010

I'm writing a section of code which displays a series of checkboxes on the screen, but as they are placed on a dark background the default label text colour of black is no use, as they can't been seen. When I initialise them I use the line:
checkboxArray[i].setStyle("textColor", 0xFFFFFF); to set the text colour to white, but this only seems to work when the checkboxes are disabled (checkboxArray[i].enabled = false) and reverts to black again once they are enabled. I have tried including the setStyle line of code again after they have been enabled, but this doesn't make any difference.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Changing The Colour Of Multiple Objects?

Jan 21, 2011

I have written code that continually adjusts the colour of a targetted movie clip using a Color object called 'myColor' and an Object called 'colTransform' to adjust the colour of a movie called 'myClip':
//creates colour object and links it to movie
myColor = new Color(myClip);
//creates object that dictates colour adjustment
colTransform = new Object();
//adjusts object

I could also write a loop that loops through a number of objects and applies the colour changes to each in turn but I'm looking for a simpler solution - is there a way of doing this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing The Colour Of Text Inside A MC?

Sep 16, 2009

I am having trouble changing the text I've created inside a movieClip.Wha I do below is place a movieCLip from the library onto the stageI add an eventListenerThen I create a text field inside the movieClip and add some text from an arrayThen, when the user clicks the button I want to change the text colour but it keeps giving me an TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties. (Where I commented the code with // ########)I can adjust the movieClip's position but I don't seem to be able to access anything inside it.

var createButtonArray:Array=new Array("BUT1","BUT2");
var len:Number=createButtonArray.length;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Browser Background Colour?

Oct 12, 2009

I want to make the colour of my browser to change when my swf reaches a certain frame in the time line.

In my flash project I have placed the following actionscript in one of the frames.

ActionScript Code:

and I want place the following javascript in my HTML file:

ActionScript Code:
<script language="JavaScript">
function changeBgColor&#40;newBgColor&#41; &#123;
if &#40;window.document && window.document.bgColor&#41; &#123;


but I don't know where in my HTML file to place it as there is alot of Java I don't understand. I have tried to place it in myself but it won't work. The HTML file I wanna place the Java into, is attached.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Color (colour) Using Buttons?

May 19, 2005

I'm trying to make it so when the user clicks a button, it fades from it's current colour to a pre-defined one... simple enough in theory Here's the AS I've got so far:

var startColour = {r:50,g:100,b:250};
var endColour = {r:250,g:0,b:120};


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Colour Of Clips On Stage?

Oct 25, 2006

I have 20 odd little swfs, each of which will be loaded into a body swf at one point or another.Each of these contains anywhere between 4 and 20 single-colour buttons. What I need is for each of them to simply change colour when rolled over/out. The naming convention is just b1,b2 etc depending on how many said buttons are in each clip.

this.i = 0;
while(this["b" + (i++)]) {[code]....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flash8] Changing The Colour Of Text?

Sep 25, 2007

I'm trying to create a crossword puzzle, and I was wondering whether its would be possible to change its colour if the letter was right. For example if the right answer was C and C is entered in the box the letter goes green or something similar.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Movie Clip Colour With AS?

Apr 16, 2008

I'm trying to get AS to change the colour of several MC's - but it's not working... I wondered if anyone could please tell me where I've gone wrong? I have 5 large MC squares - when hovered/rolled over they reveal text/colour within. That part works!

What I am trying to achieve is: When rolling over 1 of the squares (i.e. sq1) to tint the colour of the other 4 squares to grey - so that the one that is hovered over is full colour, but the other 4 are greyed out. On rollout of sq1, the other 4 grey squares return to their coloured state.

I worked through the Kirupa - Changing Colours with AS tutorial, and tried to apply that to my situation, but I still can't get it to work.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Drawing Board Pen Colour?

Mar 19, 2005

im making a drawing board and i want users to be able to press colours on my swf to be able to change the colour of the pen how can i do this? if you dont know what i mean just check a paint package out and look at how you chose your colour thats what i want to do?

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Flash :: AS3 Colour Changing - Make All The Red Parts Green

Jan 21, 2011

I have really complex flash animation thats severely obfuscated accross several layers and over 500 Symbols. Luckily the whole animation uses just two colours, all the way through. I need to find a way of swapping colours like this, so I can make all the red parts green, etc.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Format Not Changing Colour Or Size?

Apr 30, 2011

My Text Format is not changing colour or size, despite me telling it to do so with the following code. it displays the number of steps taken (a number called Steps) to complete the level in my flash game.

ActionScript Code:
var myFont:TextFormat = new TextFormat;
myFont.font = "Ariel";
myFont.color = 0xCCCCCC;


It displays the box the correct size (height and width), position and number inside, but the text font is still black and small size.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scripted Fading Colour Changing Query

Jun 30, 2004

Does any1 know how to change a movieclip's colour value using AS? Thing is I need it to fade from 1 to another, not just flick like in all the tutorials I've found so far.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Colour (the English Way Is The Correct Way) Dynamically?

Jul 5, 2004

Im looking at creating some template designs for presentations and stuff like that. The only problem I have is not being able to get the consumers tastes down to a tee. The thing that is letting me down at the moment is that im not sure how to dynamically chage the colour of a graphic once a certain button has been clicked.e.g "say if i have index as my default page and the colour scheme is different tones of red how would i be able to change this to blue or green once another button has been clicked." It would be much better to have this layed out as 'AS' rather than having many different (goto frame label and stufflike that. Im trying to phase myself out of tweens and focus more on the AS side of the whole game.

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