Professional :: Create Dynamic Scrolling Text In Flash CS5?

Sep 5, 2010

I am a complete newbie to Flash. I'm tyring to build a scrolling text box that automatically scrolls. On mouse over, I want the scrolling to stop so users can click on an item in the text box. All of the items will be tied to external hyperlinks. I want to populate the text box with an external file. I've done some searches on Adobe, but haven't found anything that takes me through the whole process.I have the complete Adobe Master Collection. So if this is easier in Flash Catalyst, let me know. I know how to buid a manual scroll box in Flash Catalyst. Could I export this to and add the auto-scrolling?

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Professional :: Determine Is Scrolling Is Required On Dynamic Text?

Feb 1, 2010

I have a few text based pages on a site i am trying to build which contain dynamic text (contained within a database, which can be changed from elsewhere). These are loaded into a dynamic text box of a fixed size that fits within my page. This all works great. I have created two scroll movieclips (which act as buttons, one for up, one for down) which when clicked cause the textbox to scroll up or down as relevant. These work fine as well. The problem i'm having is I only want the scroll buttons to appear if they are required (ie if the text within the text field is larger than its height so you need to scroll to read it all), but i cannot work out how to find the height of the actual content (as opposed to the height of the predefined dynamic text box). I can obviously create the textbox as autosized, then find it's height, then compare it to the desired height and (if it's larger) manually change it's height and display the scroll buttons, however i cannot imagine this is the most effective way to do it at all? I'm sure there is a standard, logical way to do this but i cannot seem to find any reference to it online or in the forums, but maybe because i'm searching for the wrong thing

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Scrolling Text In Flash MX?

Jun 16, 2003

I'm trying to create a scrolling text in Flash MX that will go horizontally from side to side of the stage, each scrolling text will be a number of words each separated of each other by a bullet or small circle. The scrolling text will be a Movie Clip with one single Dynamic text field that will load it's variables from a .txt document, that dynamic field will duplicate it self as many times as the amount of variables on the .txt document.

So I was thinking that if I created variables using a numbers like 1 = word, 2 = another word ect. To whatever numbers of words I want to be displayed on the scrolling text I could use a script on the first frame that could say something like this. (Dynamic text field has a variable called ticker)

loadVaraibles(TickerText.txt, this)
ticker = 1 + "."

Now comes the questions

Can flash read more than one variable in a single .txt file? Or it read on and assume that everything else within the file is just part of the first variable?

If this is possible how can I tell flash duplicate this dynamic text field as many times as the amount of variables on this particular .txt file?

I know this all sound really confusing but I hope that some one can understand me and give me some tips to get this to work or maybe make a simple sample of it and upload it on my server so I can see how can this be done.


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Create A Marquee Or Auto-scrolling Text Effect In Flash

Jun 21, 2009

i wan't to create a marquee or auto scrolling text effect in flash using AS 1.0.

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Create Scrolling Text Areas With Rich Text Format Content?

May 14, 2009

Noob question, I hope. I need to create scrolling text areas with rich text format content. I know I can use the textArea component and set the htmlText property but converting all of my RTF to HTML is gonna be a major pain in the @$$. I keep getting into trouble thinking what's mindlessly easy in Director/Lingo is gonna be reasonably simple in Flash/AS3, I hoping this is just my inexperience with Flash getting in the way. Is there an easier way? I thought of embedding a PDF document but apparently that's not an option in Flash either (note: I know how to link a PDF doc, I need this text to display and scroll within the application, not just pop a new window on top).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Dynamic Thumbnails For Forward / Back Scrolling?

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IDE :: How To Create Scrolling Text

Jan 13, 2009

I need to learn how to create scrolling text. I�ve looked around on the web but I can�t seem to find a good tutorial on it. The text does not need to be dynamic, I must be able to choose different fonts and colors for the text, and most importantly create a custom scrolling bar.

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Dynamic Scrolling Text Box?

Jun 18, 2009

I'm trying to create a simple scrolling text box for a web site and am following this web tutorialI'm using flash cs4 ad this relates to cs3. I seem unable to locate the instance name box anywhere.

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Create A Scrolling Text Banner?

Oct 12, 2009

I need to create a Flash banner. Fairly straight-forward in terms of looks - a long list of services that scrolls from right to left and then loops continuously.

I'm using Flash MX 2004. So far I've created the text - it comes on from the right and leaves on the left. The problem I've got however is how to make this a continuous, seamless loop. When it goes off on the left I can't figure out how to make it come back on from the right.

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Scrolling Images With Dynamic Text Box?

Mar 17, 2009

My boss wanted me to make scrolling images and captions for each image when you rollover them. I made the images scroll by making each image a button and masking those images. I can't seem to get the captions right though.The dynamic text box I am using is inside the mask (because I cannot figure out how to put it on the main time line and make it work). The rollovers work when the dynamic text box is in the mask, but when I scroll through the images, the text scrolls too and some of the captions you cannot even see. The web site is below if you need to see what I am talking about.http:[url].......

I figured that what I need to do is put the dynamic text box on the main time line and not in the mask. But I can't seem to get that to work.Here is the code I am putting on the actual image buttons. My text box instance name is rOver and yes, I did embed the fonts.

on (rollOver) {
rOver.text ="caption";

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scrolling Dynamic Text?

Dec 23, 2003

Is there anyway of making a scroller like the following but having dynamic text? So that it doesn't have that blur?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scrolling Dynamic XML Text

Sep 19, 2006

I have succesfully created a scrolling text field that is marked as dynamic. My problem is loading the XML text into it once I place it within a movie clip. So I have a dynamic text filed in movie clip A which is masked by movie clip B and then has a custom scroll bar attached to scroll the content. When I try to import text to place in the dynamic text field ( rather than typing the text within flash ) it doesnt show up.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Variation On Scrolling A Dynamic Text Box?

Jan 20, 2010

I have an empty dynamic text field that I attached the UIScroller component to.

Clicking on a button sends text to it, but the scrollbar doesn't register the text to make it scrollable. It just gets cut off at the bottom.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Smooth Scrolling Dynamic Text Box?

Aug 24, 2010

I am trying to adjust the speed of the scroll box. It is a little too quick. I am not sure where to start.....I tried adjusting the button (_root.TextBox.scroll -= 1;) but it won't accept any smaller numbers. Can someone point me in the right direction?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Simple Dynamic Text Scrolling?

Nov 14, 2009

Been away from Flash for a while and struggling to relearn. Also been working more with AS3, but I am working on something that was designed using AS2(not by me).I have a dynamic text box populated by an external xml file. Works fine, however I am having hassles getting it to scroll. I only want buttons, and not a drag bar. Tried several methods I found around the forums but nothing seems to work for me.iam.theData.textBodybuttons are btn_up and btn_dwn. Both are located inside the ima clip.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scrollbar W/Dynamic Text, Not Scrolling Up?

Jul 2, 2011

I have made a custom scroll bar, using tlf text converted to a movie clip that measures 903px tall. I've got a mask on it that's 314px tall.The scroll bar will scroll all the way down to the bottom of the content, but it will not scroll all the way back up. The button will go back to its place at the top of the scroll bar, but the movie clip only scrolls back up about two thirds of the way.I don't get any errors when I test the file, and I've permitted debugging in the hopes it would find an obvious mistake to no avail.Here's the code:

ActionScript Code:
// Scroll My Content function - AS3
function scrollMyContent()[code]..........

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Scroller Scrolling?

Dec 3, 2005

i made a dynamic text scroller and it is too choppy

on (press, release, keyPress "<Up>") {
currentScroll = scrollableText.scroll;
if (Number(currentScroll)>1) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making Scrolling Dynamic Text

Dec 23, 2003

Is there anyway of making a scroller like the following but having dynamic text? So that it doesn't have that blur? [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Error In Scrolling Dynamic Text Box

Jul 16, 2004

I am using Flash MX 2004 professional

I followed the tutorial for creating a dynamic text box with a scroll bar. I am getting this error when I test the movie and when I open the swf file I can see the box but the text isn't loading.[code]...

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Professional :: Create Continuous Scrolling (on Mouse Over ) For Limited Images?

Mar 3, 2010

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If I mouse over , in right it keeps scrolling images and even keep scrolling when 10 images completed by adding first image to the left[URL]..

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Flash :: Create Multiple Buttons With Dynamic Text In AS3?

Jun 22, 2011

I'd like to create a Hangman game, only instead of having the player enter a letter, I'd like to have 26 clickable buttons on the screen. Now, I could make 26 symbols, but that seems ridiculous when I could create a class and just create 26 instances of letter_button, where I can just do something like letter_button.letter_id to get the value.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scrolling Buttons Up / Down In Dynamic Text Field

Mar 6, 2010

I have a dynamic text field and have two buttons. All I want the buttons to do is to scroll up or down a couple lines everytime its clicked. AS2 had something like this:
body_txt.scroll += 1;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scrolling Event Movieclip Instead Of Dynamic Text?

Sep 25, 2011

I am very very novice to actionscript, so probably my question will sound a little silly.I am trying to put an arabic text to scroll with a custom scrollbar. So I found a nice video in youtube about doing that with a dynamic text field. It works wonderful for latin characters (left to right and separated letters) but unfortunately not for arabic characters (they don't get connected). Actually, I don't care to use just a movieclip with the text instead of the dynamic text field. But I don't know how to change the actionscript code for the movie clip instead of the dynamic text field.

Here I show you the code for the scrolling text in a dynamic text field (it's a short code), on the stage I got just the dynamic text field (instance name: texto_txt), the scrollBar (a vertical line, instance name: scrollBar_mc) and the scroller itself (a little rectangle, instance name:scrollHandle_mc):


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scrolling Dynamic Text With Custom Scrollbar

Aug 13, 2008

I have created a custom scrollbar for some dynamic text ("services_txt") under a movieclip ("servicestext_mc" with the instance name services_mc). The name for the scroller is scroller_mc.

The scrollbar works fine, but it doesn't seem to want to connect to the text box. I keep getting error message 1120: Access of undefined property services_txt.

I've tried scrolling my text several ways and seem to keep getting this error - I have a feeling it's because I've inputted the text manually and forgot to do something, instead of using an external text loader. Here is the code I've inputted:

var scrollPercent:Number = 0;
var minScroll:Number;
var maxScroll:Number;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Scrolling Text In Movie Clip?

Aug 4, 2009

I have been going round and round with the problem of needing to put scrolling dynamic text into a movie clip. I have read many tutorials and forums, but just can't seem to find the right fix for my particular situation...have tried embedding fonts, using various paths, work arounds, etc.

I am editing some action script I did several years ago. I would like to use a wipe-in (mask) affect so that the text scrolls in when called, but I cannot get anything to work without the dynamic text being on the main stage...because of this, the text shows up all at once. Am creating this in a separate file to import into a holder in the main movie. I'm pretty sure this is a path issue.

Dynamic Text = aboutContent
Movie Clip = about_mc

Here is the code I am working with:

//Create variable for Scroll Direction
var scrollDirection:String;
//Create LoadVars for About content


If you have time, I also need to find out how to set up elements in my Main Movie to load in sequence, rather than all at the same time.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Scrolling Text Can't Display Correctly

Aug 29, 2009

I am using flash CS3 and the flash scroll bar components to display scrolling text. This feature uses the dynamic text box. Well I have several pop up windows. A few of them need dynamic text so they can be scrollable because it is a lot of text. The issue that I am having is that in comparison to the static text...the text looks different but it is the same font?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scrolling Dynamic Text With Mouse Wheel

Sep 28, 2009

How can I tell when I have reached the bottom of the dynamic text(agreeText) when using the mouse wheel. I have a scroll bar(scroller) and to know when I get to the bottom I use the follow...

ActionScript Code:
scroller.addEventListener('scroll', evokeAgreement);
function evokeAgreement(evt){
if(scroller.scrollPosition > 164)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Dynamic Scrolling Right To Left In Screen

Oct 6, 2011

I am programmer , C# is my programming language.I started known about FLASG a few day ago. I am very, very interesting about its.My boss want i make a text display in bottom screen and scrolling from right to left (same as display on TV).But, i used to keyframe to solved this solution but they are slowly and not smooth. Now i want text display running smoother.I not good at Flash .

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Scrolling Text Box Using Kirupa Tutorial

Dec 23, 2003

I've created a dynamic scrolling text box using the kirupa tutorial. It's the tutorial that uses self-made buttons to scroll up and down. In my movie I've got 7 buttons, when one is pressed I want to display different text in the text box. I have it working by loading text from .txt files but it is slow and does not allow me to format the text as I would like. What I'm thinking of doing is creating 7 keyframes on the timeline of the scrollable text. Then in each frame have the different text that I want displayed. When I click on a button it would go to one of those frames thus displaying the corresponding text. I can't get it to work. I've changed the text box to a static text box. I can't get it to move the playhead to the next frame in the text movie clip which the scrollable text box resides in.

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