Professional :: If Button Was Pressed Browser Window Was Scrolled Down To The Chosen Word

Mar 23, 2011

Im interested in making something similar as here [URL] As you can see if button was pressed your browser window was scrolled down to the chosen word.How to do that?How that script should look? What action script use, any example projects or tutorials?

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Using CS3
AS 2.0

I have a button that when pressed it opens a url in a new window. Works on Safari great, but not in Explorer.


on (release) {
getURL(" of website", "_blank");

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Open A New Browser Window When A Button Is Clicked?

Mar 2, 2009

I'm sorry to have to ask this as I know there are many tutorials out there on how to do this, but using as2 how can I open a new browser window when a button is clicked, that is sized to specific dimensions? The reason I ask is because every bit of code I tried to use did absolutely nothing, when I clicked on the button nothing happened. This is the code I'm trying to use at the moment

getURL ("'master.html','Title','width=1024,height=614,left=0,top=0,toolbar=No,location=No,scrollbars=No,status=No,resizable=No,fullscreen=No'); NewWindow.focus(); void(0);");
I'm using flash CS4, flash player 10 and actionscript 2

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Professional :: Center Flash Movie In Browser Window?

Jun 28, 2011

how to horizontally center my Flash movie in the web browser window after publishing?
A bit of background: I was able to achieve this using <center></center> tags a few years ago. But I have since upgraded to CS5 and I understand that this old method is now obsolete.
I have found a few threads/forums that address this, but I know nothing about HTML and these threads don't help me because they assume you have more knowledge than I possess. When opening up the index.html file in Dreamweaver I can't find anything that looks vaguely familiar to what is being discussed. I have found some code samples using <div></div> tags but have no idea where to place it.
So I will need it explained to me in a step by step fashion, including which file I need to fix and what program I should use. Code samples will be very welcome if you can tell me exactly where it goes.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Box That Fades In When Pressed On The Button And Fade Out When Pressed For The Second Time?

Nov 16, 2004

I have a function on root:

_root.fadeBox_mc.onEnterFrame = function (){
if (fade){

This causes a mc to fade in and out on rollover/rollout. But what I wanna make is a box that fades in when pressed on the button and fade out when pressed for the second time. But if I say

on (press){
_root.fade = true;

the mc fades in, but I cant do another on (press) to fade out. Is this too confusing?

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Find Which Button Has Been Chosen?

Nov 26, 2009

I have a number of different buttons which I have calledred, blue and green (instance name)I want a piece of code that recognises which of the button red, blue, yellow and green has been chosen.note these are buttons and not radiobuttons.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Close Browser Window On Clicking SWF Quit Button

Mar 2, 2009

Any suitable script that will close the browser on clicking a swf quit button as the fscommand below does not work.
close_btn.onRelease = function(){
This is for a Moodle application where the swf is opened in a new browser window and it would be cool to close it with the swf quit button.

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Professional :: Changing Height Of MovieClip As Of Browser Player Window

Sep 9, 2010

Task of my code that movieclip added on stage, change its size - height when change size of browsers (player) window thus height movieclip = height browsers(player) window.

That is my code:
package {import flash.display.*;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.StageAlign;
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
[Code] .....

In the issue MovieClip menubg added on stage but when I change size of window I get error:
TypeError: Error #1009: It is not possible to cause property or a method referring to object "null".at ZhMenu/onResize()
And menubg dont change its size of course.

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Professional :: Stop A Browser Window Opening Up When The Email Link Is Clicked?

Jul 19, 2010

how to stop a browser window opening up when the email link is clicked? I'm using a button with this script:
getURL("mailto: ");

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Professional :: When Highlighted A Word In The Past Such As "null" It Use To Pull Up The Word And The Info In All The Books?

Feb 18, 2009

system to browse offline howeverthis doesn't work correctly for any less then ActionScript 3. Whenyou highlighted a word in the past such as "null" it use to pull upthe word and the info in all the books. Now all I see is a webbrowser that doesn't do this for me. I mean who sits there atadobe's end and thinks up of ways to slow someone down like this??How can you remove the corequick linking from the program.Number 1 not everyone is on AS3 and some of us still have to updateAS2 code.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tricky Navigation - Replace The Chosen Button?

May 23, 2002

i got 5 buttons in a row. on mouseover i want to replace the chosen button with 3 or 4 buttons (they should smoothly, vertically come up and all other buttons should come closer, depending on the longest of the new buttons). on rollout i want to go back to the first button.

so, i put the first row of buttons on frame 1 (the actions stop). on mouseover it keeps going to frame 2 and smoothly the buttons come up. on 5 there s a stop action. on rollout it keeps going to frame 8, where its back to normal again. on a second mouseover its supposed to go to frame 2. and theres the problem, sometimes it works, sometimes not.

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Php :: View Word Docs And PDF In Browser?

Mar 8, 2012

I am currently working on a site that has to have the ability for users to view documents that are uploaded, however they need to be viewable in browser.I know there is the Google docs viewer (however this does not seem to work when trying toopen it in a fancybox overlay), but are they any other alternatives, maybe some API's that could turn them into Flash or similar, and then I could simply embed it as a swf?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Link To Rather Open Up A Download Window Instead Of Just A New Browser Window?

Oct 30, 2009

i have a flash site that links to PDF's with the navigateToURL function which works etc But now i would like Link to rather open up a download window instead of just a new browser window?

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