Rollover Rollout On Button?
May 21, 2009
There is a flash which have a small navigation on the buttom. There is a small arrow on the buttom when the mouse rollover on the arrow the arrow is gone dissaper and the navigation show on the stage. When i rollout the mouse its collaps but when my mouse pointer is in the swf area. If i have rollout quickly form the navigation out of the swf area (on html). It's not working.
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Oct 19, 2005
I am trying to figure out how to make a bottom bar similar to the one seen ontions inside the bar- here's what I've got so far:as you can see I have a date/time MC inside the bar_mc which is working fine but whenever I try to have a new rollover/rollout movieclip (or button) inside the bar_mc it won't work/won't show rollover animation.
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Nov 17, 2009
i have followed the complex button tutorial today to design a websites buttons..
I wanted each button to link to a seperate frame for each seperate page of the site.
The roll out effect is all in one movieclip, with the actions on frame one (below)
//stop(); this.onEnterFrame = function(){
but I have had no success, it works perfectly for URL's typically!
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Sep 24, 2007
i need to make a button out of an image and i want it to go BW (black & white) when rollOver and back to color when RollOut.
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Nov 12, 2009
I am a complete novice in Flash and action scripting, but i'm trying to create a button for a website that simply fades in on roll over and fades out on roll off. I've successfully managed to make the roll over effect work, but i'm struggling to figure out how to reverse the animation on roll off.
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Feb 10, 2011
I have 7 buttons on my stage (buttonA, buttonB, etc) all MC's. I would like to control the RollOver, RollOut & CLick with AS3. At first I thought I could just tell my button Listener where to go
i.e. gotoAndStop(2) which is RollOver state.
or gotoAndStop(3) which is Click state.
and gotoAndStop(1) which is RollOut state.
But when I "Click" and then rollout, I need the button to stay "clicked" until some other button is "clicked".
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Feb 9, 2009
I'm in the process of building a Flash AS3 navigation for a client's website. The horizontal navigation has five main links, and a secondary navigation will drop down under three of them on rollover (this part isn't complete yet). The rollover and rollout states are animated: on rollover they gradually change color; on rollout they gradually change back to the original color.Well, I've finally gotten the code figured out (my first foray into AS3 after finally being comfortable with some things in AS2!). However, depending on how you move the mouse (i.e., if you move the mouse over the button too quickly), the rollover state remains on rollout and I can't figure out why. Can someone help? I also need to know how to designate an active state when the button is clicked (say, if you clicked on Projects, the Projects button would be highlighted (the rollover state) when you're on that page.The link to the in-progress navigation is located here: http:[url].... And this is the AS:
var homeLink:URLRequest = new URLRequest("../index.htm");
var mySound:Sound = new clickSound();
home_mc.buttonMode = true;[code]......
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Jan 23, 2011
A friend of mine asked me to build a web site. Since I am a graphic illustrator and that I know a lot of After Effects, he tought that that would be easy for me building his site.Well, here I am, stuck with this flash problem (I am a nuke in actionScript). The guy wants an interactive map of the best country in the world, that is, Canada.When the users mouse hovers a province, a little rollover/rollout animation plays. Actually, it took me about three weeks to make it work, but it works.Now, this is wheretrying to figure out how to trigger a movieclip with a rollover/rollout button. When the users mouse hovers an important city (in this example, Ottawa, Ontario), on rollover, it should play the movieclip box_mc up to frame 40 and on rollout, play the rest of the movieclip
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Feb 17, 2009
my buttons are getting stuck on fast rollovers and rollouts and i cant work out why. Ive followed that simple tut on how to make those long rollover buttons but in a small form yet they get stuck if you move of them too fast and i cant work out why.I have stop actions on frames 1 and 6 which is correct to what the video shows and i have.[code]
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May 26, 2005
1. Im wanting the button movieclip to play a certain part of a different movie when on the roll over state...
2. Im also wanting the button to play an external swf in a container mc: http:[url]....can this done using the button mc.
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Dec 1, 2005
I have used code in the "Complex Button RollOut/RollOver Effects" tutorial for a menu in my media, but after trying and trying I can't make the button stop on last size when I click it, and the then make it play again when click it a second time.
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Jun 29, 2007
how to open a new window when you click on the button, I am looking to jump to a frame label in the same movie, I tried adding the goto function in place of the get url but it wont work. This button is on the main timeline in scene 1 and I need it to go to a frame thats labeled port on its release.
here is a link to the tutorial you currently have: [URL]
View 7 Replies
Sep 28, 2009
I know a lot of people had asked questions about this Complex Button RollOver/RollOut Effects.url...This tutorial is very helpful, but i am having trouble with linking the button to my movie clip container.In the tutorial the code is this:[code]I am trying to combine with this tutorial:url...But i want the button onRelease to load a swf into my mc_container, but when i click the button it doesn't load my movies. does anyone know the code i need for this button to load external swf's into my conatiner, through this complex button?[code]
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Jul 19, 2011
While browsing the site I found the link of as2 script. [URL]
But unable to replicate the script in as3.
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Jan 27, 2007
I was following the tutorial for the RollOver/RollOut effects button...and I came into a snag. Everything worked great...with exception for a little bit that I wanted to change.
I wanted the rollover/rollout effect but have multiple buttons with different links. In this tutorial, you can only go to one URL. I was interested in using the rollover/rollout feature as part of a dropdown menu in flash. [URL].Is there any way to take the following line of code and play with the instance names?
this.onRelease = function(){ getURL("","_blank"); }
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Jul 12, 2005
Take a look at the following sites; and notice their menus. Both have a rollover and rollout on their buttons, and when the button is hit the button stays down until another button is pressed. In the scissor sisters site, the neon bar still fades out after another has been pressed.
Franz Ferdinand
Scissor Sisters
I am trying to achieve this myself with my own site, which you can view in progess here:
My Site
I have mastered the button rollOver and rollOut effect, in which i gathered the code from a kirupa tutorial. My problem is, getting the neon bar to stay underneath teh last button that has been pressed.The main movie is located on the main timeline in frame 2, because frame 1 contains the pre loader.
The actions for frame 2 of the main timeline are:
total = movieLoader.getBytesTotal();
loads = movieLoader.getBytesLoaded();
Now the buttons are not buttons, they are movieclips, which are located on the stage, and have instance names of b1 for news, b2 for biography etc etcInside the movieclip, the animation of the neon bar fading in takes 25 frames, and this has a stop action on the end.
This code is placed on the first frame:
news.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(rewind == true)
So now my problem is to make sure that the last button clicked leaves the underline bar down until the next button is pressed.
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Mar 23, 2007
I started working on a little page of mine, and I already ran into some trouble hehe. I'm kind of learning as I go along. Heres the script I'm having some trouble with:
ActionScript Code:
this.qmbacking.onRollOver = function() {
//tweens rolling in the menu
View 6 Replies
May 24, 2003
Just started using MX and learning ActionScript. How to make a button rollover/rollout target another movieclip using AS. (Before I was just putting an instance of my _mc on the OVER frame of the button. The problem is, whe I went to the AS menu, I couldn't find tellTarget anywhere. Later I found out its depreciated since v.5. What can I use in MX to substitute for this wonderful function???
View 5 Replies
Jul 13, 2003
I have an mc with a button nested inside and on this button I have AS for the rollOver and rollOut to play certain frames of the mc. The problem is when I use this mc (called 'mybutton_mc') in a menu system and I want to add AS to it to navigate to different areas, ie adding onPress to this mc, it kill's the AS on the rollOver and rollOut functions of the button within.
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Sep 27, 2009
I need to do a little swf for a webpage that show a map the idea was to create on mouseover a Roll In and with a mouseout a Roll Out.
so i downloaded the template from kirupa, Complex Button RollOver/RollOut Effect
i personalized to my needs and it works fine
at the end of the roll in the zoom in should stop and i have three buttons who send me to other three sites
when i put the button on the stage this will not work.. probably is the code of the complexbutton who blocks the other buttonfunction....
im getting mad trying some possibilitys but nothing will work
an example of who i need to do the swf is on the site [URL]
i post the code of the complexbutton
this.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(rewind == true){
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Apr 3, 2011
i have created a navigation bar for my website and i need to add a url to the movie clip, it has roll over and roll out but when i put the url on it cuts out the roll over and roll outs.. what do i do?
im using the coding...
on (rollOver) {_root.home.gotoAndPlay(2)
on (rollOut) {_root.home.gotoAndPlay(1)
View 5 Replies
Aug 25, 2004
Im trying to write a global fucntion for button rollOver, rollOut animation.
here's what I have as of right now.
On the root timeline::
function buttonFade(fade) {
if (fade) {
Im still wishy washy on function syntax..
View 11 Replies
Sep 28, 2010
I need some help figuring out why my rollout is not working on this menu:I put some little close buttons at the bottom just to link them closed for now.Rollout isn't working.My code for each link is a movie clip with two frames for example links on "mens"Frame 1:
mens.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, mensMouseOver, false, 0, true);
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Jan 12, 2010
where on rollover of a button, the surrounding fade(alpha decrease) and on rollout, it returns to normal.
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Mar 16, 2005
I have created this menu with 5 buttons. The script attached to these buttons tells a movie clip to play certain sections of the clip to create the mouse over mouse out effect. The problem is if I move the cursor away too quickly the rollOut does not happen and the button is left in rollOver state.
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Nov 13, 2009
I'm trying to create a rollover for a movie clip. On rollover, a line underlines the text,and when it rolls out, the underline reverses. This works fine the first time. The next time you rollover, the animation doesn't work. Then when you move the mouse off the button, a line appears under the text and doesn't go away. Here's my code on the invisible button.
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May 7, 2002
This is my first post here and it my be a hard one to understand? Overview I have four buttons on the main stage (info) (help) (bio) (main) When you Rollover a button it fades to another color/when you rollout it fades back to the original color I have a script that does the color change because I do not want to use motion tweens. Here is what I did I made a 2 frame MC named infoMC In the 1st frame of the MC I made the word (info) a nested MC and attached the color change code to it. The 2nd frame of the MC Is the same as the 1st frame but I revesed the color change
View 8 Replies
Jun 23, 2009
I have an issue with the attached project (Flash 8). On the rollOver event, the shapes are supposed to turn yellow. On the rollOut event, the shapes should fade back to blue.It works well except in the case when you quickly rollOver then rollOut several times (try it with the largest shape at the bottom). If you do it fast enough, it seems to get hung on 'blue', the initial color.
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Oct 13, 2010
I am getting the following error on button's rollOver & rollOut property using actionscript 3.
The code:
Thumb1.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100;}Thumb1.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50;}
The error is :1119: Access of possibly undefined property onRollOver through a reference with static type flash.display:SimpleButton.
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Feb 18, 2009
so I'm currently working on a project where I will have the user mouse over an image (in this instance, a paint can) and ideally a menu should scroll up with information (which is a movie clip) and when the mouse comes off the menu would scroll back in. What I've currently got going is the paint can image as a button, and on another layer I've got the movie clip at 0% opacity. The action itself works, but the point in which the user has to mouse over is very finicky. There must be something I'm missing. I've worked with Flash years ago, so I'm a bit choppy.
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