ActionScript 2.0 :: Guestbook With XML And PHP Files?
Aug 31, 2005
I can't seem to get my guestbook to work. I used the AS found in the tutorial section for guestbook with XML.
I think it is a problem with the PHP file or the XML... how can I fix this? or test it?
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i have download the zip source file in this tutorial "XML Guestbook with PHP" [URL]after i unzip and test the movie, an error occurs.
Error loading XML file
Error opening URL file:///D|/My%20eBooks/XML%20Guestbook%20with%20PHP/guestbook.xml?uniq=9442
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myXML.load("guestbook.xml?uniq" + myIdentifier);
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so...nothing happens..."Not" doesn't even show up. Something simmilar happend to me when I followed a flash guestbook tutorial somewhere, the guestbook tried to inset and such so the guestbook would seem formatted, but nothing happend "Instead of this" "I got this" I've embedded uppercase, lowercase, num, and punc Arial 11 pt bitmap
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myXML.sendAndLoad("processXML.php", receiverXML);
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Jul 13, 2005
i have attached a flash file.the problems are
1) i have palced 2 flash file on my web page.if i stop the sound on this file then the sound on another flash movie placed on my web page also stops.i want both the files to be independent to each other and controlled separately
2)if i click on play it shows loading.even after it loads the file it doesnt change itz status. if i click again on play then itz status changes to codes for flash.....
soundUrl = "test.mp3";
// create sound object, assign properties and events
function createSoundObject(){[code].....
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Nov 29, 2007
my question is to diplay random files , and i have given the code as
one more question is "where i need to store all these movie files. either in samefolder where the flash file is placed. or make it as a seperate folder and or in the flash file library". and one more thing is "how can i place these 20 files in a order like declaring the dimensions on the screen. do i need to put in a CSS.
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Mar 27, 2011
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Nov 16, 2011
I've tried exporting a MOV file using Flash 8. I've tried converting to a MOV using ffmpegx. Neither have worked.
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Jun 15, 2010
Can anyone improve on this? Requires Sysinternals Strings
date /T >N:output.txt
net use z: /delete
net use z: \svr-002
Basically it mounts a share as a network drive then runs through the share looking for swf files inside office documents.
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