Professional :: Creation Of Guestbook In Flash?
Apr 29, 2010I don't know whether its the right place to post this question, I am trying to create a guest book in Flash.
View 1 RepliesI don't know whether its the right place to post this question, I am trying to create a guest book in Flash.
View 1 RepliesEvery time I package an android application and run it from my phone it really distorts images/movieclips.I can see slight transparancies around movieclips that shouldnt be there, images look pixelated, when played on the computer it shows no issues with any of it.Are there any tips or tricks to solving this?Also the performance just is spotty on the devices. Was using flash cs5 and just DL the trial of 5.5.Also is there a place to look at best practices for optimizing adobe air applicatiosn for mobile devices?
View 1 RepliesI'm somewhat of a noob here, so please forgive my ignorance. I tried to google the answer to my questions, but probably not using the right terms.
So my questions are these: Is there any advantage to using vector elements in flash projects, or do they just get rasterized in the swf creation process?
If you use vector instead of raster art, can you scale your swf infinitely large (theoretically) without degradation? Will vector art result in a smaller swf size? Will it take less processing power to play?
I want to add a guestbook to my Flash site - an easy one that just allows people to add a message about what they think of my site, and allows others to read those messages.
View 1 RepliesI used guestbook form here:[URL] and when I load it into a container in the flash website the guestbook doesn't read the data from txt file. It works ok when it's alone.
View 1 Repliesi made a flash site... i wanna make a guestbook for it... any ideas how i would go about doin that?
View 2 RepliesI am building an ambitious site especially for someone new to the Flash.I want to create a fully functional Flash Forum.Only problem is I have not found 1 site with information on how to build one and the only thing I did find was something called the Flash Forum Engine. It is a 3rd party software suite that allows you to build a Flash Forum BUT! it costs 1000 Euro's or $2000.
View 4 RepliesI'm having a hard time creating a Flash using Flash 5. The first loop asks for a number of participants. The next loop, you select or enter the name of the beverages available. The third, and more complicated loop - Up to 4 randomly selected beverages are selected and a percentage (for mixing) are provided. For example;
My goal is to make a flash/as3 program that would pull multiple sets of data (images and texts) from the database and compile and save a flash video project for each one. What might be the best way to go about making this work? I checked but wasn't able to find a function that would publish the flash project in it's current state, so I don't think I can execute the entire process in a single flash/as3 file. My only other option is to have some other program/batch file take care of the querying the database and compiling multiple flash/as3 movies by starting up a flash program and passing it the parameters of the data it needs to build 1 complete project for 1 set of data. Is there a program to create .swf files automatically? Is it even possible to pass in init params to flash/as3 project?
View 1 RepliesI'm making a flash website for a non-profit organization. I made a guestbook with PHP and XML and my contact form with PHP, but the server I am using doesn't accept files with php, asp, js, html, or htm extensions. They are using godaddy's WebSite Tonight built-in website builder currently. They want to keep the original site for backup but cannot export the current website files because of the website builder application. Is there any way I get make a guestbook without php, asp, js, or html?
View 4 Repliesi have download the zip source file in this tutorial "XML Guestbook with PHP" [URL]after i unzip and test the movie, an error occurs.
Error loading XML file
Error opening URL file:///D|/My%20eBooks/XML%20Guestbook%20with%20PHP/guestbook.xml?uniq=9442
what is this statements means to?
myXML.load("guestbook.xml?uniq" + myIdentifier);
A rather large project (rich web application) has fallen into my lap and I am unfamiliar with how to accomplish a major functionality. in the right direction.I need users to be able to customize a 3D avatar and store it on the server somehow. The user can choose a body type, hair style, hair color, clothing, accessories, etc. The user can then choose from a number of different environments to place their avatar into, a specific animation (dance moves, playing an instrument, etc.), and an audio file. The audio file would then play while the avatar performed the animations within the selected environment.
How should we go about doing this? What technology should we use? Ideally, my colleagues and I would use MoCap software (w/ Microsoft Kinect) to complete 3D base models and animations for the avatars. Is it possible to then dynamically skin / texturize the models with the user's stored avatar? If so, how would I accomplish this? Does anyone have any other suggestions on how we would go about solving this problem?
Does anyone know how to build a guestbook in flash. I guess it would require some knowledge of either ASP or PHP, of which I know nothing about.
View 2 RepliesI can't seem to get my guestbook to work. I used the AS found in the tutorial section for guestbook with XML.
I think it is a problem with the PHP file or the XML... how can I fix this? or test it?
This is in reference to the Kirupa tutorial "XML Guestbook with PHP". I used this guestbook on my previous site, and it worked great. The site was originally published under Flash 6 AS1. I am redesigning my site to be published as Flash 7 with AS2. When I test the guestbook in Flash 7 AS2, it errors. What parts of the actionscript do I need to update so it works with AS2?
View 10 Repliesi have uploaded everything. and yet i cannot send new messages. i tpye the message in and hit send and it disappears. also i keep hearing about some permission 777 thing what is that. how do i change it to it? example. [URL]
View 1 RepliesI got a Flash Guestbook using PHP that works perfectly...The thing is that I need to load it into another .swf ; but when I do it, the Guestbook doesn't do anything.It seems to me that by loading it into another swf, the Guestbook can no longer send or receive data to and from the PHP script.
View 6 RepliesI am working with CS3. yesterday I have finished my Website without an error message. Today I wanted to work again but I had this message error :
"Error during the creation of the file of the Flash animation. To check that the file of destination is not in reading alone or is not already used by another application. Also check that the name of the file is not too long."
I'm making an app with flash AS3 and puremvc, the way to correctly handle view mediators is sort of throwing me a little...I have 3 or 4 distinct views, each governed by it's own mediator.Each view is only displayed on its own - ie. when 1 is visible/on stage - the others are invisible/removed from stage (over simplified, but I guess could be thought of as seperate pages, viewed one at a time, a nav bar allows a user to change views when they like)
At first each view mediator I had creating and added to stage it's own view component, and as such, when it was 'turn' to show or hide that view, it was simple - addChild and removeChild for it's view component.However, I read over at that it's not good practice to
a. pass round the stage (which was the viewComponent for each mediator in my case - where each view was added to - eg. viewComponent.addChild(foo)
b. create its own view - which allowed me to add and remove it in the first place.
So I changed to the recommended way - when I create each mediator, what I pass in is the view component it governs (rather than the stage/main doc class eg.
var view:MyView = new MyView();
facade.registerMediator( new MyViewMediator( view ) );
with that the case - I have no idea how I would go about removing/adding each view when needed.I could easily enough set the visibility from within each mediator, but I sort of wanted to avoid doing that - prefer removing when not in use for resource I am 'meant' to go about this (as in, when a view is no longer needed on stage, remove it - temporarily, and add it later on when it is needed?)
Ok, So I made a text box and named it info. Then the AS
so...nothing happens..."Not" doesn't even show up. Something simmilar happend to me when I followed a flash guestbook tutorial somewhere, the guestbook tried to inset and such so the guestbook would seem formatted, but nothing happend "Instead of this" "I got this" I've embedded uppercase, lowercase, num, and punc Arial 11 pt bitmap
While trying out this tutorial using the provided fla file, I am receiving following error. [URL]..
View 3 Replieswhat i want to do is make a kind of guestbook thing.. and what i need to do is just store the data of each post into a data file on the website..I was thinking that i could do it with SharedObjects.. as i know how to use them and that was what i was goin to try first.. but.. is this the best way to do it?? will it work on the web or will it only work locally on a computer..Should i be using php or xml or somtin like that?? If so.. how would i do that cause i dont have a clue at all..
View 4 RepliesI have incorporated the following XML guestbook on my site and it works like a charm since its inclusion on my site
How to send a mail to me when anyone adds a message on the guestbook ?I guess it is possible as whenever one xml object is send to the php file for processing by sendAndLoad function , it can also send a mail via php .....the code that sends xml data to php in this actionscript is
myXML.sendAndLoad("processXML.php", receiverXML);
can some code be added in the processXML.php which also sends a mail vial "mail" function in php ?
I made a wedding website for a friend of mine and it went well until I stumble accross this Guestbook problem.
The GuestBook.swf I made it as a separate file & whenever I run it in the server it works well but if I load it into my Main.swf it didn't work...
making Guestbook and text-chat application over LAN connection. Are php and mySQL required? and about the chat, how do we really use the flashcomm?
View 7 RepliesI have made a simple site with some simple transitions. each button on my site loads in an external swf file into an empty movie clip.
One of these swf files is a guestbook which works when i dont load it into the empty clip and test it alone on my server (sending in the guestbook swf, html, php, and empty text file)
Now then, when i load in the guestbook into the main swf, nothing happens on the server when I test it - I am lost and now come to you people for advice. It obviously has something to do with being loaded into an empty movie clip that is causing conflict.
So yahoo astra has grate compohent for saving inputed data. They show examples of how to use it. But I had not found one capable to solve my current problem. For example user inputed his name. It is saved, but when he comes again he always needs to input at least first latter of his name. so I wonder - how to make Yahoo astra autocompletemanager component to pop up last inputed into it value on application creation complete?
I want to make a flash application in which i will load 3-4 different mp3 files of different instrumental music. After loading it I want play all files. Further I want to save or create a merged mp3, from all mp3s sound files in a single mp3 file.
Is it possible to convert different mp3 sound track in to different ByteArray and later using any other technology like PHP or C# can we merge all byteArray in a single byteArray to create a single mp3 file.
So that we can listen all instrument playing in a single mp3 file.
I have a project of dynamic banner creation. The main part of the job is creating a swf on clicking on a "publish" button on stage. A certain movieclip of any width and height on stage must be exported as a new swf file.
View 4 RepliesI am considering using flash for a kiosk project together with Visual Basic. I need to create simple SWF file with some buttons and background image, and maybe play some movie clips. Could you kindly suggest free tools for that purpose.
If there are not free tools for that, what is the normal commercial enviroment use?