i'm loading a dynamic text, but some spanish characters like " and " (i hope you see the characters in "") do not appear. Por example, the word "drsticas" which has the special character over the "a" appears "dricas", that is, it skips the letter with the special character and the 2 following letters.Anyway, i've tried using the embed option for dynamic texts, but may be i'm using it wrong.
I used tutorial to dynamically load text from a txt file. I put the following code into frame 1: loadText = new LoadVars(); loadText.onLoad = onText; loadText.load("TEXTPERSO.txt"); function onText () { // QuotesBox.html = true; QuotesBox.htmlText = this.myNews; }
And I added the following variable into my txt file: myNews=... ... This works fine as long there is no special character such +, etc. How to display all the caracters included in my txt file?
I have taken a dynamic text field with HTML property = true;
Some of the characters are working fine. But some of the special characters are not. For example the angle symbol "∠" is not working.
I found out the Decimal code for angle symbol (∠) and used it. It is working fine if I don't embed the font but when we embed the font (even with all the characters that flash support), it is not working.
I've got a dynamic text area pulling text from a MySQL database via AMFPHP.The text includes special characters such as accents,umlauts, etc (multi-language site platform). Most of them work fine, and ALL of them work fine when I'm on a Mac client. However, if I use a Windows client machine in either Firefox or IE6, there are a couple characters that for whatever reason just don't seem to show up-instead I get the [] box character.
The only characters I've found that seem to be affected like this are European quote characters like ' " and " (hex characters 146, 147, 148). I'm using the familiar ampersand-pound-number-semicolon escape sequence for them. And like I said, they all display fine on Mac/Firefox and Mac/Safari. Why are all my other special characters (umlauts, accents, etc) working fine and just these things failing? It's also worth noting that they look fine if I dump them out to a PHP file and pull it up in a browser...
im having some troubles getting flash to show chacracters like (vital characters in the swedish language) i have a mysql database set up with the variable i wanna show.a .php document that gives it to it.the mysql table has the right variable in it ( it seems to allow those characters)the .php document that transfers the variables seems to also allow it but they are just ommited in the .swf movie
im aware of a small error in the .php file but it does not affect the test=2 page
in my projects i often use some xml files to load external text that i can format in css and it worked fine till now..i have a site that i am prograaming in italian and german and in both languages there is much text that contains special characters as "à " "ò" "è" "ù" "ä" "ü" and so on .. the problem is that when i write some text with this special characters in xml when the text is loaded in the flash this special characters are not recognised and instead of them a small square is displayed ..
i tryed to load the text from a html file instead of a xml file (because in HTML i know how to write theese special characters and let them display right in my html pages .. for example à = à but no way .. the flash now loades the text à instead of à ..
I have a flash-application (done with CS4) in which a particular Textbox, which is vertical fails to display characters with a hacek (ˇ) on top. If such a character appears with in a string that is to be shown, it is simply dropped, leaving the string crippled.
This baffles me since characters with hacek work on other (horizontal) textfields in the same .swf with the same Font (Arial) work just fine. I also tried manually telling flash to embed these characters for this textfield, but to no avail. Even entering characters with hacek in the flash IDE works without problems.
I am not very familiar with flash, this application has been developed by a co-worker who is no longer employed here.
I have an input text field with embedded fonts together with embedded special characters. I published my app on MAC, when I use my app on mac - all is fine all special characters are displayed correctly - but when I test it on Windows - special characters do not appear or I get wrong characters when I type. I'm confused - becase I have embedded fonts etc - and all should work but for some reason it does't...
I am having a hard time getting special characters such to show up in my text fields...I am trying to use IMPACT font and the texts tweens larger when the user mouses over it...and tweens back to normal when you mouse off...now I noticed that when I do not embed any characters...they will show up...but the tweening looks so bad and grainy...but when I embed the Upper Case, Lower Case, Numbers, and Punctuation those characters disappear...is there another set that I should be choosing to embed those special characters? Or do I have to manually enter those in?
I have taken over an old project of a registration page after a short quiz and for some reason it is not possible to enter special characters in the text input field. example: @ but it is also not possible to enter a y or a capital W and some others. I have not found any thread or google infos on this problem and am short of reprogramming the whole thing in as3 which is very tedious because the whole site is still running as2 and we do not have time nor money to update.
I think this can be really easy however i'm not reaching the answer of this question. i have text inputs .......and i want to restrict the input to only Numbers...mytextbox.restrict = "0-9"; now when i try entering the values it works fine.....but but.....i doesn't accept any special characters.and i want it to atleast accept '.' because i want to accept decimal values
I am having issue with my created flash, it can't handle chinese characters? is there some way i can handle this thru code? or should there be any font or language pack installed
1) Each field in the form only allows 3 characters and no special characters such as @ _ ! . , etc... 2) When the user goes to the next field in the form, the previous field appears blank but the when clicking on that again, the original text appears. 3) When submitting the form, it just keeps saying "in progress" and never shows the confirmation text nor does the email get sent. There is an HTML file included with this form but I am not sure if I need to put that in as I have embedded this form into an SWF file so I don't think I need that code but let me know if I am wrong about this. I am posting both the AS code and PHP code below..
In Flash 8.If I use a special font to display a label for dynamic text(the content is updated at runtime) is there a way to automatically install this font if not already installed?
I am working on a Flex app that has a MySQL database. Data is retrieved from the DB using PHP then I am using AMFPHP to pass the data on to FlexThe problem that I am having is that the data is being copied from Word documents which sometimes result in some of the more unusual characters are not displaying properly. For example, Word uses different characters for starting and ending double quotes instead of just " (the standard double quotes). Another example is the long dash instead of -.All of these characters result in one or more accented capital A characters appearing instead. Not only that, each time the document is saved, the characters are replaced again resulting in an ever-increasing number of these accented A's appearing.
Doing a search and replace for each troublesome character to swap it for one of the none characters seems to work but obviously this requires compiling a list of all the characters that may appear and means there is scope for this continuing as new characters are used for the first time. It also seems like a bit of a brute force way of getting round the problem rather than a proper solution.Does anyone know what causes this and have any good workarounds / fixes? I have had similar problems when using utf-8 characters in html documents that aren't set to use utf-8. Is this the same thing and if so, how do I get flex to use utf-8?
I've got an XML-RPC server-client setup with Flash as the front-end and Delphi as the back-end. I'm essentially sending Strings which contain XML to Flash from Delphi. It's working without any real issues but one: Sometimes the Delphi side needs to send a ">" or "<" character in a string (e.g. "dn < ds").
This causes a problem when I try to convert the string to XML because Flash interprets that as malformed (the ">" or "<" could signify a tag). Will I have to comb the string for any occurrences and then escape them (as in "%gt;" for ">" and "%lt;" for "<") myself, or is there possibly some built-in method of dealing with those?
I've been looking on several fourms but have yet to find the answer to how to fix special characters. Maybe I'm not looking in the right place but if someone could point me there. I looked at the fourm on kirupa but it didn't solve my problem. Right know my dynamic text has & a p o s; in it. My xml file is encoding="UTF-8" and I used System.useCodepage = true; but still no luck. I also embedding my font.
I have a text field and I fill its content dynamically with an xml, however i noticed that my customer wants some words to be links, is it possible for me to load a sort of html text into a text field? id like also to create links in some words inside the text field and put listeners to only those specific words, its that possible?
I need to load an xml with some special characters, I do the following:
objXML = new XML();objXML.onLoad = getLoaded;objXML.load("xml.xml");
xml.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> .....
I tried also : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-7"?> ..In the text fields that I did embending the text field is empty, no characters at all. In the text fields that I didnt put embed they say : undefined. When i remove the special characters from the xml is working orite.
I have a Flash file saved as version 8 with the following script calling an xml file:
When posted online my flash file displays the encoding tag in the xml file. AND the apostrophe, ampersand and quote marks display as html code instead of the actual character. I can take the encoding tag out of the xml file but my characters still don't display correctly. My dynamic text field in flash (myText) does have special characters embedded, plus I have them entered manually in the field for 'include these characters'.
I have some XML. The apostrophe and dashes don't display. Is there a way to handle it without resorting to & ? It is the dash right after the underlined title. For the apostrophe, I went ahead and used ITSD's (for ITSD's). Just wondering if I have to that with every special character.
The display in the TextArea Component puts a little box in places where the dash and apostrophe are.
I am working on project in flex 3, where user enters some text which is to be stored in a mysql database and shown later. I am using XML for data transfer from flex to php and vice-versa. SimpleXMLElement in php is being used to create the XML. The problem is the XML breaks on special characters.Here is sample code:
var someXML:XML = <root><data>somedata</data><data>...</data> ... </root> var data:Object = {}; data.xmlData = someXML;
Here somedata is the data entered by the user. In php, I extract the someXML using SimpleXMLElement and store it to mysql. There is no problem till here. Even if somedata has special characters its working fine and data is stored properly.Now, in the other case, getting data from database and showing in flex, the response from the php breaks with an error:
I tried using urlencode in php, and decodeURI function in flex, but the decoded string is not the same, few special characters are still %xy after decoding.
I downloaded a flash template and I need to add special characters (Greek Language) to: fonts.fla. After editing the file the flash is not loading anymore.
Notice : This is an AS3 project and you can only add AS3 SWF files When publishing your custom SWF file be sure to add this method to your actionscript file: public function startModule():void { //inside this method you can start your transitions to show the content }
In ActionScript3 i wanted to get the text between 2 quotes from some HTML using a input index value where i would simply increase the 2nd quote characters value by 1. This would be very simple however i have now noticed using indexOf does not seem to work correctly with quotes and other special characters.[code]...
I'm trying to display some special characters like "<", not equal sign and all other math sign in Flash. I want it to display in an htmlText field, wether its from externel text file or not.Now here's what i know so far1. I cant display these characters if the text field is embeeded. But i need it to be embeeded coz if it's not the other characters would display hairy and strange.2. I can display the "+" sign if i code it to %2b. I read that the code for "<" is %3c, but it doesn't work. Don't know why.